污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
專業生產大量現貨各種型號標準 非標準高速齒形鏈條 定制高速無聲齒輪 高速 無聲 大中心距 高速高載 變速高載 扭矩大 精準度高 耐高溫 優質齒形傳動鏈 高速齒輪 我國的國家標準為GB/T10855-2003《齒形鏈和鏈輪》。 隨著高速鏈傳動技術的不斷發展,新型汽車,摩托車發動機越來越廣泛的應用了齒形鏈條,高速時,采用齒形鏈比采用滾子鏈條和齒形帶具有明顯的優點,但是由于存在“多變效應"減少瞬間嚙合沖擊和減輕傳動過程中“多邊效應"減少瞬間嚙合沖擊和減輕磨損,降低噪音的新型齒形鏈條。變節距齒形鏈條也稱HV無聲齒形鏈條,其鉸鏈機構采用的是滾銷式齒形通常有鏈板和滾銷兩個主要元件組成,他們和漸開線鏈輪一起,組成了鏈傳動裝置。從HV齒形鏈的動態工作過程出發。論證了HV齒形鏈條變節距原理。嚙合特性,研究了HV齒形鏈輪分度圓的確定以及鏈輪的齒形與加工,以期為變節距齒形鏈傳動的理論研究和生產應用提供參考。 變節距齒形鏈輪的特點 無聲鏈條的主要特點: (1)噪聲小齒形鏈(常稱為“無聲鏈")是通過工作鏈板與鏈輪齒的漸開線齒形嚙合進行傳動,因此與滾子鏈和套筒鏈相比,嚙合噪聲較小。 (2)可靠性較高 這是因為齒形鏈的鏈節是多片式結構,當其中個別鏈片在工作中遭到破壞時,并不立即使整根鏈條斷開,從而能使人們及時發現并更換。同時,與相同節距的套筒鏈和滾子鏈相比,齒形鏈傳動更緊湊,如需增加承載能力,齒形鏈傳動只需在寬度方向上增加較小的尺寸,而套筒鏈和滾子鏈傳動則需增加鏈條的節距或采用多排鏈 (3)運動精度較高 這是因為在直板滾子鏈中,由于鉸鏈的磨損,使其內節和外節的實際節距逐漸不同,外節節距變得越來越大,從而降低了運動精度。而齒形鏈各鏈節的磨損伸長則相對均勻,因此保持有較高的運動精度。 根據導向分:內導的齒形鏈條和外導的齒形鏈條,內外復合的齒形鏈條 配套齒輪 無聲齒形鏈條的分類: 1,無聲齒形鏈條 2,哈瓦無聲齒形鏈條 3,單軸無聲齒形鏈條圓柱和扁軸 4,無聲齒形鏈條內接觸和外接觸內導向或者外導向 5,無聲齒形鏈條有的帶異形片 6,無聲齒形鏈條有直背的和弧形背的 flat key slot high-speed silent chain tooth-shaped chain matching all kinds of tooth number high-speed gear Silent conveying chains provide a smooth,durable,flat conveying surface that operates with less vibration and velocity variation than other conveying products.Chains are manufactured from hardened steel components,making them long lasting and tolerant of elevated temperatures.They are available in a variety of standard widths and constructions or can be easily buit to suit a specific application. Linked and pin with a special treatment ,So it has highly wearable and strength to pull and can provide more stable use effects and long usage life,all of the of these products as your demand. The width of silent chain can from 50mm to 500mm. Two pin silent chain can provide better use effects and longer usage life than single pin.And with protection plate can offer more safety protection for the product.The chain gear tooth chain Xiangjie: also called silent chain, the chain is a special heat treatment process, and solves the problem that the domestic heat You can pack the factory.
2, HV鏈輪是負變位量很大的變位齒輪
4, HV鏈輪是切頂式。
5, HV鏈輪的工作齒面是淬硬齒面。
1, HV齒形鏈傳動區別于標準齒形鏈傳動。有三個主要元件:鏈板滾銷漸開線鏈輪。
2, HV齒形鏈條與鏈輪的嚙合過程類似齒輪和齒條的嚙合過程。嚙入嚙出過程平穩。
5, HV鏈輪是負變位量很大的漸開線齒輪。其變位量大小取決與鏈輪和鏈輪的定位尺寸。
6, HV鏈輪基準齒形僅與名義節距有關。而與齒數無關
Do not pass the processing problem, chain plate adopts special steel chain forging and heat treatment, the thickness of 0.2mm, hard, soft, this
The treatment process, to solve the high hardness, hardness of small fragments. Processing, do not wear problems, the use of Zhou Qishou
Life greatly extended (under normal use 3-5 years) according to the central distance of two kinds: 12.7mm, 25.4mm.
Application: the tooth chain has generally matched with the ranks of machine, bottle conveying machine manufacturers.
Detection of the tooth chain: tooth chain we produce have been running for 24 hours in the bottle conveying machine, to be qualified, only
Toothed chain is an important mechanical basis for a wide range of applications, mainly used in high speed, heavy load, low noise, large center distance conditions, the transmission performance is better than that of tooth belt, gear and roller drive, to become a large number of industries preferred form of transmission, can be divided into internal meshing gear the chain meshing form, outer meshing silent chain and the inner and outer meshing silent chain, the inside and outside the compound meshing noise minimum, is the most widely used.
Silent chain (gear chain drive) is an efficient, stable, drive economy. Its transmission speed and capacity are more than the chain belt and other types of silent chain. (toothed chain transmission) of low noise, small vibration, high transmission efficiency of more than 99%. The standard of silent chain chain and sprocket variety, so silent chain drive collocation is flexible, which can meet the different needs of different conditions
The chain shape of silent chain, in order to reduce the stress concentration degree, prolong the fatigue life, enhance the tensile strength of the chain. Stamping technology innovation bring pressure area each link can increase the bearing area. That links at reduced pressure, greatly reduce the chain in the process of using all stretched rate. The link is through shot blasting treatment to increase the fatigue strength, and surface consistent effect.
Silent chain and sprocket is designed to conform to the ASME standard profile using.RP series SC series with the transmission ability of silent chain two times, it can transmit more than 35 meters per second speed and more than 1800kW. When you need to load in the narrow space of high-speed transmission of high load when RP series of silent chain the transmission system is often the transmission type often used.