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歡迎詢價/采購: (歐陽英)
ITCC。高速旋轉設備的控制,如汽輪機組控制,空壓機控制,高爐鼓風機控制。甚至渦輪發動機控制,燃氣輪機控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。 做ESD,F&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統,是要認證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認證。 同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。 同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex 叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。 CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD; 橫河,Emerson的安全系統則基本上只做ESD,F&GS,不做ITCC。 Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。 SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統 ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機上叫ETS。
Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.
: (備注“歐陽英"收)
NEW OLD STOCK Alpha Getriebebau GmbH Gear Box, # TPK-110-MF3-42-041-000
NEW Gam Gear Dyna Series, DS-HB-140-150A-S012, P/N 890059, Ratio:150:1, NNB
Cone Drive Operat. AccuDrive Right Angle Gearhead RG151060SSAF03BGKC-Z WARRANTY
Yamaai 2-Speed Gearbox off Nakamura-Tome Slant 1 CNC Turning Center, NTY11, Used
Cone Drive Operat. AccuDrive Right Angle Gearhead W0380060SSAA03BEGCJ WARRANTY
Boston Gear Reducer 700 Series, SF721B-5NS-B7 J1, USED, WARRANTY
Morse Raider Plus Gear Reducer, 2.45 HP, 5:1 Ratio, # 175Q56H5, WARRANTY
Micron Planetary Gearbox 100:1 Ratio, Size 10, 34-510-204-4523, WARRANTY
US Motors Varidrive 1/2 HP Gear Reducer Motor, # VAVGW, Used, WARRANTY
Morse Worm Gear Reducer 7.5:1 Ratio, # 18GCT 7.5 L 56C, WARRANTY
NEW Pei Gong Planetary Gear Reducer, # PMH50X1/57.7, WARRANTY
NEW Makishinko Speed Reducer, Right Angle, 50:1 Ratio, Size 80, Type B, WARRANTY
Sew-EuroDrive Inc. Motor, DRE80M4/FG, 1 HP, 1740 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
Micron 34-510-204-2061 Planetary Gearbox 100:1 Ratio, Size 10, Used, WARRANTY
Boston Gear Reducer, Input HP 7.060, Output Torque 2306, 10:1 Ratio, Used
Micron Right Angle Gearbox 10:1 Ratio, Size 14, ATR014-010-S0, Used, WARRANTY
Toyo Seimitsu Precision Gear Head, BK3-29B-02FAZA, Used, WARRANTY
Morse 2 HP Cap. Worm Gear Reducer 5:1 Ratio, # 18GSF 56C 100, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Dodge 175 Tigear MR94754 Reducer, Size / Ratio 56/175-30, NIB, WARRANTY
NEW Boston 700 Series Speed Reducer, # F72140B5G, WARRANTY
Micron True Planetary Gearbox 3:1 Ratio, Size 6, 34-511-260-3039, Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK Grove Gear Flexaline 100:1 Gear Box, # DTMQ1175-2, FOAM ON REDUCER
Dayton Speed Reducer 4Z306B, 2 Hp Input, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Micron AccuTRUE True Planetary Gearhead, # 34-510-879-2342, WARRANTY
NEW Tsubaki Emerson MITER Right Angle Gear Box, Mod# ED2M-1-L-Y, 1:1 Ratio, NNB
NEW Falk Worm Reducer Gearbox 1175WOF3A, 10:1, NIB
Hub City 10:1 Gear Reducer, # 0221-12126-217, WARRANTY
Cyclo Index Parallel Shaft Mechanical Indexer, # 270-1, Used, WARRANTY
Alpha 3:1 Gear reduction Unit, Type# SP 100-M1-4E, Used, WARRANTY
Thomson Micron Nema True Planetary Gearhead, # 34-613240-5962, Used, WARRANTY
Boston Gear F71850B56 Gear Reducer, .37 HP, USED, WARRANTY
Sew-EuroDrive Inc. Gear Reduction Unit, Type R60A, Ratio 4.34, Used, WARRANTY
Generic Gear Reducer, SR220F-IEC71A, 10.2, USED, WARRANTY
Winsmith Right Angle Speed Reducer, Mod# 3CV, 12:1 Ratio, Used, WARRANTY
Hub City 5:1 Gear Reducer, # 0220-53254-0254, Used, WARRANTY
Bayside 15:1 Right Angle Gear Drive, # RA115-015, Used, WARRANTY
Grove Gold Gear Reducer 25:1, # BMQ232-1, Used, WARRANTY
Browning Speed Reducer Gear Box, 175Q56R10, Ratio:10 to 1, Excellent, WARRANTY
1/4 HP Boston Gear Motor, # F710-15-B5-J, 117 Output RPM, Used, WARRANTY
Bonfiglioli 45:1 Gear Reducer Unit, # MVF 49F1, Used, WARRANTY
Grove Gear Reducer 20:1, 0.230 HP, # B1100-2, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Oriental Motor Co. Gear Head Unit, 4GN180K, NNB, WARRANTY
Hub City 17.761:1 Poweratio II Gear Reducer, # 0220-40548-9001, WARRANTY
Boston Reductor Ratio Motor, # 226D-20, Used, WARRANTY
Morse Gear Reducer 1.1 Ratio, # 6M 1-0, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Grove Gear Vertical Mount High Riser Reducer Feet, # 133-20260, WARRANTY
NEW Oriental Motor Gearhead, # 4GK180K, WARRANTY
Moldavsky 1/2 HP Cap. Compact Gear Box 40:1 Ratio, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Grove Gear Vertical Mount High Riser Reducer Feet, # 1175-12211, WARRANTY
NEW Grove Gear J-Mount Base Feet, # 1206-12182, WARRANTY
Oriental Motor 5GK18 Gearhead, Used, WARRANTY
Marathon 100 HP Inverter Duty AC Motor, # 365TSTDS7922AN, Used, WARRANTY
Sumitomo Cyclo Drive, VM1-21911B, 3481:1 Ratio, 1 HP, 1750 RPM, Used, Warranty
Marathon 40 HP Inverter Duty AC Motor, 1180 RPM, 230/460 V, BVB 364TTFS4086BW
NEW 30 HP GE Energy Saver Extra Severe Duty AC Motor, 5KS365SS955D8, 460V
NEW Lincoln 7.5 HP Ultimate E Totally Enclosed Motor, AF6B7.5T61, WARRANTY
Marathon 60 HP XRI High Efficiency AC Motor, 1185 RPM, WC 404TTFS6086AN, Used
60 HP US Electric Vertical Motor, Type# JUE, 460V, Frame# 405UP, 1780 RPM, Used
60 HP US Electric Vertical Motor, Type# JUE, 460V, Frame# 405UP, 1780 RPM, (2)
Brown Pesl 7.5 HP Motor & Mood Pump Unit, # 5.1AZ 132S-4 4B3, Used, WARRANTY
Emerson 20 HP Energy Efficient Motor, U20E1D, AF18, Refurbished, WARRANTY
NEW Elektrim Energy Efficient Electric Motor, # ESh, 151041 CC025A, WARRANTY
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TT-4208-4300-E, Used, WARRANTY
Toshiba 3 Phase Induction Motor w/ DC Brake, VBKBD, Type # IKK, WARRANTY
Reliance Electric DC Servo Motor, # GI 100/200 fi, w/ Blower Motor, WARRANTY
NIB Tsubaki 0.2 kW Gear Motor, GMTA020-18U5V4H, 460VAC, 1:5 Ratio, 360 Out RPM
Westinghouse 60 HP AC Industrial Motor, 680B104G37, 1175 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
Toshiba 3 Phase Induction Motor w/ DC Brake, 11 / 7.5 KW, 2-Speed, Type# IKK (2)
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TTB1-4508-3029-C, 2000 RPM, (2) Used
WEG W21 Severe Duty 10 HP AC Motor, 00718EP3E132M, 230/460V, Fr: 132M, NEW
Sumitomo Direct Current Motor, # 14C09P4911, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Leeson 20 HP AC Electric Motor, # C256T34FB12C, 3450 RPM, WARRANTY
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TTB-4508-3029-C, 2000 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, # TTR-5302-107-A-18-T, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi AC Spindle Drive Motor, SJ-5.5 A, Off Mazak VQC-15/40, Used, WARRANTY
Unitec AG Kloten AC Motor, # SKF 100 LA 4, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Reliance 15 HP AC Motor, 230/460 V, 3520 RPM, Frame: 254TCY, P25S3056-EF
Leeson 25 HP AC Electric Motor, # 150081-60, 1740 RPM, Fr# 284TC, Used, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi 15 HP SF-E 3 Phase Induction Motor, 460V, 1160 RPM, Fr: 284T, Used
US Motors DC Motor, # 251CB652L00, 15 HP, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor 25 HP AC Industrial Motor, M4107T, 3510 RPM, Fr: 284TS, Used, WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Inverter Duty AC Motor, # 1329RC-ZD7F5H15VFC-2536, WARRANTY
Brook Crompton 10 HP AC Motor, 460 VAC, 3600 RPM, Rebuilt, Warranty
Siemens 21,3 kW (28.5 HP) AC Motor, 1LA7166-2AA61, 460V, 3535 RPM, Used
20 HP Lincoln TEFC AC Electric Motor, 1750 RPM, # TF 4370C, 230/460 V, Used,
NEW Sipco 180:1 Planetary Gear Reducer, # P-055-T180-20CB-B5G0-S-00, WARRANTY
NEW Sipco 100:1 Planetary Gear Reducer, # P105T100-15ST-B1S1-XX-S-00, WARRANTY
NEW 3 HP Marathon AC Motor, Cat# GT1211, JVN 213TTFBA6078AA, 230/460, 1185 RPM
Fanuc AC Servo Motor, A06B-0147-B675, W/ A860-0360-V501 Encoder, Used, WARRANTY
Fanuc AC Servo Motor, A06B-0147-B675, W/ A860-0360-T201 Encoder, Used, WARRANTY
Fanuc AC Servo Motor, A06B-0147-B675, w/ aA64 Encoder, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor 10 HP AC Motor, Cat# 85600H22, 230/460V, Frame 213TC, 3525 RPM, Used
Inland DC Motor TT 5302-11-A, Used, WARRANTY
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TTBL 4207-B40614-0271, TTBL 4207, WARRANTY
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TT 4207-007-B, TT 4207, Used, WARRANTY
Westinghouse Electric 25 HP AC Motor, 230/460V, 1770 RPM, Fr 284T, 25H4 TBFC-SKB
Lincoln 15 HP TEFC AC Motor, Frame 284TSC, 1170 RPM, 230-460 V, Used, WARRANTY
Inland DC Motor TT 5302-100-A, Used, WARRANTY
Goldline Brushless P.M. Servo Motor, B-204-B-11, 3600 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
New 1 HP Leeson AC Motor w/ Stearns Brake, Mod# C143T17FC30, Cat# 121556.00
NEW GTR / Nissei Induction Geared Motor, 1 HP, Ratio: 220V, 1:100, 17.3 Output
Scot Pump 3376K111B & Baldor AC Motor JMM3219TSB, 7.5 HP 230/460V 3450 RPM, Used
NEW Baldor 7.5 kw 10 HP AC Motor, Cat# MM3711, 230/460V, Frame D132S, 3500 RPM
Fanuc AC Servo Motor, A06B-0146-B675, W/ A860-0360-V501 Encoder, Used, WARRANTY
5 HP (3.7kW) Yaskawa 3 Ph Induction Motor, FELQ-5, Okamoto Grinder, 230/460
Siemens 17,3 kW (23 HP) AC Motor, 1LA7164-2AA61, 460V, 3525 RPM, Used
NEW GTR / Nissei Induction Geared Motor, GFMN-12-100-T25K, Ratio: 1:100, NIB
H & H Roberts 10HP High Speed Inverter Spindle Drive Motor, 220/440V, Used
Westinghouse 5 HP AC Industrial Motor, 680B765G45, 1755 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
Marathon 25 HP AC Motor, 1760 RPM, 230/460 V, Frame 284T, BB 284TTDR7026CCW
NEW GTR / Nissei Induction Geared Motor, GFMN-12-50-T25K, Ratio: 1:50, NIB
Baldor 7-1/2 HP AC Motor, 230/460V, Frame 213TC, 3450 RPM, 85.600017, Rebuilt
Magnetek 1.5 HP DC Motor w/ Reliance Master XL Speed Reducer
Tsubaki 0.75 kW Gear Motor, GMT075L50B, 460V, 50:1 Ratio, 36 Output RPM, Used
Reuland Electric AC Motor, 1.5 HP, W/ Magnetic Brake, # B0S0, 1800 RPM, 480V
NEW Baldor AC Electric Motor, M3610T-Z, 3 HP, 230/460 V, 3 PH, FR: 182TYZ, NIB
Worldwide Electric 7.5 HP AC Motor, WWE7.5-18-213T, 230/460V, Fr: 213T, Used
NEW CGI, Inc. Gear Reducer, 034PNX0030-XX-05720, 3:1, WARRANTY
NEW Sumitomo 1 HP Cyclo-Drive GearMotor, 59:1 Ratio, 460V, CNHM1-4115, NNB
Dayton 2N939-E AC Motor 10 HP, 1740 RPM, 230/460 VAC, 1 1/8" Shaft, WARRANTY
Delco 7.5 HP AC Motor, 1180 RPM, Frame# 256U, 460 V, # 4G3454, Used, WARRANTY
Tsubaki 0.1 kW Gear Motor, GMTA010-18U10V4, 460VAC, 1:10 Ratio, 180 Output RPM
Tsubaki 0.4 kW Gear Motor, GMTA040-38U165B, 220VAC, 165:1 Ratio, 10.9 Output RPM
Toshiba 5 HP EPACT AC Motor, B0054FLF2UYW, 230/460V, Frame 184T, 175 RPM, Used
MEZ 4.6 kW AC Motor, Off of Tree 425 VMC, 9821100-0010-0018, Used, WARRANTY
Sipco 100:1 Planetary Gear Reducer, # P105T100-15ST-B1S1-XX-S-00, USED, WARRANTY
Tsubaki 1.5 kW Gear Motor, GMT150L60, 480VAC, 60:1 Ratio, 30 Output RPM
Tsubaki 1.5 kW Gear Motor, GMT150L50, 460VAC, 50:1 Ratio, 36 Output RPM
Yokogawa Torque Motor TM-H6A3PB1NR076 w/ Yokogawa 6RH-D9 Gearhead, Used
Leeson AC Motor, # 110031-00, C6T17NB2B, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Lincoln 1 HP TEFC AC Motor, Type# CCN6G1UUC64, w/ Reuland Brake, 460 V
Delco 3 HP AC Motor, 2G2454-R, TEFC, 3 Ph, 460 V, 1170 RPM, FR: 215, WARRANTY
Delco 3 HP AC Motor, 2G2454, TEFC, 3 Ph, 460 V, 1170 RPM, FR: 215, Used WARRANTY
Reliance Electric 1-1/2 HP DC Motor, T16G3015N-OD, w/ Speed Reducer, Used
Reliance Electric 1-1/2 HP DC Motor, T16G3015N-OD, w/ Tigear Reducer, Used
Hyper-Loop DC Servo Motor, # D-3169, Used, WARRANTY
Reliance Electric 1.5 HP DC Motor, T16G3015N-QD, w/ Speed Reducer, Used, WARRANT
MTH Regenerative Turbine Pump with Franklin Electric 1-1/2 HP Motor, # T41L AB
Reliance 2.0 HP AC Motor, Type P, W/ Cone Drive Gear Reducer, Used, WARRANTY
US Electrical AC Motor, 2 HP, Type UTP, 230/460V, w/ Reduction Unit, 3.375:1
NEW Toshiba 3 HP (2.2kW) AC Motor, IKC, 480V, Frame 132M, 1170 RPM OLD STOCK
Yaskawa 3 Ph Induction Motor, 0.4 kW, FECQ-T1 w/ Nissei GTR Reducer GFM-22
Toshiba 3 HP EPACT AC Motor, B0034FLF2UMW, 230/460V, Frame 182T, 1735 RPM, Used
Baldor AC Electric Motor, # VBM3554T, 1.5 HP, W/ Gearbox, Used, WARRANTY
10 HP Delco AC Motor, 1695 RPM, Frame# 284U, 230 VAC, 2G4603HAZ, Used, Warranty
3HP General Electric AC Motor, 5K213BK307, Fr: 213T, 1155 RPM, 230/460V, Used
Inland / Kollmorgen DC Servo Motor, TTR2933-1011-BA-400-C, Used, WARRANTY
Fuji Electric 3 Phase Induction Motor W/ Brake, MKS7075K, PNB3004, WARRANTY
NEW Mitsubishi 3 HP AC Electric Motor, SF-EFMA, 480V, Frame 182TD, 1750 RPM NNB
NEW Sumitomo 0.4 kW Hyponic Drive, RNYM05-1320-40, 220V, Frame F-71M, 3 PH, NNB
Tsubaki 0.1 kW Gear Motor, GMT010L30, 460VAC, 1:30 Ratio, 60 Output RPM
Zero-Max JK3 Reducer, w/ 1/4 HP Westinghouse AC Motor, 0-400 RPM, 3/8" shaft
Tsubaki 0.4 kW Gear Motor, GMTA040-28L30BV4H, 460VAC, 30:1 Ratio, 60 Output RPM
Reliance Electric 1.5 HP DC Motor, # T56H1034V-RS, w/ Speed Reducer, WARRANTY
Oriental Motor 51K60GS-A2F Motor w/ 5GS10XK & 5GS25K Gear Boxes, Used, WARRANTY
GE 5HP Electric Motor 230/460V, Frame 184T, 1750 RPM, 5KE184BC205, Used
5 HP Delco AC Motor, 3510 RPM, Frame# 213, 362000, Used, WARRANTY
US Electric 1/ HP AC Motor, 230-460V, Mod# F003, W/ 2 Browning Gear Drives, Used
Siemens 4 kW AC Motor off of MAHO MH 600P, 1LC 3113-2AC90-ZC00, Used, WARRANTY
Tatung 3HP Super Max Induction Motor, WH0036FFA, Fr: 213T, 1170 RPM, 230/460V
NEW Mitsubishi 1 HP AC Motor, # SF-EMA, 480V, Fr: 143T, 1720 RPM, NNB WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Geared AC Motor, # GM-SFB, 0.1 kW, 1:80 Ratio, Used, WARRANTY
Yeong Chi Industry 3 Phase Induction Motor, YC-175, 1/4 HP, Used, WARRANTY
Oriental Motor 51K60GS-A2F Motor w/ 5GS25K Gear Box, Used, WARRANTY
Sankyo Torque Limitter, 6TR-2A, USED, WARRANTY
Sipco 100:1 Planetary Gear Reducer, # P105T100-15ST-B1S1-XX-S-00, Used, WARRANTY
NEW GTR / Nissei Gearmotor, GFM-15-25-S90T, 100 VAC, 90 W, 64 RPM, NNB
General Electric AC Motor w/ Brake, 1 HP, K1493, 230-460V, Fr 56C, 5K49UN4254A
Fuji Electric Geared Induction Motor, 7.5 kW, PST152G10A, Used. WARRANTY
Baldor Motor 3 HP, # VM3561, Spec. 35A13Y334, Used, WARRANTY
Reliance Electric 1.5 HP DC Motor, # T56H1024M-WE, w/ Speed Reducer, WARRANTY
NEW Mitsubishi 1 HP AC Motor, # SF-EMA, 480V, Fr: 143T, 1715 RPM, NNB WARRANTY
Siemens AC Motor, # 1LA7073-4AA11-Z, Used, WARRANTY
NEW F.I.C Induction Pump Motor, 1 Phase, FMP1-1014, 120/240 V, LTIS-CNR
NEW OLD STOCK Baldor Electric .33 HP AC Motor, VM3534-5, 1725 RPM, NIB
NEW Mitsubishi 1.5 HP AC Electric Motor, SF-EF, 480V, Frame 143TC, 3440 RPM NNB
NEW Harmonic Drive Systems Harmonic Reducer, # PCR-05C-060-1CC, WARRANTY
Dayton AC Induction Motor # 6K938-B, 3/4 HP, 115-230 V Used, WARRANTY
Fanuc / Fujitsu DC Servo Motor, # 0-1/2, Used, WARRANTY
GTR 3 Phase Induction Motor, # BGFM18-060TJ3C, Used, WARRANTY
US Motors World Motor Energy Efficient Motor, 5 HP, # S662A, Used, WARRANTY
3 HP Ajax Electric Motor, Mod# HE 182TTDR8155AA-FW, Fr: 182T, 1730 RPM, 3 Ph
1 HP Baldor Motor VEM3581T w/ Falk Gearbox, 1206WOF3A, 10;1 Ratio, Used
1 HP Baldor Motor VEM3581T w/ Falk Gearbox, 1206WOF1A, 20:1 Ratio, Used
1 HP Baldor Motor VEM3581T w/ Falk Gearbox, 1206WOQF1A, 20:1 Ratio, Used
Westinghouse 7.5 HP Lifeline A Motor, # ABFC, WARRANTY
1 HP Baldor Motor VM3546T w/ Falk Gearbox, 1206WOQF1A, 20:1 Ratio, Used
1/2 HP Marathon Electric Motor W/Grove Gear Box, 25:1 Ratio, G507, WARRANTY
Leeson Washguard Motor, # C143T17VC01F, 1 HP, Used, WARRANTY
Brown Pesl 1 HP AC Gearmotor, 3 Ph, 134 RPM Output, Used, WARRANTY
GTR G3LM-26-20 Gearmotor, 200-220VAC, 0.2KW, 3-PH, 450:1 Ratio, Used, WARRANTY
Siemens 3.0 kw (4 HP) AC Motor, # 1LA2054-4AA21, 1410 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
NEW NO BOX CGI, INC. Gear Reducer, 034PLX0030-XX-5858X, 3:1, 43442-1, 0507
NEW NO BOX CGI, INC. Gear Reducer, 034PLX0030-XX-5858X, 3:1, 43110-1, 0108
Lenze Type# 12.602.10.131 Reduction Drive Unit, 1/2 HP 208-230/460V, 8 RPM
Sumitomo 1 HP Motor, TC-F w/ Cyclo Drive 43:1 Ratio, WMV1-210-AV, Used, WARRANTY
Bodine 3 HP AC Motor, # 35A13-2112, 3 Ph, w/ Pump Unit, Used, WARRANTY
Dayton 2 HP Energy Efficient Industrial Motor, 3KW32A, Used, 230/460 V, Used
Baldor 5 HP AC Motor, VM3615 TEFC, 3 Ph, 208-230/460 V, 1725 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK Marathon Electric 1/2 HP AC Motor, 5K35MNB114A, 1725 RPM, NIB
Bodine Electric Gearmotor, 42R5BFPP-E3, 1/4 HP, 60:1 Ratio, Output RPM: 28, Used
Yaskawa AC Quick Brake Motor, # EELBQ-5, Used, WARRANTY
General Electric AC Motor, 1 HP, 220-440V, Frame 56, 3450 RPM, 5K43KG1760, Used
General Electric AC Motor, 1 HP, 230-460V, Frame 56, 3450 RPM, 5K43JG3024, Used
A.O. Smith DC Servo Motor, # 3430D-8, Used, WARRANTY
Oriental Motor Induction Motor, 5IK90GS-A2F, w/ GearHead Unit, Used, WARRANTY
Koyama 2 HP (1.5 kW) AC Motor, 1740 RPM, 3 Ph, Mod# 1FLB-15, 480 V, Used
Marathon Electric 1/2 HP General Purpose Motor, # G561, Used, WARRANTY
Bodine Electric 1/15 HP Gearmotor, # 34X4BFCI-Z3, WARRANTY
Siemens 2.6KW Motor, 1LA2096-2AA11, 230-400/460V, 3440 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Matsushita / Panasonic AC Geared Motor, M81A25G4DU, 115-120V, 25W, NIB
Nissei 0.10 kW GTR Induction Geared Motor, GFM-18, Ratio: 1:50, Used, Warranty
WorldWide Electric Corp. 1HP Fractional Motor, AT1-18-575-56CB, 1725RPM, 3Ph NIB
Hanning Elektro-Werke .09/.18KW Motor, # G7Y84-242, 460V, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor AC Electric Motor, # VM3550T, 1.5 HP, 230/460 V, 3 PH, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor 3 HP AC Motor, VM3611, TEFC, 3 Ph, 208-230/460 V, 1725 RPM, Used WARRANTY
Baldor 1/4 HP AC Motor, VM3531, 1140 RPM, Frame: 56C, 230/460 V, Used, WARRANTY
ATB Motor, 1.5 HP, 1110 RPM, 230/460 V, # AF 90L/6C-11, Used, WARRANTY
ATB Motor, 2 HP, 1705 RPM, 230/460 V, # AF 90L/6C-11, Used, WARRANTY
A.O. Smith Century E-Plus Three Phase Motor, H581, 7-151350-03, USED, WARRANTY
Toshiba 0.2 KW World Power Series Induction Motor, # IK, 230 VAC, WARRANTY
Standard Electric AC Motor, # 5669, 1/4 Hp, Used, WARRANTY
3 HP Lincoln AC Motor, D-2G9169ZA, Fr: 215YZ, 1765 RPM, 460V, Used, Warranty
GTR G3LM-26-20 Gearmotor, 200-220VAC, 0.1KW, 3-PH, 450:1 Ratio, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor AC Motor 1 HP, # 35A12-872-M00, Used, WARRANTY
US Electric 1 HP AC Motor, 230-460V FR: 145TC, 1145 RPM, Mod# F031, P63CRT-2904
Baldor 3 HP AC Motor, Spec# 35A13-2112, 3 Ph, 208-230/460 VAC, Used, WARRANTY
LNS 0,86 - 1,1 kW Motor, 3420 RPM, 220-460V, 3 Ph, Type# UD80BD, Used, WARRANTY
Bodine Electric 1/8 HP Gearmotor, # 42Y4BFPP-E3, Used, WARRANTY
Bodine Electric 1/15 HP Gearmotor, # 34R4BFCI-Z3, Used, WARRANTY
US Electric .5 HP AC Motor, 230-460V FR: 56C, 1150 RPM, # F010, P63CPR-2882
NEW IN BOX! Oriental Motor, 5RK40GN-AWU, * NIB * WARRANTY *
Baldor Super-E AC Electric Motor, # VEM3581T, 1 HP, Used, WARRANTY
Sumitomo 1 HP Motor, TC-F, Frame# E-90L, 1720 RPM, Used, WARRANTY
C.I.E.M. AC Motor, # CRF7 1BN2, 3 Phase, 220 / 380 VAC, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor AC Industrial Motor, 1 HP, VM3546T, 230/460 VAC, Frame# 143TC, Used
Oriental Motor Induction Motor, 5IK60GU-A2F, w/ GearHead Unit, 5GU25K, WARRANTY
NEW Barber-Colman 24 VDC Geared Motor LYMC-63000-750, WARRANTY
Siemens .043 kw (1/2 HP) AC Motor, # 1LA7073-4AB11, 1670 RPM, Rebuilt, WARRANTY
General Electric 1.5 HP AC Motor, 5K184BG617, 1145 RPM, FR 184, Used, WARRANT
Sever 1/2 HP AC Motor, # 1ZK71B2, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Reliance Electric Duty Master A-C Motor, Type P, Fr: FB56, 3450 RPM, 3 Ph
Dayton HVAC AC Motor, # 4M204, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor 1/2 HP AC Motor, MVM3416C, TEFC, 3 Ph, 230/460 V, 1725 RPM, FR D71C, Used
Baldor 1 HP AC Motor, M3546, TEFC, 3 Ph, 230/460 V, 1725 RPM, FR 56, Used
MGM 1 HP Motor, Type 0F 80B4 N. 89187599, Used, WARRANTY
Oriental Motor Induction Motor, 3IJ10GA-C2, w/ GearHead Unit, 200V, Used
Emerson Electric AC Motor S60NXCHY-3779, 115 V, Used, WARRANTY
Siemens AC Motor, EN 60034, 1LA2063-4AB12, 460 V, 1600 min., Used, WARRANTY
Bowmar / Harowe 1/12 H.P. DC Motor, Mod# 2301-008, GE# 44B394367-001, Used
Allen Bradley CM303-FCF3318GEXFA Control Matched Motor, .3 Phase, Used, WARRANTY
Baldor 1 HP Motor, Cat # VM354T, Spec. 34G797X269, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Matsushita / Panasonic AC Geared Motor, M8RA25G4L, 115-120V, 25W, NIB
NEW Matsushita / Panasonic AC Geared Motor, M8RA25G4L, 115-120V, 25W, NNB
NEW Allen Bradley DeviceBox, 1485P-P2T5-T5, Ser A, OLD STOCK, NNB
Allen Bradley DeviceBox, 1485P-P2T5-T5, Ser A, USED, WARRANTY
- IC697BEM713
- IC697ALG320
- DS3800DMPK1E1D
- IC693CPU374-FM
- GEIC693PBM200
- GE模塊/IC693ALG223
- PLC模塊DPW02
- GE模塊IC639CMM321-JJ
- GE模塊/IC693PWR330H