- 適用于爆炸性氣體環境1區、2區;
- 適用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC級爆炸性氣體環境;
- 適用于溫度組別為T1~T4的環境;
- 適用于石油采煉、儲存、化工、醫藥、*及軍事設施等爆炸性危險環境;
- 主要用于化學反應容器照明,也可用作局部觀察照明
- Applicable to explosive gas environment zone 1, zone 2;
Suitable for A, II, II, II class C B explosive gas environment;
, suitable for temperature group T1 ~ T4 environment;
Suitable for oil production and refining, storage, chemical, pharmaceutical, military and military facilities, such as explosion hazardous environment;
Mainly used in chemical reaction container, lighting, can also be used for observing the local lighting.
- 鑄鋁合金外殼,壓鑄成型,表面噴塑。
- 視孔燈可根據用戶要求做成聚光式,但在訂貨時應注明。
- 鋼管或電纜均可布線。
- 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求。
- Cast aluminum alloy shell, die casting, surface spray.
De Kong Deng made according to user requirements gathering type, but in order to be marked.
Steel tube or cable can be connected.
" With GB3836-2000, IEC60079 standard request.
| 防護等級 | 電纜外徑(φmm) | 進線口螺紋(G ") | 燈座代號 |
ExdⅡT4 | IP55 | 10~14 | 3/4 | E27 |
| 額定電壓(V) | 額定功率(W) |
BAK-40 | AC 220及以下 | 40 |
BAK -60 | 60 | |
BAK -100 | 100 |
浙江中宏防爆電器有限公司 專業生產:移動照明車,移動升降燈,防爆燈,LED防爆燈,防爆無極燈,防爆節能燈,投光燈,工礦燈,泛光燈,海洋王燈具,三防燈,搶修燈,探照燈,防爆電筒,便攜燈,應急燈,LED 燈,頭燈,隧道燈,防眩泛光燈,防震燈,工作燈,信號燈,方位燈,無極燈,防眩通路、