煤礦用聚(氯)乙烯絕緣和聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pvc insulatedpvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 產品用途:本產品適用于固定敷設在礦井作通信干線及分線箱與機連接線 scope of application:this product is fit for being laid in fixed placed in mines for the connection of communication trunk linesjunction boxephones. 執行標準 standards implemented: q/3210hl29-2003 型號、名稱及使用范圍 model desc-riptionsuse scope 型 號 model 名 稱 desc-riptions 使 用 范 圍 scope of application mhvv(huvv) 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pvc insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中一般場合 general circumstances in mines mhvvr(huvvr) 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣阻燃聚氯乙烯護套軟電纜 pvc insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed soft ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中分線盒、分線箱與機連接的場合 where connection between junction boxephone is required in mines mhvv22(huvv22) 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣鋼帶鎧裝阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pvc insulated steel tape armored fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中承受一定沖擊力和壓力的場合 where cables are under some impactpressure in the mine mhvv32(huvv32) 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣細圓鋼絲鎧裝阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pvc insulated fine round steel wire armored fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中垂直敷設或承受較大拉力的場合 vertically laid or laid where the cables are under big impactpull force in mines mhyv(huyv) 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pe insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中一般場合 general circumstances in mines mhyvr(huyvr) 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣阻燃聚氯乙烯護套軟電纜 pe insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed soft ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中一般場合 general circumstances in mines mhyv22(huyv22) 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣鋼帶鎧裝阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pe insulated steel tape armored fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中承受一定沖擊力和壓力的場合 where cables are under some impactpressure in the mine mhyv32(huyv32) 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣細圓鋼絲鎧裝阻燃聚氯乙烯護套電纜 pe insulated fine round steel wire armored fire retardant pvc sheathed ephone cables for use in mines 礦井中垂直敷設或承受較大拉力的場合 vertically laid or laid where the cables are under big impactpull force in mines
公司名稱:天津市電纜總廠*分廠 http:// /10059/ 組織機構代碼證:10950374-4
CCC 認證編號:2003010105102124
匯 款 帳 號:91608040020110001507
開 戶 行:河北省大城縣劉固獻農村信用合作社
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