生產石材護理產品 石材護理劑 防水劑 防滑劑 防污劑生產石材護理產品 石材護理劑 防水劑 防滑劑 防污劑
This product adopts the high quality nanocrystalline silicon, nano silicate, crystal additive material through modern nanotechnology synthesis, with high permeability and diffusion force, is directed to the artificial stone material structure and design, not an alkali, not pale, polished after photometric greatly increased, the surface to produce a high gloss, and increase its waterproof, antifouling, non-slip effect.
Scope of application: artificial stone crystal stone
1. 先將粗糙的石材地面用翻新碟翻新至2000# 以上(注:新石材不需要翻新),然后清洗干凈地面,待干透。
2. 將晶面劑適量灑到地面,用晶面機配白色百潔墊打磨,均勻磨開并磨干,重復一到兩遍,地面即光亮如新 (8g/m2)。
Method of use:
In 1, the first rough stone surface with refurbished refurbished to 2000 # dish above ( Note: the new stone does not need renovation ), and then clean the ground, to be dry;
In 2, the crystal surface agent amount onto the ground, the crystal surface machine equipped with a white scouring pad polishing, grinding and grinding and dry evenly, repeat one or two times ground namely bright as new ( 8g / m2 );
In3, such as the need for a high gloss, morrow can drop with a small amount of artificial stone crystal face agent grinding dry ground, i.e. a diamond-like shine.
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