人瘦素(LEP)ELISA 試劑盒可以提供免費待測
訂購: 大量的現貨 南京本地客戶可以享受24小時送貨上門。
1. 試劑盒從冷藏環境中取出應在室溫平衡15-30分鐘后方可使用,酶標包被板開封后如未用完,板條應裝入密封袋中保存。
2. 濃洗滌液可能會有結晶析出,稀釋時可在水浴中加溫助溶,洗滌時不影響結果。
3. 各步加樣均應使用加樣器,并經常校對其準確性,以避免試驗誤差。一次加樣時間控制在5分鐘內,如標本數量多,*使用排槍加樣。
4. 請每次測定的同時做標準曲線,做復孔。如標本中待測物質含量過高(樣本OD值大于標準品孔*孔的OD值),請先用樣品稀釋液稀釋一定倍數(n倍)后再測定,計算時請zui后乘以總稀釋倍數(×n×5)。
5. 封板膜只限一次性使用,以避免交叉污染。
6. 底物請避光保存。
7. 嚴格按照說明書的操作進行,試驗結果判定必須以酶標儀讀數為準.
8. 所有樣品,洗滌液和各種廢棄物都應按傳染物處理。
以標準物的濃度為橫坐標,OD值為縱坐標,在坐標紙上繪出標準曲線,根據樣品的OD 值由標準曲線查出相應的濃度;再乘以稀釋倍數;或用標準物的濃度與OD值計算出標準曲線的直線回歸方程式,將樣品的OD值代入方程式,計算出樣品濃度,再乘以稀釋倍數,即為樣品的實際濃度。
SBJ10709 人抗信號識別顆粒抗體(SRP)ELISA Kit Human signal recognization particle antibody,SRP ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10710 人封閉抗體(BA)ELISA Kit Human Blocking antibody,BA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10711 人抗細胞膜DNA抗體(cmDNA)ELISA Kit Human anti-cell membrane DNA antibody,cmDNA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10712 人抗鈣蛋白酶抑素抗體(ACAST-DⅣ)ELISA it Human autoantibodies against the C-terminal domain Ⅳ,ACAST-DⅣ ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10713 人卵清蛋白特異性IgE(OVA sIgE)ELISA Kit Human ovalbumin specific IgE,OVA sIgE ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10714 人抗核仁纖維蛋白抗體(AFA/snoRNP/U3RNP)ELISA Kit Human anti-fibrillarin antibody,AFA/snoRNP/U3RNP ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10715 人系統性紅斑狼瘡(SLE)ELISA Kit Human systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10717 人抗髓鞘相關糖蛋白抗體(MAG Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody,MAG Ab ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10718 人抗中性粒細胞顆粒抗體(ANGA)ELISA Kit Human anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10719 人抗中性粒細胞抗體(ANA)ELISA Kit Human anti-neutrophil antibody,ANA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10720 人抗載脂蛋白抗體A1(Apo A1)ELISA Kit Human anti-apolipoprotein A1 antibody,Apo A1 ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10721 人抗胃壁細胞抗體(AGPA/PCA)ELISA Kit Human anti-gastric parietal cell antibody,AGPA/PCA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10722 人抗網硬蛋白抗體(ARA)ELISA Kit Human anti-gastric parietal cell antibody,AGPA/PCA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10723 人抗網硬蛋白抗體(ARA)ELISA Kit Human anti-Reticulin antibody,ARA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10724 人抗突變型瓜氨酸波形蛋白抗體(MCV)ELISA Kit Human anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibody,MCV ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10725 人抗髓磷脂抗體IgA(AMA IgA)ELISA Kit Human anti-myelin antibody IgA,AMA IgA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10726 人抗突變型瓜氨酸波形蛋白抗體(MCV)ELISA Kit Human anti-myelin antibody IgA,AMA IgA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10727 人抗髓磷脂抗體IgA(AMA IgA)ELISA Kit Human anti-myelin antibody IgA,AMA IgA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10728 人抗腮腺管抗體(anti-parotid duct Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-parotid duct antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10729 人抗軟骨抗體(anti-cartilage-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-cartilage-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10730 人抗*抗體(AhCGAb)ELISA Kit Human anti-chorionic gonadotropin-antibody,AhCGAb ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10731 人抗染色體抗體(anti-chromosome Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-chorionic gonadotropin-antibody,AhCGAb ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10732 人抗腦組織抗體(ABAb)ELISA Kit Human anti-brain tissue antibody,ABAb ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10733 人抗麥膠蛋白/麥醇溶蛋白抗體(AGA)ELISA Kit Human anti-gliadin antibody,AGA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10734 人抗磷脂酰*抗體(APSA)ELISA Kit Human Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody,APSA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10735 人抗磷壁酸抗體(TA)ELISA Kit Human anti-teichoic acid antibody,TA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10736 人抗淋巴細胞毒抗體(ALA/LCA)ELISA Kit Human anti-lymphocytotoxic antibody,ALA/LCA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10737 人抗巨噬細胞抗體(anti-macrophage Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-macrophage antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10738 人抗甲狀腺過氧化物酶抗體(TPO-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody,TPO-Ab ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10739 人抗紅細胞抗體(RBC)ELISA Kit Human anti-red cell antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10740 人28S抗核糖體抗體(28S rRNP)ELISA Kit Human 28S ribosome RNP antibody,28S rRNP ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10741 人抗核仁抗體(ANA)ELISA Kit Human anti-nucleolus antibody,ANA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10742 人抗核膜糖蛋白210抗體(gp210)ELISA Kit Human Anti-glucoprotein 210,GP210 ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10743 人抗肝細胞胞質1型抗體(LC1)ELISA Kit Human anti-liver cytosolantibody type 1,LC1 ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10744 人抗肺泡基底膜抗體(ABM-Ab)ELISA Kit Human alveoli basement membrane zone antibody,ABM-Ab ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10745 人抗胸腺細胞球蛋白(ATG)ELISA Kit Human anti-thymocyte globulin,ATG ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10746 人抗表皮細胞基底膜抗體(EBMZ)ELISA Kit Human epidermal basement membrane zone,EBMZ ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10747 人抗中性粒/中心體抗體(ACA)ELISA Kit Human anti-centrol and centrosome antibody,ACA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10748 人抗白蛋白抗體(AAA)ELISA Kit Human anti-albumin antibody,AAA ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10749 人抗浦肯野細胞抗體/抗Yo抗體(PCA-1/Yo)ELISA Kit Human purkinje cell autoantibody,PCA-1/Yo ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10750 人抗Sa抗體(anti-Sa-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Sa-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10751 人抗Sa抗體(anti-Sa-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Sa-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10752 人抗神經元核抗體2型/抗Ri抗體(ANNA-2/Ri)ELISA Kit Human neuronal nuclear autoantibody,ANNA-2/Ri ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10753 人異質型核糖核蛋白復合物/抗RA33抗體(hnRNP/RA33)ELISA Kit Human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein compies/anti-RA33-antibody,hnRNP/RA33 ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10754 人抗Q熱抗體(anti-Q-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Q fever antibody,anti-Q-Ab ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10755 人抗多發性肌炎硬皮病抗體(PM-Scl/PM-1)ELISA Kit Human polymyositis-sclerosis antibody,PM-Scl/PM-1 ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10756 人PL7抗體/抗蘇氨酰tRNA合成酶(PL7)ELISA Kit Human anti-PL7-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10757 人PL12抗體/抗丙氨酰tRNA合成酶(PL12/AlaRS)ELISA Kit Human anti-PL12-antibody,PL12/AlaRS ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10758 人抗Mi2抗體(anti-Mi2-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Mi2-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10759 人抗Ku抗體(anti-Ku-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-Ku-antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T
SBJ10760 人抗IgA抗體(anti-IgA-Ab)ELISA Kit Human anti-IgA antibody ELISA Kit ELISA. 96T/48T