污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
特點 ▲ 采用進口優級質蜂巢轉輪,除濕效果好、壽命長、維護成本低;▲ 整機特別注重管路的設計流暢性,采用、最簡潔的管路設計,以減少系統壓損,減少耗能,提升系統風量;▲ 整機環保節能設計,再生電熱系統采用高性能保溫材料,且轉輪工作區之間隔熱良好,避勉熱能外傳,較之其它除濕機可節能30%以上;▲ 由于采用進口優質新型蜂巢,再生溫度150℃比顆粒分子篩除濕機再生溫度200℃節省再生耗能4......
▲ 采用進口優級質蜂巢轉輪,除濕效果好、壽命長、維護成本低;
▲ 整機特別注重管路的設計流暢性,采用、最簡潔的管路設計,以減少系統壓損,減少耗能,提升系統風量;
▲ 整機環保節能設計,再生電熱系統采用高性能保溫材料,且轉輪工作區之間隔熱良好,避勉熱能外傳,較之其它除濕機可節能30%以上;
▲ 由于采用進口優質新型蜂巢,再生溫度150℃比顆粒分子篩除濕機再生溫度200℃節省再生耗能40%以上;
▲ 回風與再生均裝有高精度過濾器,確保蜂巢轉輪不受粉塵污染;
▲ 回風采用雙冷卻設計,以保護風機和得到更低的回風溫度來確保干燥風露點溫度;
▲ 采用P.l.D溫度控制系統,可精確控制再生溫度;
▲ 標準配備預約開機與間歇式運轉功能,可方便實現機器的開、關機控制.且可節省能源;
▲ 具有超溫警報,電源相序錯誤,馬達過載等保護功能;
▲ 結構緊湊,外形美觀,維修保養方便,故障率低。
▲ Adopt imported high quality honeycomb rotor, which features effective dehumidifying, long life and low maintenance cost.
▲ The machine features optimized design of piping system, applying the most reasonable and simplified layout of the pipes to reduce the pressure loss and energy consumption, and increase air Volume of the system.
▲ Environment-friendly design, regeneration heating system made with high performance insulation materials and rotor working areas are sealed and insulated to avoid heat dissipation,saving energy up to 30% as compared to other traditional dehumidifiers.
▲ By using of the new type of honeycomb,which only requires 150℃ regeneration temperature as compared with 200℃ regeneration tempaerature of molecular sieve honeycomb rotor,energy can be saved up to 40%.
▲ High performance filters for both return and regeneration air to avoid contamination of the rotor by dusts.
▲ Double cooling system for return air can protect the blower and get lower return air temperature to ensure the low dew-point of the dry air.
▲ Adopt P.I.D. temperature control system for accurate control of the temperature
▲ Standard with auto start and intermittent working function, convenient for start/stop of the machine and energy saving.
▲ Featured with overheat alarm, phase sequence error and motor overload alarm;
▲ Compact design, easy maintenance and low failure rate.
Why to use Honeycomb Dehumidifier
If your product has such problems which are regarded as low grade or bad quality as shown on the left, for most of the cases, the reason is that the raw materials are not completely dried before moulding, especially for hygroscopic engineering plastic materials, such as PET,PA,PMMA,PBT,etc As practically proved, only air flow of high temperature and low dew-point down to -40℃ can make the hydrous plastic materials to reach moisture content below 0.02% before moulding
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?