資料類型 | pdf文件 | 資料大小 | 243854 |
下載次數 | 72 | 資料圖片 | 【點擊查看】 |
上 傳 人 | 深圳市朗誠實業有限公司 | 需要積分 | 0 |
關 鍵 詞 | 濁度儀,操作手冊 |
- 【資料簡介】
Congratulations on your purchase of a new MICRO 100 or MICRO 100 IR Laboratory Turbidimeter
(MICRO 100 hereafter). This turbidimeter has been designed for simple and easy measurement of
This manual contains simple steps to follow to ensure that your instrument is operating properly. This
material assumes that the user knows how to obtain representative samples of their process and has some
familiarity with measuring the turbidity of samples‡ .
The following sections describe how to use and care for your new MICRO 100.
In certain instances NOTES or reminders have been added to give further clarification to the
instructions. Refer to the Table of Contents or the Glossary to easily find specific topics and to learn
about unfamiliar terms.
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