污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
華新科0402/1005貼片電容基本參數品牌WALSIN/華新科型號0402/1005介質材料陶瓷(瓷介)應用范圍低壓外形方塊狀功率特性小功率頻率特性低頻調節方式固定引線類型無引線允許偏差±5(%)耐壓值50(V)等效串聯電阻(ESR)0(mΩ)標稱容量100pF~220uF(uF)損耗0額定電壓6.3(V)絕緣電阻0(mΩ)溫度系數0華新科0402/1005 貼片電容 片容 貼片電容器 電路設計2-1 Operating temperatureOperating temperature should be followed strictly within this specification, especially be carefulwith maximum temperature.1) Do not use capacitor above the maximum allowable operating temperature.2) Surface temperature including self heating should be below maximum operating temperature.(Due to dielectric loss, capacitor will heat itself when AC is applied. Especially at high frequenciesaround its SRF, the heat might be so extreme that it may damage itself or the surrounding area.Please design the circuit so that the maximum temperature of the capacitor including the selfheating to be below the maximum allowable operating temperature.Temperature rise shall be below 20℃)2-2 Operating voltage1) Operating voltage across the terminals should be below the rated voltage.When AC and DC are super imposed, the peak must be below the rated voltage. With AC or pulseovershooting, Vp-p must be below the rated voltage.--------------(1)&(2)AC or Pulse with overshooting, Vp-p must be below the rated voltage.----------(3),(4)&(5)When the voltage is started to apply to the circuit or it is stopped applying, the irregular voltagemay be generated for a transit period because of resonance or switching. Be sure to use acapacitor within rated voltage containing these irregular voltage.2) Even below the rated voltage, if repetitive high frequency AC or pulse is applied, the reliability of thecapacitor may be reduced.3) Voltage derating will greatly reduce the failure rate. Since the failure rate follows the 3 power law ofvoltage, the failure rate used under Uw with UR rated product will be lowered as (Uw/UR) 3 .手 機: 王小姐Q Q:電 話::辦公地址:東莞市塘廈大道北552號3H創客中心312電子郵箱:goodonecn
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?