CT series cleaning tools are originated from Italian manufacturers EuromopReady System. With their experiences, designing knowledgeknow how of the market, all products are made to comply with high quality standardsrequirement of global market. In 2006, CT had launched a series of products such as cleaning trolley, single bucket, double bucket, window squeegeewindow washers. Within 2007, more innovative items will be coming to flourish our line of products. CT系列產品乃源自意大利生產商 Euromop 及 Ready System之多年在清潔工具之生產管理經驗,產品質量之堅持,對市場之觸覺,而設計出符合專業清潔使用者要求之配套用具。因應國際市場及使用者對專業清潔配套用具之設計及質量之強烈要求,現推出歐洲專業標準及質量之專業清潔配套用具如下:清潔服務車、水桶榨水車、玻璃刮、塗水器等。在2007,我們將不斷推出更多新穎產品以滿足市場的需要。