污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
北京多力多機械設備制造有限公司具有能獨立研制開發,生產制造,銷售及售后服務一條龍的技術和經濟實力。新產品開發能力強;研制周期短;生產工藝*,并擁有一個較強的銷售及售后服務網絡,能夠確保用戶及時購買到較早的高技術,高質量的微型耕作機,并能及時得到良好,周到的服務。 “多力"牌DWG——2.5型系列多功能微型耕作機于1998年8月通過中華人民共和國*農機實驗鑒定總站的新產品鑒定:認為該產品在國內屬于*水平。 2000年10月又通過*頒發的農業機械推廣許可證書;編號為:部2000256。該產品已獲3項國家,以保護本產品的*性和*性。并于2003年通過ISO-9001質量認證。 該系列機的特點是:功能多;體積小;重量輕;造型美觀。*按人機工程原理設計,操作自如,可根據操作者的具體情況,調整操作手把的高度。它改變了傳統的農機工作原理:可變牽引力為推動力,操作手把在水平方向左、右可作180度調整。因此該系列機Z適用于平原、山坡、果園、疏菜大棚、園林等大,中型農 機難以作業到的地塊。 我集團生產的DWG——2.5系列多功能微型耕作機是目前處于國內*水平的多功能微型耕作機,具有旋耕、犁耕、培土起壟,中耕松土、除草、播種、噴藥、開溝、施肥、田間運輸等多種作業,還可作為動力輸出,帶動其它小型加工機械。本公司目前為多家外商生產制造*系列汽車修理工具。歡迎廣大用戶前來洽談訂購 On the strength of economy and technology Beijing Dulud Group just need short-term to complete the R&D of new product with advanced process technology.Moreover we have already built up large sales and after-service network all over country.As soon as the newest technology is be researched we can provide the whole service to satisfied our own customers. In Aug 1998,the DWG-2.5 series of Micro-c*tor was certified by Nation Agriculture Department and reached the front level of National.In Oct 2000,the DWG-2.5 series of Micro-c*tor was awarded the Promotion Machine License by Nation Agriculture Department.The License Number is 2000256.The series of Micro-c*tor have owned three items of National Patent for protecting the product inimitable and advanced ability. It passed ISO-9001 Quality Authentication in 2003. The series of Micro-c*tor include that Multi-functions;small;light;well shape etc.Moreover the machine is designed by ecology of body.Especially according to the condition of operator,the machine can be adjusted the eight of handlebar.The series of machines changed pull style to push instead of traditional machines concepts.As the handlebar can be adjusted from 00to1000 the machine can be available in the plain,hillside orchard etc,instead of big and middle machine. So far the series of DWG-2.5 have already reached the national of front level and completed the follow task;high-pressure sprayer ditching bucket;spin plough;ridgh & earth up;plough up;fertilize;seeding weeding. Besides,we now offer car repairing tools for foreign clients.Welcome to cooperate with us!
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