資料類型 | png文件 | 資料大小 | 23828 |
下載次數 | 27 | 資料圖片 | 【點擊查看】 |
上 傳 人 | 齊一生物科技(上海)有限公司 | 需要積分 | 0 |
關 鍵 詞 | 纖維素酶R-10詳細說明 |
- 【資料簡介】
英文名稱:Cellulase Onozuke R-10
來源:綠色木霉Trichoderma Vride
性狀(以下信息僅供參考):淡黃色粉末或白色冷凍干燥粉末,溶于水。能作用于纖維素中的1,4-β-D-葡萄糖苷鍵。pH 4.0~5.0,zuijia4.8,視底物不同而異。使用溫度范圍40~50℃。一般情況下,加量為底物重量的萬分之零點五即可有效,請用戶根據試驗確定zuijia用量。激活劑有氟化鈉、鎂、氯化鈷、鎘、磷酸鈣和中性鹽類。抑制劑有纖維二糖、葡萄糖和甲基纖維素。
用途:本品僅供科研,不得用于其它用途。(以下用途僅供參考)植物細胞雜交研究,催化水解纖維素分子,生成纖維寡糖,纖維二糖和葡萄糖。反應物中,二糖的累積會抑制酶解過程。能裂解纖維素、地衣多糖、大麥葡聚糖和纖維低聚糖纖維三糖至纖維六糖中的內切-1,4-β-D-糖苷鍵。它不能切割纖維二糖或p-硝基苯-β-D-葡萄糖苷. 這種酶也可以切割依靠分解木糖甙鍵從多肽中心切割完整的糖胺聚糖(glycosaminoglycan)
Human lymphotoxinβ,LTB ELISA Kit
Human lymphotoxinα,LTA ELISA Kit
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Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 21,sCD21 ELISA Kit
Human Leptin Soluble Receptor,sLR ELISA Kit
Human Toll-like receptor 9,TLR-9 ELISA kit
Human transforming growth factors β2,TGFβ2 ELISA Kit
Human monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4 ELISA kit
Human leukotriene D4,LT-D4 ELISA Kit
Human Neural-Cadherin, N-Cad ELISA kit
Human heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor,HB-EGF ELISA Kit
Human erythropoiesis stimulating factor,ESF ELISA Kit
Human TNF related activation induced cytokine,TRANCE ELISA Kit
Human growth hormone relasing factor,GH-RF ELISA Kit
Human macrophage chemotatic factor,MCF ELISA Kit
Human Interferon αβReceptor,IFN-αβR ELISA Kit
Human B cell growth protein,BCGF ELISA Kit
Human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule,Ep-CAM ELISA Kit
Human soluble adhesion molecules,Sam ELISA Kit
Human Alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine 1,AmAC-1 ELISA Kit
Human soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2,VEGFR-2sFLK-1 ELISA Kit
Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin,TSLP ELISA Kit
Human PerforinPore-forming protein,PFPFP ELISA Kit
Human pleiotrophin,PTN ELISA Kit
human soluble cluster of differentiation 28,sCD28 ELISA Kit
Human lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit
Human thymus activation regulated chemokine,TARC ELISA Kit
Human Neural cell adhesion molecule ligand 1,NCAM-L1 ELISA Kit
Human Cobra venom neuronal protective factor,CVNPF ELISA Kit
Human soluble Tumor Necrosis Factorαreceptor,sTNFαR ELISA Kit
Human soluble cytokine receptor,sCKR ELISA Kit
Human soluble Factor-related Apoptosis ligand,sFASLApo-1 ELISA Kit
Human inhibitor of apoptosis,IAP ELISA Kit
Human colony-stimulating factor,CSF ELISA Kit
Human monocyte interferon gamma inducing factor,MIGF ELISA Kit
Human Interferon inducible T-cell Chemoattractant,I-TAC ELISA Kit
Human cluster Of differentiation,CDl4 ELISA Kit
Human apoptosis inducing factor,AIF ELISA Kit
Human leukocyte common antigen,LCACD45 ELISA Kit
Human cluster Of differentiation,CD4 ELISA Kit
Human Placenta Cadherin,P-cad ELISA Kit
Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor,KGF ELISA Kit
Human Plaet-Derived Growth Factor-BB,PDGF-BB ELISA kit
Human CXC-chemokine ligand 16,CXCL16 ELISA Kit
Human CXC-chemokine receptor 3,CXCR3 ELISA Kit
Human interferon-inducible protein 16,IFI16p16 ELISA Kit
Human Stromal cell derived factor 1a,SDF-1a ELISA Kit
Human lymphotactin,LptnLTN ELISA Kit
Human soluble Cluster of differentiation 86,sCD86 ELISA Kit
human Interleukin 27,IL-27 ELISA Kit
Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor,MIF ELISA Kit
Human interferon-inducible protein 10,IP-10 ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 17,IL-17 ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 1β,IL-1β ELISA Kit
Human macrophage inflammatory protein 5,MIP-5 ELISA Kit
Human Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1,sICAM-1 ELISA Kit
Human intercellular adhesion molecule 2,ICAM-2 ELISA Kit
Human intercellular adhesion molecule 3,ICAM-3 ELISA Kit
Human connective tissue growth factor,CTGF ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 18,IL-18 ELISA KIT
Human mucosae associated epithelia chemokine,MEC ELISA Kit
Human mucosae associated epithelia chemokine,MEC ELISA Kit
Human B cell activation factorr from the tumor necrosis factor family receptor,BAFF-R ELISA Kit
Human Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2,VEGFR-2Flk-1 ELISA kit
Human Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor receptor 1,VEGFR-1Flt1 ELISA kit
Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D,VEGF-D ELISA KIT
Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor C,VEGF-C ELISA KIT
Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor B,VEGF-B ELISA KIT
Human soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand,sTRAIL ELISA KIT
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