污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
C-ST-AQ 提升翻斗機(前行傾倒型): CST-A的輕巧改進型,功能及工作原理與CST-A型一致。適合中型規模生產廠家需要,更經濟,更節省空間。 提升翻斗機把攪拌或發酵好的面團連同槽桶一并提升至所需高度,把面團倒入疊層機或喂料機,適用于攪拌車間和生產線在一個樓層的情況。 1、可用于面團、粉漿、糖漿的提升和傾倒。 2、槽桶提升到要求高度后,再往前推進所需距離,到位后傾倒物料,適應不同布局生產線需求。 3、一次提升及傾倒容量大,適用于中規模連續生產需要。 4、可選擇全不銹鋼制作,更衛生堅固。 圖中型號規格: 長×寬×高(mm):1500×2000×2400 提升電機功率:2.2kW 提升及行進速度:0~10m 提升高度:1000mm 行進距離:500mm 傾倒角度:45° 提升重量:750kg(含槽桶及面團) ※C-ST-AQ 提升翻斗機(前行傾倒型)可按客戶需求設計定做。 C - ST - AQ increases tipper (forward dumping type) : Modification of CST - A lightweight, function and working principle of consistent with CST - type A. Suitable for medium-size manufacturers need, more economical, more save a space. Ascension tipper to stir or fermented dough trough along with up to the required height, pour the dough into laminated machine or feeding machine, is suitable for mixing workshop and production line in the case of a floor. 1, can be used for the dough, the raise of batter, syrup and dumping. 2 after promoted to the required height, trough, further promote the required distance, in place after the dumping of materials, to meet the needs of different production line layout. 3, a promotion and dumping of large capacity, suitable for medium scale continuous production needs. 4, can choose the stainless steel, more health. Diagram specifications: Length x width x height (mm) : 1500 * 2000 * 2000 Improve motor power: 2.2 kW Promotion and speed: 0 ~ 10 m Hoisting height: 1000 mm Length: 500 mm Dumping Angle: 45 ° Weight: 750 kg (including trough and the dough) Does can be customized according to customer demand design. |
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?