【磷酸鹽緩沖液,Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2 FA Buffer, dried,223142】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2 FA Buffer, dried
【磷酸鹽緩沖液,Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2 FA Buffer, dried,223142】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優,部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優惠信息。
【, dried,223142】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
脫葉靈(噻苯隆),Thidiazuron (TDZ), >98%,T017-100MG
G-418硫酸鹽,G-418 Disulfate, G418 is an aminoglycoside used as a selection agent in eukaryotic cells containing the neomycin phosphotransferase gene. >770ug/mg CAS# 108321-42-2 Compare to Geneticin,G030-10GM
KAO & Michayluk培養基(含大量和微量元素),Kao & Michayluk, With macro- and micronutrients,KMP01-1LT
木本植物培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Lloyd & McCown’s Woody Plant Medium, With macro- and micronutrients,WPP03-1LT
泛酸鹽培養基,Pantothenate Medium,281610
MS培養基(不含硝酸鹽),Murashige and Skoog without nitrates, With macronutrients and micronutrients. Without Nitrates.,MSP10-50LT
脫葉靈(噻苯隆),Thidiazuron (TDZ), >98%,T017-1GM
耶爾森菌添加劑C 10ML,Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN (Cefsulodin-Novobiocin), 10 mL,231961
布魯氏瓊脂,Brucella Agar,211086
營養瓊脂,1.5%,Nutrient Agar 1.5%,269100
緩沖酪蛋白胨水,Buffered Peptone Casein Water,214939
WL營養肉湯,WL Nutrient Broth,247110
6-呋喃氨基嘌呤(激動素),Kinetin (6-Furfurylaminopurine), >99%,K001-100GM
SS瓊脂,SS Agar Salmonella Shigella,212118
Gelzan植物凝膠,Gelzan, Highest grade gellan gum available (Formerly named Gelrite ); Produces a very transparent gel; Use at 2 - 4g/L,G024-25KG
Letheen肉湯,Letheen Broth (AOAC),268110
MIO培養基,MIO Medium,273520
乳酸桿菌MRS肉湯,Lactobacilli MRS Broth,288120
麥芽糖,Maltose (+), monohydrate,216810
玉簪屬草本植物增殖階段II培養基,Caisson’s Stage II Hosta Multiplication Medium , With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, peptone, and hormones.,HSP02-50LT
DKW培養基(含維生素),DKW Medium, With macronutrients, micronutrients, and vitamins,DKP02-50LT
Phytoblend植物凝膠,Phytoblend, Proprietary blend of agars (compare to Phytagar ) Use at 7 - 9g/L,PTP01-2.5KG
磷酸鹽緩沖器,PH7.2,Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2,211544
哥倫比亞CNA瓊脂,Columbia CNA Agar,294221
TC凝膠(瓊脂和Gelzan凝膠混合物),TC Gel, Proprietary blend of agar and Gelzan; Use at 4 - 6g/L,PTP02-5KG
MS改良非洲紫羅蘭和大巖桐增值培養基(含植物生長調節劑),Murashige and Skoog Modified African Violet/Gloxinia Multiplication Basal Medium, With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins and plant growth regulators.,MSP39-1LT
酵母氮源基礎,Yeast Nitrogen Base,239210
沙氏葡萄糖瓊脂,Sabouraud Dextrose Agar,210950
TC凝膠(瓊脂和Gelzan凝膠混合物),TC Gel, Proprietary blend of agar and Gelzan; Use at 4 - 6g/L,PTP02-5GM
尿素瓊脂基礎,Urea Agar Base,211795
瓶裝運動性試驗培養基,Motility Test Medium,211436
Schaedler肉湯,Schaedler Broth,212191
mFC瓊脂,m FC Agar,267720
江萊生物經銷【, dried,223142】等數十萬種科研試劑,種類齊全,價格透明,質量品牌保證,傾力為國內國外生命科學研究人員提供*的產品。歡迎新老客戶!