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SUPARULE DT80 超聲波測距儀

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更新時間:2022-11-16 15:50:57瀏覽次數:223次

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patible with CHM300DT Tri-pod mountabl...


SUPARULE DT80 超聲波測距儀

  • Horizontal distance measurement to 45m
  • High accuracy
  • Light weight
  • Compatible with CHM300DT
  • Tri-pod mountable

The Suparule DT80 is an accessory for use with the Suparule CHM300DT Cable height Meter, enabling it to be used for horizontal, as well as vertical distance measurement. On its own, the CHM300DT is used for the
measurement of the height of up to 3 overhead cables, to a maximum of 15m. When used with the DT80 the CHM300DT can measure horizontal distances up to 45m.
This range of 45m allows the utility linesman to quickly identify the mid-point between two poles, i.e. the point at which the maximum sag of the overhead line occurs. The vertical height of the overhead line at this point can then be measured with the CHM300DT.

The DT80 adds considerable extra functionality to the CHM300DT. It allows the user to measure horizontal distance as well as the vertical height to overhead cables.
One of the key requirements for overhead line technicians is to identify the minimum clearance of overhead cables. The minimum learanceis normally at the lowest sag point in the cable. With the facility to measure horizontal distances up to a diameter of 80 meters (45m in each direction), the user can easily locate the centre point between two cable supporting poles, and therefore identify the point where the
overhead cable is at its lowest sag. The CHM300DT can then be used to accurately measure the overhead cable height at this point.
Multiple DT80’s used in conjunction with the CHM300DT can also facilitate triangulation and similar complex calculations in surveying applications.


Range with CHM300DT

> 45m


± 5 mm

Operating Temperature Range

-10 ºC to +40 ºC




85 x 85 x 55 mm

Battery Type

9V Block

Battery Life

63 hours (continuous)

Housing Rating


SUPARULE DT80 超聲波測距儀

  • Horizontal distance measurement to 45m
  • High accuracy
  • Light weight
  • Compatible with CHM300DT
  • Tri-pod mountable

The Suparule DT80 is an accessory for use with the Suparule CHM300DT Cable height Meter, enabling it to be used for horizontal, as well as vertical distance measurement. On its own, the CHM300DT is used for the
measurement of the height of up to 3 overhead cables, to a maximum of 15m. When used with the DT80 the CHM300DT can measure horizontal distances up to 45m.
This range of 45m allows the utility linesman to quickly identify the mid-point between two poles, i.e. the point at which the maximum sag of the overhead line occurs. The vertical height of the overhead line at this point can then be measured with the CHM300DT.

The DT80 adds considerable extra functionality to the CHM300DT. It allows the user to measure horizontal distance as well as the vertical height to overhead cables.
One of the key requirements for overhead line technicians is to identify the minimum clearance of overhead cables. The minimum learanceis normally at the lowest sag point in the cable. With the facility to measure horizontal distances up to a diameter of 80 meters (45m in each direction), the user can easily locate the centre point between two cable supporting poles, and therefore identify the point where the
overhead cable is at its lowest sag. The CHM300DT can then be used to accurately measure the overhead cable height at this point.
Multiple DT80’s used in conjunction with the CHM300DT can also facilitate triangulation and similar complex calculations in surveying applications.


Range with CHM300DT

> 45m


± 5 mm

Operating Temperature Range

-10 ºC to +40 ºC




85 x 85 x 55 mm

Battery Type

9V Block

Battery Life

63 hours (continuous)

Housing Rating


SUPARULE DT80 超聲波測距儀

  • Horizontal distance measurement to 45m
  • High accuracy
  • Light weight
  • Compatible with CHM300DT
  • Tri-pod mountable

The Suparule DT80 is an accessory for use with the Suparule CHM300DT Cable height Meter, enabling it to be used for horizontal, as well as vertical distance measurement. On its own, the CHM300DT is used for the
measurement of the height of up to 3 overhead cables, to a maximum of 15m. When used with the DT80 the CHM300DT can measure horizontal distances up to 45m.
This range of 45m allows the utility linesman to quickly identify the mid-point between two poles, i.e. the point at which the maximum sag of the overhead line occurs. The vertical height of the overhead line at this point can then be measured with the CHM300DT.

The DT80 adds considerable extra functionality to the CHM300DT. It allows the user to measure horizontal distance as well as the vertical height to overhead cables.
One of the key requirements for overhead line technicians is to identify the minimum clearance of overhead cables. The minimum learanceis normally at the lowest sag point in the cable. With the facility to measure horizontal distances up to a diameter of 80 meters (45m in each direction), the user can easily locate the centre point between two cable supporting poles, and therefore identify the point where the
overhead cable is at its lowest sag. The CHM300DT can then be used to accurately measure the overhead cable height at this point.
Multiple DT80’s used in conjunction with the CHM300DT can also facilitate triangulation and similar complex calculations in surveying applications.


Range with CHM300DT

> 45m


± 5 mm

Operating Temperature Range

-10 ºC to +40 ºC




85 x 85 x 55 mm

Battery Type

9V Block

Battery Life

63 hours (continuous)

Housing Rating




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