?英文名稱:Human glutathione S-transferases,GSTs ELISA Kit
?有效期: 4 個月(4℃);8 個月(-20℃)。
?保存方法: 2-8℃(頻繁使用時); -20℃(長時間不用時)。
深圳子科生物自主研發酶聯免疫分析檢測試劑盒,品牌為ZIKER,可以檢測Human,Rat、Mouse、Porcine、Sheep、Monkey、Goat、Bovine、Canine、Rabbit、Chicken、Duck、Fish、Plant 等各種樣本,品種齊全,質量保證,免費代測、技術全程支持服務,我公司長期跟各大高校科研實驗室保持課題合作,經驗豐富,質量穩定!我們所有的產品都是我司直接供貨,無中間差價,直接供貨,讓您以*惠的實驗預算完成您的實驗!
人谷胱甘肽S轉移酶(GSTs)ELISA檢測試劑盒Assay procedure
1. Prepare all reagents before starting assay procedure. It is recommended that all Standards and Samples be added in duplicate to the Microelisa Stripplate.
2. Add standard: Set Standard wells, testing sample wells. Add standard 50μl to standard well.
3. Add Sample: Add testing sample 10μl then add Sample Diluent 40μl to testing sample well; Blank well doesn’t add anyting.
4. Add 100μl of HRP-conjugate reagent to each well, cover with an adhesive strip and incubate for 60 minutes at 37°C.
5. Aspirate each well and wash, repeating the process four times for a total of five washes. Wash by filling each well with Wash Solution (400μl) using a squirt bottle, manifold dispenser or autowasher. Complete removal of liquid at each step is essential to good performance. After the last wash, remove any remaining Wash Solution by aspirating or decanting. Invert the plate and blot it against clean paper towels.
6. Add chromogen solution A 50μl and chromogen solution B 50μl to each well. Gently mix and incubate for 15 minutes at 37°C. Protect from light.
7. Add 50μl Stop Solution to each well. The color in the wells should change from blue to yellow. If the color in the wells is green or the color change does not
appear uniform, gently tap the plate to ensure thorough mixing.
8. Read the Optical Density (O.D.) at 450 nm using a microtiter plate reader within 15 minutes.
Calculation of results
1.This standard curve is used to determine the amount in an unknown sample. The standard curve is generated by plotting the average O.D. (450 nm) obtained for each of the six standard concentrations on the vertical (Y) axis versus the corresponding concentration on the horizontal (X) axis.
2.First, calculate the mean O.D. value for each standard and sample. All O.D. values, are subtracted by the mean value of the zero standard before result interpretation. Construct the standard curve using graph paper or statistical software.
3.To determine the amount in each sample, first locate the O.D. value on the Y-axis and extend a horizontal line to the standard curve. At the point of intersection, draw a vertical line to the X-axis and read the corresponding concentration.
4.Any variation in operator, pipetting and washing technique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age can cause variation in result. Each user should obtain their own standard curve.
5.The sensitivity by this assay is 10.0 pg/ml
6.Standard curve
Storage: 2-8℃.
validity: six months.
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