污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
噴水環半徑: | R375mm |
管徑: | Φ16mm |
孔徑間距: | 50 mm |
噴水孔徑: | 0.4mm |
特點及用途 Features and purpose
This equipment is used to evaluate the working performance of theproduct through the simulated dynamic operation of the testmaterials exposed to rains of varied intensity.e Studio-quality materials imported steel plates, steel casing of A3e electrostatic sprayingo All other contact with water components are copper or stainless steel material
◆技術參數 Technical parameter
型號 Model | zL-6O0LY | zL-100OLY |
作室尺寸 Workshop size | 60×60×60cm | 100×100×100cm |
工作室溫度范圍Temperature range of working chambe | RT | RT |
噴水直徑 Nozzle diameter | 0.4mm | 0.4mm |
擺管半徑 Pendulum pipe radius | 200mm | 400mm |
優質半圓形不銹鋼噴水管圓弧直徑為400mm /Premium semicircle stainlesssteel spray arc circular pipe diameter | 優質半圓形不銹鋼噴水管圓弧直徑為800mm /Premium semicircle stainlessteel spray arc circular pipe diameters 800 mm | |
噴嘴間距 Nozzle spacing | 50mm | 50mm |
噴淋量 Spray amoun | 1.1L/min | 1.8L/min |
噴水壓力 Spray water pressure | 80-100Kpa | 80-100Kpa |
擺管角度 | 1-300°,從中間向兩邊左右各擺1150°可任意調置.1-300, from centreto both sides around each pendulum 1-150 can be arbitrary set from centreto both sides around each pendulum 1-150 can be arbitrary set |
標準選型擺管尺寸mmThe standard selection pendulum pipe size | R200R400,R600R800R1000R1200,R1400R1600擺管半徑600mm以上為訂做規格( The pendulum pipe radius above600 mm is the ordered specification |
特點及用途 Features and purpose
This test is used to simulate the condition of strong high pressure with high temperature vapor for outer shell's each direction to test no harmful effectscommonly suit for auto parts to test performance index
型號 Model | zL-IP-9K |
試樣限制 SPtantdard capcity | 本試驗設備禁止易燃、易爆、易揮發性物質試樣的試驗;儲存腐蝕性物質試樣的試驗、儲存生物的試驗、儲存強電磁發射源試樣的試驗及儲存. This machine forbids doing inflammable, explosive, volatile, corrosive, strong radiation products test. |
標準內容積 Standard capacity | 1000L |
內箱有效尺寸 nner dimension | 1000×1000×1000(mm) WXHXD |
外箱尺寸 Outer dimension約( about) | 1820×1887×1500(mm) WXHXD |
重量 Weight | 約( about)480kg |
安裝功率 Max installation power | 約( about)22KW |
電流 Max electric current | 約( about)33A |
使用環境條件sage environmental condition | 環境溫度為+25℃、相對濕度≤85%、試驗箱內無試樣條件下測得的數值Temperature: +25 C: R.H. <%, this two values measured under the condition of no |
水溫度范圍 Water temperature range | RT~+85℃ |
噴淋總量 Spray volume | 14-16L/min |
噴淋壓力 Pray pressure | 約(abou)8000-10000Kpa |
噴淋方式 Spray method | 1.噴嘴距離樣品100~150mm可調;2.0°、30°、60°、90°每個角度噴淋時間可調distance between nozzle and specimen 100-150mm adjustable. 2.0, 30, 60, 90 spray time of each angle adjustable |
試驗轉臺轉速 Rotating speed of test table | 1-10±1rmin可調/ Adjustable |
試驗轉臺承重 Rotary table load bearing | ≤30kg |
試驗轉臺直徑 Rotary table diameter | +600mm |
轉臺高度 Height of rotary table | 可根據產品大小調節 Adjustable by product size |
試驗樣品固定(選購)Specimen fixed (selection item | 可根據產品形狀及尺寸訂做試驗樣品夾具(客戶需提供樣品詳細尺寸圖紙或實物) According the shape and dimension ofproducts to make the grip of test specimen(customers should provide detail dimension drawing of specimen or entity) |
試驗滿足條件 Testing meet requirement | DN40050-9中的PX9K高壓蒸汽噴射清洗實驗方法/IN40050-9|PX9 K high pressure/ steam jet cleaning metho |
觀察窗 Observation window | 位于門上,尺寸500X500mm寬X高/ ocation on the door, dimension500×500 mm Dxh |
噴淋系統 Spray system | 超壓自動泄壓保護 Automatic leakage pressure protection once over- pressure |
儲存環境要求Storage environmental requirement | 設備環境溫度應保持0℃-+35℃以內/ Environmental temperature of machine should keep within0℃-+35℃ |
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?