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荷蘭Erasmus 醫學中心免疫學家Tom Cupedo(未參與該研究) 說:“我們一直認為免疫系統器官發育是一個獨立自主的過程。但現在我認為,這篇論文表明了事實上孕婦的飲食可以影響免疫系統器官,以及由此影響免疫系統功能……形成。”
Maternal retinoids control type 3 innate lymphoid cells and set the offspring immunity
Serge A. van de Pavert, Manuela Ferreira, Rita G. Domingues, Hélder Ribeiro, Rosalie Molenaar, Lara Moreira-Santos, Francisca F. Almeida, Sales Ibiza, Inês Barbosa, Gera Goverse, Carlos Labão-Almeida, Cristina Godinho-Silva, Tanja Konijn, Dennis Schooneman, Tom O’Toole, Mark R. Mizee, Yasmin Habani, Esther Haak, Fabio R. Santori,Dan R. Littman, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Elaine Dzierzak, J. Pedro Simas, Reina E. Mebius &Henrique Veiga-Fernandes
The impact of nutritional status during fetal life on the overall health of adults has been recognized; however, dietary effects on the developing immune system are largely unknown. Development of secondary lymphoid organs occurs during embryogenesis and is considered to be developmentally programmed. Secondary lymphoid organ formation depends on a subset of type 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) named lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells. Here we show that mouse fetal ILC3s are controlled by cell-autonomous retinoic acid (RA) signalling in utero, which pre-sets the immune fitness in adulthood. We found that embryonic lymphoid organs contain ILC progenitors that differentiate locally into mature LTi cells. Local LTi cell differentiation was controlled by maternal retinoid intake and fetal RA signalling acting in a haematopoietic cell-autonomous manner. RA controlled LTi cell maturation upstream of the transcr-ption factor RORγt. Accordingly, enforced expressi0n of Rorgt restored maturation of LTi cells with impaired RA signalling, whereas RA receptors directly regulated the Rorgt locus. Finally, we established that maternal levels of dietary retinoids control the size of secondary lymphoid organs and the efficiency of immune responses in the adult offspring. Our results reveal a molecular 1ink between maternal nutrients and the formation of immune structures required for resistance to infection in the offspring.