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電流探頭| TCP305

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探頭 流量計 一氧化碳檢測儀 紅外熱成像儀 頻譜分析儀 直流穩定電源 高斯計 標準通用型磁通門計 電流探頭 計數器 電阻測試儀 電橋 磁場處理電磁鐵 波形發生器 電磁波測試計 數控恒流源 功率放大器 半導體管特性圖示儀 標準電池 雙填充柱進樣器+雙氫火焰檢測器 雙填充柱進樣器+熱導檢測器 毛細管柱進樣器+熱導檢測器 智能崩解儀 電表 全自動部份收集器 全自動試驗支架 粉塵儀 高功能數顯測力儀 經濟型數顯測力儀 檢測器 比色計 張力儀 分流器 氣候箱 攪拌機 搖床 紫外分析儀 閃點和燃點試驗器 電位差計 交/直流標準電阻箱 指針式直流檢流計 除濕機 電流互感器 超聲波清洗器 溫度記錄儀 藥物溶出儀 采樣器 紫外可見分光光度計 數顯高速分散均質機 箱式電阻爐 片劑脆碎度測定儀 智能溶出試驗儀 密度計 邏輯分析儀 光度計 澄明度檢測儀 小型包衣機 恒流泵 消毒箱 恒溫恒濕箱 鉗表 智能片劑硬度儀 熔點儀 電磁閥 智能微粒檢測儀 電子天平 旋轉蒸發器 測定儀 試驗箱 高靈敏度熱導檢測器 萬用表 氣相色譜儀 氮磷檢測器 油壓緩沖器 電弧發生器 熒光分光光度計 信號分析儀 看譜鏡 氣體檢測儀 信號發生器 功率計 壓力表 普朗克常數 攪拌器 扭矩儀 鋁盒 可見分光光度計 電力測試儀 自動液相色譜分離層析儀 有源探頭 差分探頭 無源電壓探頭 熱電阻模擬器 風淋室 函數信號發生器 數顯推拉計 毫伏表 數字微歐計 交直流鉤表 直流電阻箱 水分測定儀 雙層玻璃反應器 溶出度測試儀 聲級計/噪音計 超聲波探傷儀 轉速表/頻閃儀 粘度計 分析天平 粗糙度儀 風速儀表計|風溫|風量|葉輪|熱敏 示波器 里氏硬度計/邵氏硬度計/洛氏硬度計 溫度表 紅外線測溫儀 測厚儀 測振儀 金屬探測器
電流探頭| TCP305 ?Automatic Scaling and Units*2 – Oscilloscope On-screen Readout of Magnitude and Amps reduces Measurement Errors with No More Hand Calculations
?AC/DC Input Coupling
?Low Insertion Im

電流探頭| TCP305

電流探頭| TCP305

Features & Benefits

  • AC/DC Measurement Capabilities
  • DC – 100 MHz, Current Probe Amplifier (TCPA300) uses:
    • DC – 100 MHz, 30 A DC (TCP312)
    • DC – 50 MHz, 50 A DC (TCP305)
    • DC – 15 MHz, 150 A DC (TCP303)
  • DC – 50 MHz, Current Probe Amplifier (TCPA400) Uses:
    • DC – 2 MHz, 750*1 A DC (TCP404XL) (500 A DC Continuous)
  • Automatic Scaling and Units*2 – Oscilloscope On-screen Readout of Magnitude and Amps reduces Measurement Errors with No More Hand Calculations
  • AC/DC Input Coupling
  • Low Insertion Impedance reduces Device Under Test Loading
  • Split-core Construction allows Easy Circuit Connection
  • Status Indicators provide Visual Operating Status and Notification of Potential Error Conditions – Degauss, Probe Open, Overload, Not Terminated into 50 ?, Noncompatible Probe Type
  • Lower DC Drift and Noise allows Improved Low-level Current Measurements
  • Certified for use in U.S., Canada, and Europe. Complies with applicable IEC Standards.


  • Development and Analysis Solutions for Designers, Installers, and Service Personnel in ecomm, Data Comm, Computer, and Semiconductor Power Electronics Environments for:
    • Power Supplies (Switching and Linear)
    • Semiconductor Devices (SCRs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, CMOS, BJTs)
    • Power Inverters/Converters
    • Electronic Ballasts
    • Industrial/Consumer Electronics
    • Communications (Phone, Salite, Relay Stations)
    • Motor Drives
    • Transportation Systems (Electronic Vehicles, Electric Trains, Locomotives, Avionics)

Increased Performance and Simplicity

The TCP300 and TCP400 Series AC/DC current measurement family is a highly advanced current measurement system for today's current measurement needs. When connected to Tektronix oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE Level II, TekConnect (w/ TCA-BNC), or TekVPI (w/ TPA-BNC) interfaces, current measurements and calculations are simple and easy.

*1 Derated with duty cycle.

*2 Requires a TDS TEKPROBE oscilloscope or a TekConnect oscilloscope with TCA-BNC.

Meets Today's AC/DC Current Measurement Applications

The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312, TCP305, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the gap between low-level milliamp measurements to very high current levels. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30 A, 50 A, and 150 A DC continuous. For even higher current levels, the TCPA400 amplifier with the TCP404XL current probe measures 500 A DC continuous and 750 A DC continuous, derated with duty cycle.

Higher frequency performance is available with the TCP312 w/TCPA300 providing ≥100 MHz bandwidth and a maximum current of 30 A DC.

Measurement Errors and Manual Calculations are Now a Thing of the Past

With this new series of current measurement tools, automatic control and on-screen scaling and units is provided for users of Tektronix TDS3000, TDS500, TDS600, TDS700, TDS5000, TDS6000, and TDS7000B Series oscilloscope systems (the DPO3000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000, MSO/DPO5000, and DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes, the TPA-BNC adapter is required).

The TCP300/TCP400 current measurement systems seamlessly integrate with your TDS Series oscilloscope.

Even non-TEKPROBE systems can use the TCPA300/400 Series to make proper current measurements by simply multiplying the measured output voltage on the oscilloscope by the TCPA300/400 Series range setting













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