名稱:數字示波器 WR6100 廠家:Lecroy 型號:WR6100 Vertical System |
| WR 6030 | WR 6050 | WR 6051 | WR 6100 | WR 6200 | Nominal Analog Bandwidth @ 50Ω (-3 dB) | 350 MHz | 500 MHz | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | Rise Time (Typical) | 1 ns | 750 ps | 750 ps | 400 ps | 255 ps | Input Channels | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 | Bandwidth Limiters | 25 MHz; 200 MHz
| Input Impedance | 1MΩ||<20pF (10 MΩ || 9.5pF using PP007 probe) | Input Coupling | 50Ω:DC, 1MΩ:AC, DC, GND | Maximum Input Voltage | 50 Ω:5 V rms, 1MΩ:250 V max (DC+Peak AC(DC-10 kHz)) | Channel-Channel Isolation | > 40dB @ <100MHz (3dB @ full bandwidth) | Vertical Resolution | 8 bits; up to 11 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES) | Sensitivity | | DC Gain Accuracy | ?.0 % of Full Scale (typical); ?/font>1.5% full scale (warranted) | Offset Range | 50Ω:?00 mV @2-4.95 mV/div, ?1 V @ 5-100 mV/div, ? 10 V @ 102mV - 1 V/div 1MΩ:?00 mV @2-4.95 mV/div, ?1 V @ 5-100 mV/div, ?10 V @ 102mV - 1 V/div, ?100 V @ 1.02-10 V/div | Offset Accuracy | ?1.5 % + 0.5 % of offset value + 1 mV) | Probing System | BNC or ProBus | Horizontal System | Timebases | Internal timebase common to all input channels; an external clock may be applied at the Auxiliary Input | Time/Division Range | Real Time: 200 ps/div - 10 s/div, RIS mode: to 20ps, Roll mode: up to 1000 s/div | Clock Accuracy | ? 5 ppm @ 25oc (? 10ppm @ 5-40oC) | Jitter Noise Floor | 2 ps rms (Typical) | Time Interval Accuracy | Clock Accuracy + Jitter Noise Floor | Sample Rate + Delay Time Accuracy | Equal to Clock Accuracy | Trigger & Interpolator Jitter (RMS) | ≤ 3 ps rms (Typical) | Channel- Channel Deskew Range | ? 9x time/div setting, 100 ms max, each channel | External Sample Clock | DC to 1 GHz; 50Ω or 1MΩ BNC input | Roll Mode | Minimum rise time and amplitude requirements apply at low frequencies. (User selectable. Available at slower time/div settings) | Acquisition System | | WR 6030 | WR 6050 | WR 6051 | WR 6100 | WR 6200 | Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch | 2.5 GS/s | 5 GS/s | 5 GS/s | 5 GS/s | 5 GS/s | Interleaved Sample Rate (2Ch) | 5 GS/s | N/A | N/A | 10 GS/s | 10 GS/s | Max. Random Interleaved Sampling (RIS) Rate | <<< 200 GS/s >>> | Max. Trigger Rate | 125,000 waveforms/second | Sequence Time Stamp Resolution | 1 ns | Minimum Time Between Sequential Segments | 8 祍 | Acquisition Memory | Standard | Max. acquisition points (4 Ch/2 Ch; 2Ch/1 Ch in 6051) 2M (1Ch) | Option S | | | 2M / 4M | | | Option M | | | 4M / 8M | | | Option L | | | 8M / 16M | | | Option VL | | | 12M / 24M | | | Acquisition Processing | Time Resolution (min. Single-shot) | 200 ps (5 GS/s) for WR6030, WR6050 and WR6051; 100 ps (10GS/s) for WR6100 and WR6200 | Averaging | Summed and Continuous Averaging to 1 million sweeps | Enhanced Resolution (ERES) | From 8.5 to 11 bits vertical resolution | Envelope (Extrema) | Envelope, floor or roof for up to 1 million sweeps | Interpolation | Linear, Sin/x | | Triggering System | Trigger Modes | Normal, Auto, Single, and Stop | Sources | Any input channel, External, Ext/10, or line; slope and level unique to each source | Trigger Coupling | DC | Pre-trigger Delay | 0 ? 99% of memory size (adjustable in 1% increments, or 100 ns) | Post-trigger Delay | 10,000 divisions in real time mode, limited at slower time/div settings in roll mode) | Hold-off | 2 ns to 20 s or 1 to 99,999,999 events | Internal Trigger Level Range | ?.1 div from center | Max Trigger Frequency | Trigger Sensitivity with edge trigger (CH1-4+external) | For WR6030 | 2 div at < 350 MHz 1 div at < 250 MHz | For WR6050 & WR 6051 | 2 div at < 500 MHz 1 div at < 350 MHz | For WR6100 | 2 div at < 1 GHz 1 div at < 750 MHz | For WR6200 | 2 div at < 2 GHz 1 div at < 1.8 GHz | | Trigger Sensitivity with Smart trigger (CH1-4+external) | For WR6030 | 350 MHz Max @ ≥ 10 mV | For WR6050 & WR 6051 | 500 MHz Max @ ≥ 10 mV | For WR6100 | 750 MHz Max @ ≥ 10 mV | For WR6200 | 750 MHz Max @ ≥ 10 mV | | Trigger Level DC Accuracy | ?4% full scale ? 2 mV (typical) | External Trigger Range | EXT/10 ? 4V; EXT ?400mV | | Basic Triggers | Edge/Slope/Line | Triggers when signal meets slope (positive or negative) and level condition. | | SMART Triggers | State or Edge Qualified | Triggers on any input source only if a defined state or edge occurred on another input source. Delay between sources is selectable by time or events. | Dropout | Triggers if signal drops out for longer than selected time between 2 ns and 20 s. | Pattern | Logic combination (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) of 5 inputs (4 channels and external trigger input, 2 channels and external trigger input (6051)) Each source can be high, low, or don抰 care. The High and Low level can be selected independently. Triggers at start or end of the pattern. | |