當前位置:天津市電纜總廠第一分廠>>礦用電話電纜系列產品>>礦用屏蔽電話電纜MHYVRP>> HYA通信電纜|HYA|市話電纜
產品用途:本產品適用于礦井下交流額定電壓為450/750v及以下配電裝置中的電器儀表作控制信號保護和測量。執行標準 standards implemented : q/3210hl33.1-q/3210hl33.2-2005 型 號model 名 稱 desc-riptions 使 用 范 圍 scope of application mkvv 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中一般控制系統中 general control system in mines mkvv22 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣鋼帶鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated steel tape armored pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中一般控制系統中能承受一定沖擊力和壓力 general control system cables are under some impact and pressure in the mine mkvv32 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣細鋼絲鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated fine steel wire armored pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中一般控制系統能承受一定拉力 general control system cables are under some pulling force in the mine mkvv42 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣粗鋼絲鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated thick steel wire armored pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中一般控制系統能承受較大拉力 general control system cables are under big impact pulling force in the mine mkvvp 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣銅絲編織屏蔽聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated copper wire weave shielded pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中強電磁干擾區作一般控制 strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines mkvvp2 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣銅帶屏蔽聚氯乙烯護套控制電纜 pvc insulated copper tape shielded pvc sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦井中強電磁干擾區作一般控制 strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines mkvvr 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套軟控制電纜 pvc insulated pvc sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 礦井中要求移動場合作一般控制 request migration situation as general control in mines mkvvrp 煤礦用聚氯乙烯絕緣銅絲編織屏蔽聚氯乙烯護套軟控制電纜 pvc insulated copper wire weave shielded pvc sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 礦井中要求移動且強電磁干擾區作一般控制 request migration situation and strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines 電纜結構示意圖 iiiustration of cable structure 型 號 model 額定電壓 v rated voltage 導體標稱截面 mm2 conductor nominal sectional 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 芯 數 core number mkvv mkvvp 450/750 - 2-61 2-14 2-10 mkvvp2 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 mkvv22 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 mkvv32 - 7-61 4-61 2-14 4-10 mkvv42 - 16-61 7-61 2-14 4-10 mkvvr 4-61 - - mkvvrp 4-61 4-48 - -
姓名: 畢靈通 公司名稱: 天津市電纜總廠*分廠 : 86 0316 5960996, 86 0316 5962859 電子郵件: kydl996