100gCasein acids Hydrolysate 酸水解酪素
試劑:Casein acids Hydrolysate 酸水解酪素
Casein acids Hydrolysate 酸水解酪素
貨號 | 規格 | 價格 |
WK0195 | 100g | 240.00 |
Application Used as a nutrient mixture in peptone agars for a variety of bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptomyces pyogenes, and Streptomyces griseus.
Quality A mixture of free amino acids with virtually no unhydrolyzed peptides. Only minimal inorganic components are present.
Reconstitution Recommended concentration: 25 g/L
biological source…………………………………………………….. from bovine milk
nitrogen analysis……………………………………………………. ≥9.0% amino, 12-14% total
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- 500g酵母粉 Yeast Extract,Powder 試劑
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- 100g(YNB) 無氨基酵母氮源
- 1gXanthione 黃嘌呤 生化試劑
- 5uXanthione oxidase 黃嘌呤氧化酶
- 5gXylene Cyanol FF 二甲苯青 試劑
- 25gUracil * 試劑
- 10gD-Trehalose D-海藻糖 試劑
- 100mlTEMED 四甲基乙二胺
- 5g(+)-α-Tocopherol(VitaminE) * 試劑
- 1gThymidine 胸腺嘧啶核苷
- 5gToluidine Blue 甲苯氨藍 試劑
- 5gTrypan Blue 臺盼藍 試劑
- 100mgThidiazuron (TDZ) 噻苯隆 試劑
- 5gThymine 胸腺嘧啶 試劑
- 25mgCephalothin Sodium Salt * 試劑
- 100mlTrion X-114 曲拉通X-114 試劑
- 100mlTrion X-100 曲拉通X-100試劑
- 5gTetracyclin HCl *
- 100mgTrypsin inhibitor *抑制劑
- 1000uThrombin * 試劑
- 250mgTMB-2HCL 四甲基聯苯胺二鹽酸
- 1gTTC 2,3,5氧化三苯基四氮唑
- 1gSpermidie 亞精胺(精咪)
- 5gSafranin O 番紅O 生化試劑
- 250gD-Sorbitol D-* 試劑
- 500gSurose 蔗糖 生化試劑 500g
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- 25gSuccinic acid Sidium 琥珀酸鈉 試劑
- 25gSuccinic acid 琥珀酸 試劑
- 100gSodium Citrate 檸檬酸三鈉