上海迪勤傳感技術有限公司(簡稱:迪勤科技)成立于2012年,坐落于國家自主創新示范區、上海市大數據產業基地-市北*服務業園區,致力于成為的基于智慧物聯的生態環境數據服務提供商,以傳感技術為核心,采用物聯網、云計算、大數據、AI等新ICT技術,構建、多層次的環境質量監控網絡,從大氣環境到室內人居到車內空間,從監測到凈化到治理,實現環境質量可視、可管、可控、可互動,助力“智慧與綠色共融,健康與商業同行"。Shanghai DST Technology Co.,Ltd. was established in 2012.We are specialized in developing,designing,manufaturering and selling environment protection system,air quality monitoring instrument and life saving gas sensing solution.Our products are widely used in environment protection, coal mine, metallurgy, and oil & chemical industry etc. We are devoted to be a leading provider of safety, environment protection, health and energy saving solutions and alwas to provide more advanced products and more satisfactory service.