污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
德國國內一級上海智川工貿有限公司常年低價供應德國齒輪箱 伺服驅動,減速機 電機。德國維騰斯坦公司專門生產伺服精密減速機、精密齒輪箱、伺服電機。
AG products are found everywhere extreme precision is required to drive, operate and control. The products developed, produced and distributed by include highly precise planetary gears, complete electromechanical drive systems and AC booster systems and motors. The products are implemented in such areas as robots and machine tools, packing, conveyor systems and process technology, paper and printing machines, medical technology, and also in the aerospace industry.Our fundamental orientation toward inligent drive systems and the fusion of micro- and macro-technology have driven the further development of our core know-how and core components step by step: In 1983 the first true planetary gearboxes were introduced to the public for the first time. Further developments followed inthe areas of linear technology starting in 1991, electronics in 1992, motors in 1994, sensor technology in 1996 and software in 1998. In the sector of electromechanical hydraulic drivers, the group bases its efforts on the IMI strategy: the three core competencies of Innovation, Miniaturization and Inligence. From the beginning trends were set in the integration and miniaturization of components; many of these trends have been developed further. The structure of the various stages of development can be illustrated by a staircase model. On the first step are the basic components like transmissions, motors, and control and power electronics. A step higher are the functional units like transmission motors or servo actuators with integrated electronics and software. Entire functional systems such as joysticks in airplanes (sidesticks) are on the next step of integration. Further steps include sub-systems and complete systems.
齒輪減速機 SP 075S-MF2-40-0E1-2S
變速箱(不含電機) SK+060S-MF1-7-0C1/1FK7032
減速箱 SP100S-MF1-4-0E1-2S
變速箱(不含電機) SK+060S-MF1-7-0C1/1FK7032
減速箱 SP075S-MC1-7-1E1/HF-KP73
減速箱 SP075S-MC2-40-1E1/HF-KP73
減速機 TP050S-MF1-10-011-2S TRIBOL 800/220 訂貨號:3738134
減速箱 SP075S-MC1-7-1E1/HF-KP73
減速箱 SP075S-MC2-40-1E1/HF-KP73
減速機 SP140S-MF2-35-1G1-25 SN:2678019
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?