污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
鍛鋼設計 Forged steel design 閥體和球芯全部采用鍛鋼材料,保證閥門在各種工作壓力等級壓力下都具有很好的強度和金屬致密性。也可按用戶要求采用鑄件。 The body and core of the body are made of wrought steel material to ensure that the valve has good strength and metal compaction under the pressure of all kinds of work pressure. Castings can also be used as per user requirements. 雙重阻塞和排泄 Double obstruction and excretion 當閥門處于關閉位置時,進出口側的閥座將閥體中腔和管線壓力阻斷,閥體中腔的滯留物可以通過泄放閥排泄。排泄裝置具有以下機能: A. 通過排泄裝置可以檢查閥座是否發生泄漏,以防止不可見的內漏。 B. 管線有工作壓力時,閥門處于全開或全關狀態,可更換閥桿處的填料。 C. 閥門全關時,打開泄放閥,可以排泄體腔的積壓和沉積物。 D. 閥桿密封,采用PTFE自緊式填料和O型圈密封,可在任何時候更換填料。防吹出閥桿設計。閥桿由于只受扭轉剪應力而不受彎曲應力,閥門啟團更省力,使用更安全。 E. 緊急輔助密封閥座,緊急密封系統可以在軟密封受損,或出現緊急情況不能密封時通過向緊急密封系統注射相應的密封劑即可進行緊急密封。 When the valve is in a closed position, the seat of the inlet and outlet side is blocked by the body cavity and line pressure, and the retention of the body cavity can be discharged through the discharge valve. The excretory device has the following functions: A. The discharge device can be used to check for leakage of the seat to prevent invisible leakage. B. When the line is under pressure, the valve is in full or closed condition, and the packing of the stem can be replaced. C. When the valve is fully closed, open the drain valve, which can discharge the backlogs and sediments of the body cavity. D. stem seal, PTFE self-tightening packing and o-ring seal, can replace the packing at any time. Blow out stem design. The valve stem is not subjected to bending stress because it is only torsional shear stress, and the valve is more efficient and safer to use. E. emergency auxiliary sealing seat, sealing system of emergency can be in soft seal is damaged, or there's an emergency can't seal by injection system corresponding to the emergency seal sealant emergency seal can be achieved.
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?