技術參數 精度:Depends on the probe 參數:相對濕度 探頭:All HC2A and HC2 probes 設備類型:Handheld device FUNCTIONS Spot measurements Time programmable interval logging MIN / MAX / AVG 應用范圍:-10~60°C / 0~99%RH (non-cond.) 電池:Lithium Polymer, 3,7V, 1000 mAh (integrated) 48h – Logging every 30s, screen off 10h – Screen always on 計算量:Dew / Frost point (Dp /Fp) Wet bulb temperature (Tw) Enthalpy (H) Vapor concentration (Dv) Specific humidity (Q) Mixing ratio by weight (R) Vapor pressure (E) Saturation vapor pressure (Ew) Saturation vapor density (SVD) CALCULATION METHOD WMO Standard 顯示刷新率:1 s (typical) 記錄間隔:1 s~24 h 存儲容量:8x8000 data points 通訊接口:Micro USB 外殼材料:ABS, TPR IP防護等級:IP65 儲運條件:-10~45°C / 10~90%RH 尺寸:160 x 63 x 30 mm 重量:185 g