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歡迎詢價/采購: (歐陽英)
ITCC。高速旋轉設備的控制,如汽輪機組控制,空壓機控制,高爐鼓風機控制。甚至渦輪發動機控制,燃氣輪機控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。 做ESD,F&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統,是要認證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認證。 同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。 同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex 叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。 CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD; 橫河,Emerson的安全系統則基本上只做ESD,F&GS,不做ITCC。 Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。 SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統 ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機上叫ETS。
Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.
: (備注“歐陽英"收)
Tsudakoma Dual 8" NC Tilting Rotary Table w/ Fanuc Drives, TTNC-201-2, WARRANTY
Peiseler ATSP 520/S Rotary Table, 27-1/2" X 39-1/4" Table Size, Mfg'd 2004, (2)
Chip Blaster High Pressure Coolant Through Spindle Unit, Mod# JV10, Mfg'd 2007
Daikin Inverter Oil Cooling Unit, AKZ328-X, Mfg'd: 2009, Used, WARRANTY
Chip Blaster High Pressure Coolant Through Spindle Unit, Mod# JV10, Mfg'd 2006
Daikin Inverter Oil Cooling Unit, AKZ328, 220V, Mfg'd: 2007, W/ Aux Tank, Used
Daikin Inverter Oil Cooling Unit, AKZ328, 220V, Mfg'd: 2007, Used, WARRANTY
Varian Rotary Vane Pump, DS302, Mod 949-9325, W/ Leroy Somer AC Motor, Used
18" Cushman 4-Jaw Lathe Chuck, 4-1/4" Hole, Universal / Independent, Used, Nice
Mitsubishi Wire EDM CNC Board, MC116C / MC-116, BN634A112G51D, Used
Sunnen MBB-1600 Honing Machine, S/N 44673, Used, WARRANTY
1997 Daewoo Puma 12S / 12L CNC Lathe 2 Speed Gearbox / Transmission Unit, Used
NEW HIROTAKA-SEIKI Pneumatic Booster JPB-160-2025-28, NIB, WARRANTY
Matsuura MC-600VDC 20 Position Tool Changer Assembly, Complete, Right Side, 1995
Matsuura MC-600VDC 20 Position Tool Changer Assembly, Complete, Left Side, 1995
SMW Hydraulic Rotary Indexer Table, # RT315HY, Maier 12" Chuck, Used, WARRANTY
NEW HIROTAKA-SEIKI Pneumatic Booster PB-160-2025-28, NIB, WARRANTY
Rigid 15 HP #40 Taper w/ PDB, Fixed Milling Head, 2 - Speed Gearbox, Used
Tsubakimoto Emerworm Gearbox, 60:1 Ratio, ED60GCV60LD, for Tool Changer
Daikin Industries Oilcon AKS105K-M07 / AKS105K, Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, Used
Rambaudi Geared Milling Head, #40 Taper, 5.5 kW, 50-3500 RPM, PDB, Used
Hurco BMC4020HT/M Spindle & Housing Assembly, Mfg'd: 1997, Used
Matsuura MC-800VDC CNC 40 Taper Spindle Assembly w/ Casting, 1988-07, Used
Matsuura MC-800VDC CNC 40 Taper Spindle Assembly w/ Casting, Used
Ganghao / Brute 500-H HMC 24 Position Tool Changer, CAT40-24T9DR, Mfg'd: 2004
Matsuura MC-800VDC CNC 40 Taper Spindle Assembly w/ Casting, Mfg'd: 1990, Used
GSE Tech-Motive P/N T066I075LSP4 Nutrunner Torque Gun, Used, Warranty
Rigid 7.5 kW #40 Taper w/PDB, Fixed Milling Head, 5000 RPM, 2 - Speed Gearbox
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator, MLSA-05, 200-220 V, Used, WARRANTY
24 Position Tool Changer off of Hurco BMC-30 Vertical Machining Center, Used
Hurco 24 ATC Cat 40 Tool Changer off of BMC4020HT Mfg'd: 1997, Used
60 HP US Electric Vertical Motor, Type# JUE, 460V, Frame# 405UP, 1780 RPM, Used
60 HP US Electric Vertical Motor, Type# JUE, 460V, Frame# 405UP, 1780 RPM, (2)
Kitamura MyCenter 2 Toolchanger Arm Unit, Mycenter-2XI, Used, WARRANTY
Kitamura MyCenter 1 Toolchanger Arm Unit, Mycenter-1I, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS100KK-T, AKS100T, Used
10" MMK 3 Jaw Power Chuck, Mod# HA8-10V, 3500 RPM, Used, Warranty
Matsuura MC-600VDC BT40 Spindle Assembly, w/ Draw Bar Unit, Right Side, 1995
Matsuura MC-600VDC BT40 Spindle Assembly, w/ Draw Bar Unit, Left Side, 1995
Daikin Industries Oilcon AKS53K-U14 Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, Used, WARRANTY
Kitagawa S2091L Hydraulic Rotating Cylinder - CNC Chuck Closer, 3.583" Bore Used
Mazak Quick Turn 20 Universal CNC Turning Center Hydraulic Tailstock, Used,
Ingersoll-Rand 10 HP Reciprocating Air Compressor, Mod: 10T, Type 30, 460V Used
Tecumseh Chiller w/ Russell Cooler Unit, # OC-200-R-MOD, 2 HP, Used, WARRANTY
NEW NO BOX Nemicon Optical Shaft Encoder RFH1024-22-1M, NNB, WARRANTY
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator Spindle Chiller, KTC-7.5G9-HE, Used
Nakamura-Tome S-3 Slant CNC Turning Center Tailstock Assembly, Used, Warranty
Hawe Lube Unit Power Pack, FP M-H1.1/K1.3W5-A3/140-VBOFM-HH-1-G24, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS54AK-G23, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS54AK, Used, Warranty
Erickson Tool Company Air Speed Indexer, Model# 600, Used, WARRANTY
Mazak / Daikin Oilcon Oil Chiller, # AKS103Y, w/ Nunome Transformer, Used
Hawe Lubrication Unit & Power Pack, FP 12 M-H, 5 - G3-0 Valves, Used, WARRANTY
30 Position Tool Changer off of Hyundai / Mazak AJV-18 VMC, 1997, Used
20 Position Tool Changer off of Matsuura MC-500VSDC VMC, 1986.11, RIGHT SIDE
Spindle Assembly off of Matsuura MC-500VSDC VMC, Cat 40 Taper, Mfg'd: 1986.11
Ferguson Pickomatic Pick & Place Unit, # 2302, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS54AK-U30, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Nachi Hydraulic Piston Pump, PVS-2B-45N1-U-12, w/ 3.7 kW Nachi AC Motor
Mazak Mazatech V-550 Z-Axis Ball Screw Assembly w/ Preloaded Nut, Used
Mazak Mazatech V-550 Y-Axis Ball Screw Assembly w/ Preloaded Nut, Used
Mazak Mazatech V-550 X-Axis Ball Screw Assembly w/ Preloaded Nut, Used
Lathe Tailstock Off of Wasino LJ-10 CNC Turning Center, 1994, Used
64" Custom Built 3 HP Belt Sander Machine, WARRANTY
Matsuura MC-800VDC ATC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Right Side
Matsuura MC-800VDC ATC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Left Side
Matsuura MC-800VDC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Left Side, 1988
Matsuura MC-800VDC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Right Side 1988
Hyundai / Mazak AJV-18 VMC Machining Center Toolchanger Arm, 1997, Used
Matsuura MC-800VDC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Left Side, 1990
Matsuura MC-800VDC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper Right Side, 1990
Matsuura MC-1000VDC5 ATC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Right
Matsuura MC-1000VDC5 ATC Tool Changer Arm, Carousel Arm, Cat 40 Taper, Left
10 HP GE Motor w/ Continental Hydraulics Pump PVR15-15B15-RF-0-4-C-1, Used
Mitsubishi Wire EDM CNC Board, MW621-1, BN634A233G52, Used
Daikin Industries Oilcon AKS33K-U78 Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon AKS33K Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS33K, Used, WARRANTY
Showa 2 HP Hydraulic Power Unit w/ Tank 1.5 kW, VDRU-1A-40BHX, Used, WARRANTY
Showa 2 HP (1.5kW) Complete Hyd. Unit, Type# VDRU-IA-40BHX, Nice, Used, WARRANTY
15" Cushman 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, D1-6" Camlock, Used, WARRANTY
6" MMK 3-Jaw Power Lathe Chuck, HA5-6V, A5 Spindle Mounting, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-2728-9, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank,# S-3382-6, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-8780, 1980, Used, WARRANTY
Hawe Hydraulic Unit & Power Supply, # P43/B6A90S/1, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank,# S-4432 1, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, VDC-1B-2A3-U-20 Pump, Used, 1999
Nachi 1 HP (0.75 kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-0588, 1993, Used
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-0141-14, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-0141-14, 1988, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Industries Oilcon Oil Cooler Chiller Unit, # AKS54AK-U30, (2) Used
19-1/2" x 47" Cast Iron Welding / Layout Table, Off Matsuura MC-1000V VMC, Used
18" x 46" Cast Iron Welding / Layout Table, Off Matsuura MC-800VDC VMC, Used
19-3/4" x 39-1/8" Cast Iron Welding / Layout Table, Off Hurco BMC-30 VMC, Used
10" SCA 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, A8 Mounting, Made in Sweden, Used, WARRANTY
18" x 46" Cast Iron Welding / Layout Table, Off Matsuura MC-800VDC VMC, 1988
Tokyo Keiki 2 HP Hydraulic Unit, # VPA54181G, Used, WARRANTY
Tokyo Keiki 2 HP Hydraulic Unit, # U40476E31, Used, WARRANTY
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator, KTC-7.5B6-C, 220V, Used, WARRANTY
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator, KTC-7.5B6-E, 220V, Used, WARRANTY
Vickers 3 HP Hydraulic Unit, TG20V-VQ13SG, Used, WARRANTU
ASEA 3 HP (2.2kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Rexroth Pump, Used, WARRANTY
Tool Change Arm Assembly, CAT 40 Taper, Off Enshu VMC430 VMC, Used, WARRANTY
Kanto Seiki OILMATIC Automatic Oil Temp Regulator Unit, KTC-7.5S-C, 220V, Used
Kanto Seiki OILMATIC Automatic Oil Temp Regulator Unit, KTC-7.5N-E, Used
X Axis Ball Screw and Nut Assembly Off of Mazak VQC-15/40, 1985 Vintage
Showa 3 HP Hydraulic Unit, PVU-60-04-HX365, Used, WARRANTY, Nachi Motor & Pump
Nachi 2 HP (1.4kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-471310, 1999, Used, WARRANTY
Tailstock Off of Yang CNC Turning Center, USED
Nachi 5 HP (3.7kW) AC Motor w/ Nachi Uni Pump & Variable Vane Pump, 220V, Used
Nachi 2 HP (1.5kW) Complete Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, # S-0144.4, Nice, WARRANTY
23-3/4" x 19-1/2" x 14-1/8" H, T-Slotted Table / Riser / Set-up Table, Used
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator, KTC-3B4-EL, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 2 HP (1.5kW) Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Nachi Pump # UPV-1A-16N1-1.5A-4-2535A
Showa 3 HP Hydraulic Unit, PVU-60-04-HX365, Used, WARRANTY
21-5/8" x 48-3/4" T Slot Steel Cast Iron Table, Off of Mazak VQC-20/40, Used
12" Pratt Burnerd D1-8" Camlock 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, # 55D8TJ, Used, WARRANTY
10" Bison 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, D1-6" Camlock, 3" Hole, 3245-10"-6, Used, WARRANTY
Nachi 2 HP (1.5 kW) Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Nachi Pump VDR-1B-1A3-22, Mfg'd: 1997
Nachi 3 HP (2.2 kW) Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Nachi Uni Pump UPV-1B-22N1-2.2-4-Z-11
Nachi 3 HP (2.2 kW) Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Nachi Uni Pump UPV-1B-22N1-2.2S-4-Z-11
Nachi 3 HP (2.2 kW) Hyd. Unit w/ Tank, Nachi Piston Pump PVS-1B-22N1-Z-11, Used
Showa 3 HP (2.2 kW) Hydraulic Power Unit w/ Tank, # PVU-40-0403-HX196, WARRANTY
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temp Regulator, KTC-7.5B6-E, 220V, Missing Covers, Used
Racine 3 HP Hydraulic Unit, Racine Pump # PVB PNS0 06GR 10, Used
Hurco BMC4020HT/M Table Z-Axis Ball Screw Assembly w/ Bearing Blocks, Used
Abanaki ST2CR-F, Tote-It Portable Belt Oil Skimmer, Used, WARRANTY
Polypac 2 HP Complete Hydraulic Unit w/ Tank, # P88-549, Used, WARRANTY
Hydraulic Tailstock from Hitachi Seiki 4NE-1100 CNC Lathe, Used
Ball Screw for X Axis on Haas VF-3, 1998 Vintage Machine, Used
Ball Screw for X Axis on Haas VF-3, 1997 Vintage Machine, (2) Used
Graymills Multi-Stage Booster Pump, Mod# MSPR5-1.0F, 1 HP, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Nopak Pneumatic Cylinder Unit, # 9725280, 5 x 20 A, WARRANTY
American Feeding Systems Vibratory Feeder / Shaker, Sorter, A9509-594.2, Used
10" Poland 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, D1-6" Camlock, Puum-S10D6ZD, Used, WARRANTY
Oilmatic Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator, KTC-3B4-B, Used, WARRANTY
Modular Lube Unit Power Pack, # 87419, Used, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Wire EDM CNC Board, MC724-1, MC724D-1, BN634A232G51A, Used
10" A8 Spindle Mount, 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, MADE IN SWEDEN, Used, WARRANTY
THK HSR55 Linear Slide, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 54-1/4"L., Mazak Mazatech V-550 VMC
Hawe Hydraulic Unit # MP 44A-H6.0/B11T, 2.5Kw, Used, Warranty
THK HSR45 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 80-1/4"L., Off Hurco VMC
Z Axis Ball Screw and Nut Assembly Off of Hurco BMC-30 Vertical Machining Center
MAC Co., Ltd. Cooling Unit, # MAC-75CW-FR-0S-1, Used, WARRANTY
MAC Co., Ltd. Cooling Unit, # MAC-45C-MR-V-3F, Used, WARRANTY
Daikin Ind. Oilcon Oil Chiller, # AKM104Y, Used, WARRANTY
Hawe Hydraulik Type # RM 1.1/B 20-A 300-V 1.1, 1.1 Kw Motor, Used, WARRANTY
Ball Screw for Y Axis on Haas VF-3, 1997 Vintage Machine, Used
Ball Screw for Y Axis on Haas VF-3, 1998 Vintage Machine, (2) Used
Mitsubishi DWC90SZ Wire EDM CNC Operator Panel, BKO-NC4115, FP5-MD66, Used
NEW THK HSR35 Linear Slide, 1 Rail & 2 - HSR35CA Bearing Blocks, 30"L., NNB
Y Axis Ball Screw and Nut Assembly Off of Hurco BMC-30 Vertical Machining Center
Mitsubishi Wire EDM CNC Board, MW771, BN634A234G51, Used
THK HSR45 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 47-1/4"L., Off Hurco VMC
NEW THK HSR15 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 30"L., HR35A2SSC0+760LH-II
8" Poland 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, D1-5" Camlock, Puum-8D-5Z, Used, WARRANTY
THK HSR45H Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 59-5/8"L., Used, Warranty
Daikin Oilcon Oil Chiller, # AKS103Y, Used, WARRANTY
10" Skinner Plain Back 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, # 3910-53, Used, WARRANTY
Vogel Centralized Lubrication System, P/N 122155103/V1, 230V, Used, WARRANTY
Welco Industries 5.1 kW Grinding / Milling Spindle, 20000 RPM, 3 Ph, Mod 3728
Ogura Clutch off of Fanuc Robocut Wire EDM, Mod # OPB 20-02, 24VDC, Used
24" x 24" x 26-3/4" H Cast Iron Box Table, For Drilling Machine or Layout, Used
12" Union D1-6" Camlock 3-Jaw Lathe Chuck, # 363-K, Used, WARRANTY
Z Axis Ball Screw off Mitsubishi MPA-V65 VMC, 1.970" Dia x 49" OAL, Used
NEW THK HSR35 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 27-1/2" L., HSR35HTR, NNB
THK HSR45 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 1 Block, 47-1/4"L., Off Hurco VMC
Y Axis Ball Screw and Nut Assembly Off of Mazak VQC-15/40, 1985 Vintage
1-3/8" Dia x 41-1/2" Ball Screw and Double Pre-Loaded Nut Assembly, Used
Mitsubishi MV65B VMC PC Board, 1988, QA-703-1, Used, WARRANTY
THK HSR35 Linear Slide, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 42-1/2"L., Mazak VQC 15/40 VMC, Used
Fiberglass Top / Upper Guard for Hurco BMC4020HT/M, Used, WARRANTY
Fiberglass Top / Upper Guard for Hurco BMC30 VMC, Used, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi DWC90SZ Wire EDM CNC Operator Panel, BKO-NC4114, FP5-MD67, Used
THK HSR45 Linear Way System, 1 Rail & 2 Blocks, 47-1/4"L., Fair Condition, Used
MITSUBISHI DC 24V BRAKE CLUTCH NJ-0.4-201, Nakamura-Tome Slant 1 CNC, Used
NEW KHK Thermal Refined Rack with Machined Ends, KRF2-1000, NIB
NSK Ball Screw, W3024-334DT-C2Z, 1-1/4" Dia x 27-1/2" approx., Used
Kitamura Mycenter 1 Table Left Plastic Way Cover, Used
Kitamura Mycenter 1 Table Right Plastic Way Cover, Used
Matsuura MC-800V-DC Saddle escopic Way Covers, Left /Right Side, Used
Oil Air Hydraulics 1.0L Accumulator Tank, 100-1315-013-511, Used, WARRANTY
Tree VMC 1060/24 Spindle Drive Tension Pully Assembly, Used, WARRANTY
Matsuura MC-1000 CNC Tool Changer Pod Holder Unit, Cat 40 Taper, Used
Brady-Penrod 1/8 HP Coolant Pump, 5006, 3 Phase, 220 V Used, Warranty
NEW THK HSR25 Linear Motion Guide W/1 - HSR25B Bearing Blocks, 4-5/8'' Rail, NNB
NEW KHK Standard Stock Spur Gear, SS4-50, WARRANTY
Tokyo Keiki Directional Valve, DG4VC-3-3G-M-PS2-H-7-54-JA872, Used, WARRANTY
New Ogura Clutch Co. LTD., Brake Unit, Model# SNB 0.2K-17, 90 VDC, Warranty
NEW KHK Standard Stock Spur Gear, MSGB2.5-40, NIB, WARRANTY
CAT 50 Tool Change Pod off Mitsubishi Model# MPA-V65 Vertical Machining Center
CAT 50 Tool Change Pod off Mazak Mod# VQC-20/50B Vertical Machining Center, Used
THK HSR55 Linear Bearing Block, Used, WARRANTY
CAT 40 Tool Change Pod off Mazak Mod# VQC-20/0B Vertical Machining Center, Used
INA Linear Bearing Block, # 87 L01 KWSE 55 HL V2, Used, WARRANTY
Hurco Cat 40 Tool Changer Pod Arm off of BMC-30, Mfg'd: 1990, Used, Warranty
6" x 6" x 8" Fabricated Steel, Angle Plate, Machined, Protected surface, NEW
5" x 6-3/4" x 8" Fabricated Steel, Angle Plate, Machined, Protected surface, NEW
Matsuura MC-760V CNC Tool Changer Pod Holder Unit, Cat 40 Taper, Used
Matsuura MC-800VDC CNC Tool Changer Pod Holder Unit, Cat 40 Taper, Composite
THK Linear Bearing Block, # SHS55, Used, WARRANTY
AIM Electra Lever Start Torque Driver, Low 6.1-17.4 in-lbs AE-7010PS, WARRANTY
NEW KHK Ground Spur Gear, SSG2-28, WARRANTY
New TB Wood's SD Bushing, SD X 42MM, Warranty
NEW OLD STOCK Miki Pulley, ETP-K-16, BH05Z12, 105627800, NEW IN BOX!
NEW OLD STOCK Miki Pulley, ETP-K-18, BH05Y, 105628700, NEW IN BOX!
NEW Browning 2 Groove Pulley Sheave, 2TB42, WARRANTY
THK HSR15R Linear Slide, * * USED * * WARRANTY * *
New ESAB Flat Spindle Washer, 948256, WARRANTY
New Reid Tool Supply, L Pin, .3750" Pin Diameter
- IC697BEM713
- IC697ALG320
- DS3800DMPK1E1D
- IC693CPU374-FM
- GEIC693PBM200
- GE模塊/IC693ALG223
- PLC模塊DPW02
- GE模塊IC639CMM321-JJ
- GE模塊/IC693PWR330H