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產品描述品牌喬豐型號多種材質PP類型塑料周轉箱用途周轉箱加工定制是加印LOGO可以品牌世紀喬豐型號塑料托盤 我們限公司是一家非常從事塑料托盤、塑料棧板、塑料墊板、塑料地臺板、塑料卡板、塑料箱、塑料周轉箱、塑料筐、食品箱、塑料盒、塑料桶、塑料周轉籮、塑料篩、零件箱、零件盒、零件柜、零件整理柜、元件柜、防酸桶、耐酸堿桶等工業塑料產品生產、銷售為一體的大型企業
品牌 | 喬豐 | 型號 | 多種 |
材質 | PP | 類型 | 塑料周轉箱 |
用途 | 周轉箱 | 加工定制 | 是 |
加印LOGO | 可以 | 品牌 | 世紀喬豐 |
型號 | 塑料托盤 |
我們限公司是一家非常從事塑料托盤、塑料棧板、塑料墊板、塑料地臺板、塑料卡板、塑料箱、塑料周轉箱、塑料筐、食品箱、塑料盒、塑料桶、塑料周轉籮、塑料篩、零件箱、零件盒、零件柜、零件整理柜、元件柜、防酸桶、耐酸堿桶等工業塑料產品生產、銷售為一體的大型企業。我們公司擁有多臺*的大型注塑成型設備,技術力量雄厚,產品質量好,美觀、耐用。塑料垃圾桶是廣泛用于公共環衛,生活垃圾的集中收取過程中的垃圾分類并配套環衛車自動化垃圾傾倒。是醫療廢棄物的集中處理過程中的垃圾裝運的好工具。 塑料垃圾桶選用的具有高沖擊強度的HDPE(低壓高密度聚乙烯)為原料一次注塑而成整體性能好,本身就是可循環利用的環保產品。比起其它類型的垃圾桶產品塑料垃圾桶的生產時間比較短(一般在5分鐘左右就可以生產出一個塑料垃圾桶),往往塑料垃圾桶設計時桶身都可以套疊,對產品的物流運輸及倉儲都減少很大的體積。使塑料垃圾桶更加*其它材質的垃圾桶,并且塑料桶蓋填充嚴密,桶體日久不變形,箱體結構不會變脆弱和變形,抗熱、防凍及耐酸、耐堿、桶箱易清洗等特點現在被廣泛使用。Sanitation trash can be used in many industries, to the city, district health, all kinds of public places to bring clean, health and environmental protection. It is a ubiquitous environmental protection product in real life. In China about 5 million trash in use, of which 66% tin, wooden bins, specifically recycling plastic trash accounted for only 30% of plastic trash, there is still a lot of use the space.
1 garbage cans, plastic injection molding, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance;
2, sanitation garbage cans of plastic structure, tough and durable, can withstand the impact of a variety of external forces;
3, sanitation bin mouth thickening reinforcement, can be combined with mechanical lifting device or the use of sanitation vehicles;
4, the bottom of the sanitation trash is specially strengthened, not easy to collapse, deformation and wear, prolong the service life of the product;
5, garbage barrel cover, which can prevent the odor distribution, water intrusion, mosquitoes and flies;
6, sanitation trash can overlap each other, convenient transportation, save storage space and cost;
7, sanitation trash inside and outside surface is bright and clean, easy to empty garbage and cleaning;
8, the design of environmental sanitation trash can accord with human body engineering, light and durable, move flexibly;
9, sanitation trash can be a custom color, diverse, suitable for different environment and garbage collection
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?