HM10023Human,8-iso-PGF2α,ELISA Kit
Human 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha(8-iso-PGF2α) ELISA Kit
HM10022 | Human anti-Epstein-Barr virus antibody,EBV ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10023 | Human 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha(8-iso-PGF2α) ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10024 | Human tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 2,TIMP-2 ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10025 | Human glucose oxidase,GOD ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10026 | Human Nerve growth factor,NGF ELISA kit | 96T |
HM10027 | Human Phospholipidase A2,PL-A2 ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10028 | Human Chromogranin,CgA ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10029 | Human apoprotein B100,apo-B100 ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10030 | Human anti-prothrombins antibodiesigM,aPT1 ELISA Kit | 96T |
HM10031 | Human plaet-derived growth factor-BB,PDGF-BB ELISA Kit | 96T |
Product Number | Description | Size |
HM10032 | Human protein tyrosine phosphatase,PTP/PTPase Elisa Kit | 96T |
HM10033 | Human protein C,PC ELISA kit | 96T |
HM10034瓦 | Human anti-epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus antibody,EHFAb ELISA kit | 96T |
HM10035 | Human Neurokinins B,NKB ELISA kit | 96T |
HM10036 | Human Neurokinins A,NKB ELISA kit | 96T |
- HM100693Human, HSVⅡ-Ab ,ELISA Kit
- HM100630Human ,Hepatitis C virus IgG,HCV-IgG ,ELISA Kit
- HM100629Human ,Hepatitis C virus IgM,HCV-IgM ,ELISA Kit
- HM100628human ,Hepatitis D virus IgG,HDV IgG, ELISA Kit
- HM100627Human ,Hepatitis D virus IgM,HDV IgM ,ELISA Kit
- HM100626human ,hepatitis E virus IgG,HEV-IgG, ELISA Kit
- HM100625Human ,Hepatitis D virus IgM,HDV IgM, ELISA Kit
- HM100624human, transfusion transmitted virus,TTV ,ELISA
- HM100623Human Hepatitis G virus IgG,HGV-IgG ELISA Kit
- HM100539human ,SCCAg 2 ,ELISA Kit
- HM100246human ,ubiquitin ISG15,UBISG15, ELISA Kit
- HM100245Human ,Influenza viruses B,FLU B ,ELISA Kit
- HM100228Human, Japanese Encephalitis IgG,JE IgG ,ELISA Kit
- HM100223Human, carcinoembryonic antign,CEA ,ELISA Kit
- HM100219Human ,adeno-associated virus,AAV ,ELISA Kit
- HM100190Human, Influenza viruses IgG,FLU, ELISA Kit
- HM100185Human, pERK ,ELISA Kit
- HM100184Human, Influenza viruses A,FLU A ,ELISA Kit
- HM100167Human ,Rotavirus antigen,RV Ag ,ELISA Kit
- HM100155Human ,growth-regulated oncogeneβ,GRO-β,ELISA kit
- HM100154Human ,Triglyceride,TG ,ELISA Kit
- HM100153Human, growth-regulated oncogeneγ,GRO-γ ,ELISA
- HM100152Human ,EHF IgG ,Elisa Kit
- HM100147Human, permeability glycoprotein,P-gp ,ELISA
- HM100146Human ,Immunoglobulin M,IgM ,ELISA
- HM100142Human ,α-bungarotoxin,α-BGT, ELISA kit
- HM100107Human ,parainfluenza virus ,HPIV ,ELISA
- HM100194Human ,measlesvirus IgM,MV IgM ,ELISA
- HM100192Human, total cholesterol,TC ,ELISA Kit
- HM100167Human, Rotavirus antigen,RV Ag ELISA Kit
- HM100161Human ,anti-RV IgG ,ELISA Kit
- HM100158Human, morbillivirus,MV ,ELISA Kit
- HM100152Human, anti-epidemic parotitis antibody,EP-Ab ,ELI
- HM100107Human, parainfluenza virus ,HPIV ,ELISA kit
- HM10094Human ,measlesvirus IgM,MV IgM ,ELISA kit
- HM10089human, Noradrenaline,NA ,ELISA Kit
- HM10088Human ,Beclin SEMA3B ,ELISA kit
- HM10025Human, glucose oxidase,GOD ,ELISA Kit
- HM10024Human, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase,ELIS
- HM10023Human,8-iso-PGF2α,ELISA Kit