污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
產品描述品牌喬豐型號多種材質PP類型塑料周轉箱用途周轉箱加工定制是加印LOGO可以 歐標EU系列標準可堆式物流周轉箱是TOYOTA(豐田)汽車公司在使用的歐洲標準物流箱
品牌 | 喬豐 | 型號 | 多種 |
材質 | PP | 類型 | 塑料周轉箱 |
用途 | 周轉箱 | 加工定制 | 是 |
加印LOGO | 可以 |
歐標EU系列標準可堆式物流周轉箱是TOYOTA(豐田)汽車公司在使用的歐洲標準物流箱。該系列產品選用全新高抗沖擊性改性PP為原料、并運用*的工藝和模具設備進行開發生產。由于本系列產品合理的設計、的品質、周轉便捷、堆垛整齊、便于管理,同時又具有耐油、耐酸、耐堿、適應環境溫度廣(-25℃—+60℃)等特性,使其適用于企業物流中的運輸、倉儲、流通、加工制造等閉環回路配送系統,主要適用于豐田汽車主機廠及其配套單位。 本系列產品是一款專門為汽車制造業開發的產品,為了適應汽車制造業的特殊要求,箱體底部均為加強型結構設計,大大增加了產品的承重性、耐磨性和使用壽命。該系列產品有300*200mm、400*300mm、600*400mm、800*600mm、900*400mm、1200*400mm六大系列30多種規格,可與多款標準型叉車塑料托盤,以及其他物流容器和工位器具配合使用,適用于各種生產管理場所,是企業能夠真正實現機械化搬運,現代物流通用化,一體化的品。EU series standard can be stacked in the logistics box is TOYOTA (TOYOTA) auto company in the world to use the European standard logistics box. The series of products are selected new high impact resistant modified PP as raw materials, and the use of advanced technology and mold equipment to develop and produce. Because of this series of products, reasonable design, high quality, convenient turnover, neat stacking, easy to manage, but also has oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance, adaptation environment of wide temperature (- 25 C - + 60 DEG C) and other quality characteristics, to make it suitable for enterprise logistics transportation, warehousing, distribution, processing, manufacturing and other closed loop distribution system, is mainly applicable to the Toyota automotive OEMs and supporting units.
This series of products is a special auto manufacturing industry in the development of products, in order to meet the special requirements of auto manufacturing, at the bottom of the box body are enhanced structure design, greatly increasing the products bearing, wear resistance and service life. The series of products 300 * 200mm, 400 * 300mm, 600 * 400mm, 800 * 600mm, 900*400mm, 1200 * 400mm six series more than 30 kinds of specifications, and a variety of standard type forklift plastic tray, and other logistics container and workstation with the use of suitable for various production management place, enterprises can realize mechanized transport and modern logistics General of, the integration of the essential goods.
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?