【LS培養基(含緩沖液),Linsmaier & Skoog with Buffer, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; pH buffered to 5.7 +/-0.2,LSP03-1LT】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:Linsmaier & Skoog with Buffer, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; pH buffered to 5.7 +/-0.2
【LS培養基(含緩沖液),Linsmaier & Skoog with Buffer, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; pH buffered to 5.7 +/-0.2,LSP03-1LT】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優,部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優惠信息。
【h Buffer, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; pH buffered to 5.7 +/-0.2,LSP03-1LT】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
大豆*肉湯,Tryptic Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium),211824
MS培養基(不含磷酸鹽,含維生素),Murashige and Skoog without Phosphate, With macro- and micronutrients; without phosphate,MSP19-50LT
大豆*血瓊脂基礎2,Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No. 2,227300
LURIA瓊脂基礎,Luria Agar Base, Miller,211829
mFC瓊脂,m FC Agar,267710
BBLTM胰蛋白大豆瓊脂,Trypticase? Soy Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar Medium),211046
吉蘭糖膠I型,Gellan Gum, Type I, Produces a transparent gel with a transmittance ≥ 90% and gel strength ≥ 600 g/cm; Use at 2-4 g/L,G038-10KG
MS培養基含維生素、硝酸銨和硝酸鉀,Murashige & Skoog with Vitamins, With macronutrients, micronutrients and vitamins. Modified with 616 mg/L ammonium nitrate and 1532 mg/L potassium nitrate.,MSP23-10LT
香蕉基礎培養基,Banana AGS Basal Medium, With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, and hormones.,BMP02-1LT
赤霉素(GA3),Gibberellic Acid (GA3), >90%,G001-5GM
微繁殖瓊脂-II型,Micropropagation Agar-Type II, Dervied from Gelidium. Softer gel strength than A038 agar; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A037-10KG
膽汁七葉苷瓊脂,Bile Esculin Agar Base,299068
疊氮化合物血瓊脂基礎,Azide Blood Agar Base,240920
Middlebrook 7H10瓊脂,Middlebrook 7H10 Agar,262710
禾谷類細胞組織培養基,Cereal Crops Medium, With macro- and micronutrients, amino acids, and carbohydrates. (Bottle Packaging),CCP01-5LT
哥倫比亞CNA瓊脂,Columbia CNA Agar,212104
TINSDALE營養添加劑 15ML,Tinsdale Enrichment, Desiccated, 15 mL,234210
氨轉移培養基,Transport Medium Amies,212225
瓶裝酵母浸膏 500G,Yeast Extract, Bacto,212750
吉蘭糖膠I型,Gellan Gum, Type I, Produces a transparent gel with a transmittance ≥ 90% and gel strength ≥ 600 g/cm2; Use at 2-4 g/L.,G038-500GM
SS瓊脂,SS Agar Salmonella Shigella,212118
M9低鹽培養基,M9 Minimal Salts, 5x,248510
M FC肉湯基礎,m FC Broth Base,288320
Schaedler肉湯,Schaedler Broth,212191
細胞分裂素(MT),meta-Topolin, CAS# 75737-38-1; MW 241.25; Plant tissue culture tested,T039-1GM
Nitsch & Nitsch培養基(含維生素),Nitsch & Nitsch with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins,NNP03-1LT
MS培養基含維生素,Murashige & Skoog with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients, FeNaEDTA, and vitamins (Bottle Packaging),MSP20-10LT
酵母菌霉菌瓊脂,Yeast Mold Agar,271210
Heller培養基,Heller’s Medium, With macro- and micronutrients (Pouch Packaging),HEP01-10LT.1
玉簪屬草本植物初期階段I培養基,Caisson’s Stage I Hosta Initiation Medium , With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, peptone, and hormones. (Pouch
江萊生物經銷【h Buffer, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; pH buffered to 5.7 +/-0.2,LSP03-1LT】等數十萬種科研試劑,種類齊全,價格透明,質量品牌保證,傾力為國內國外生命科學研究人員提供*的產品。歡迎新老客戶!