中文別名: *乙脂鹽酸鹽 ; 鹽酸氨基乙酸乙酯 ; 鹽酸*乙酯 ; 氨基乙酸乙酯鹽酸鹽 ; 甘胺酸乙酯; *乙酯,鹽酸鹽; ; *乙酯.鹽酸鹽
英文名稱: Glycine ethyl ester hydrochloride
英文別名: Ethyl glycinate hydrochloride~H-Gly-OEt.HCl; Glycine Ethyl Ester HCL; H-Gly-OEt.HCl; H-Gly-OEt*HCl; Ethyl Glycinate, HCl (1.00893); Glycine ethyhydnchlordeester; Gly-oet-hcl ; 2-ethoxy-2-oxoethanaminium; Glycocollethylesterhydrochloride; usafdo-10
CAS號: 623-33-6
EINECS號: 210-787-4
分子式: C4H10NO2Cl
分子量: 104.1272
2xLoading Buffer Protein Gel 緩沖液 1ml
Rehydration Buffer I (without ampholine or other analogs)緩沖液 5ml
Rehydration Buffer II(without ampholine or other analogs)緩沖液 5ml
Rehydration Buffer III(without ampholine or other analogs)緩沖液 5ml
5xProtein Loading Buffer (no reducing buffer) 5ml
5xProtein Loading Buffer (no deturation buffer) 5ml
10XTris-Glycine Gel Running Buffer(no deturation buffer)pH8.8緩沖液 500ml
IEF anode Buffer 50xsolution :proteomics grade pH 2..4緩沖液 50ml
IEF cathnode Buffer 10xsolution: proteomics grade pH 10.0緩沖液 50ml
IEF Sample Buffer 4 X solution: proteomics grade pH 10.0 10ml
Zymogram Development Buffer [10X] (0.5M Tris.HCL, 2M NaCl, 50mM CaCl2, 0.2% Brij®-35, pH 7.5) 緩沖液 500ml
MOPS Running Buffer [10X] (200mM MOPS (pH 7.0), 80mM Sodium acetate, 10mM EDTA)緩沖液 1L
MOPS Running Buffer [10X] (200mM MOPS (pH 7.0) 80mM Sodium acetate, 10mM EDTA)緩沖液 1gallon
Blue Native PAGE Elecrtophoresis Running Buffer (Anode buffer 500ml + Cathode buffer 500ml) Anode buffer (50 mM Bis-Tris pH 7.0) Cathode buffer (50 mM Tricine 15 mM Bi-Tris 0.02% Coomassie blue G pH 7.0)緩沖液 1L
(2x)TBE-Urea Sample Buffer (178m M tris-HCl pH 8.0 , 178m M boric acid,4 m M EDTA,7 M Urea,24% ficoll,0.02% bromophenol blue,0.04% xylene cyanole FF) 5ml
(2x)Tricine Sample Buffer (400m M Tris-HCl p H 6.8, ,4% SDS,80% Glycerol,0.08% CBB-G250) 5ml
(2x)Zymogram Sample Buffer (125m M Tris.HCL, pH 6.8,50% Glycerol,8%SDS, 0.02% bromophenol blue) 1ml
Discontinuous Buffer System (425ml Anode buffer + 500ml Cathode buffer ,Anode buffer (200m M Tris-HCL,, p H 8.9) Cathode buffer (100m M Tris,,100m M Tricine ,0.1% SDS, p H 8.3)緩沖液 1L
[20X]MOPS/ SDS Running Buffer (MOPS 1M,Tris 1M,SDS 2%,EDTA 20.m M p H 7.7,) 緩沖液 500ml
[20X]MES /SDS Running buffer (MES 1M,Tris 1M,SDS 2%,EDTA 20.m M ,p H 7.3 ) 緩沖液 100ml
(2x)Blue Native PAGE Sample Buffer 1.5M 6- aminocaproic acid, 100 mM bisTris-HCI, 2.% Tritonx-100, and 0.7% Coomassie blue G pH 7.0 20% glycerol 5ml
TBS buffer with non-fat powdered milk 緩沖液 1pk
將抽提好的核酸直接用于后續的實驗,是*可靠的檢測方法;除此之外的檢測方法,都是相對的, 而且并不十分可信。目前用于正式實驗前檢測核酸質量的方法,一是電泳,二是紫外分光光度儀。電泳檢測的主要是核酸的完整性和大小,只要核酸不是太小或者太 大 (超出電泳分離范圍),該方法還是非常可信的;電泳還可以用于估計核酸的濃度,但其準確度與經驗有關;另外,電泳也可能提供某些雜質污染的信息,但是同樣 與經驗有關。紫外分光光度儀檢測的是純度和核酸含量,然而,由于紫外分光光度儀不能確保非常準確,而該儀器的靈敏度又非常高,所以,提供的結果并不十分可 信。一般講,同時進行紫外和電泳檢測,綜合二者的結果,可以做出一個更合理的判斷。但由于這兩個方法都有缺陷,所以,即使出現壞的結果能用于后續實驗而好 的結果卻不能用于后續實驗,也不用大驚小怪。