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公司簡介 Brief Introduction 本公司是專業制造各類閥門的集團型企業、上海市“重合同、守信用”單位、上海市企業資信等級AA*企業、中華人民共和國自營進出口權及上海市免檢企業,中石油天然氣一級供應網絡企業、國家電力公司物資局一級供應網絡及中石化集團備品備件一級供應網絡企業、建設部工程建設*使用單位和中國建設金屬結構給排水設備協會*使用“CBW”標識及定點生產企業。公司創建于八十年代初,九六年改為股份制,占地面積4萬平方米,建筑面積2萬余平方米,職工人數435人.公司集技術開發、設計制造、質量控制、*于一體,以“精嘉”品牌響譽業界。生產的主導產品有:水力控制閥系列、多功能水泵控制閥系列、軟密封閘閥系列、*的溝槽式連接系列閥門、閘閥、蝶閥、止回閥、截止閥、平衡閥、排氣閥、排泥閥、電動二通閥/三通調節閥、溫控閥、閘門等。公司產品廣泛應用于高層建筑、水廠、污水處理、市政、電力、鋼鐵、石油、化工等行業。本公司產品均按國家與行業標準制造及檢驗驗收,并生產符合美國API與ANSI,日本JIS與JPI,英國BS等標準的閥門,實現了以國代進及出口創匯。 Our company is a group company engaging in manufacturing various sorts of valves. As a company with Self-Support Import & Export Rights, we’ve been crowned as “Unit of Honoring Contract & Keeping Credit in Shanghai City”, “Shanghai AAA Credit Grade Enterprise”, ” Inspection-Free Enterprise of Shanghai City”, “Tier One Supplier of Sino-petroleum Corporation Natural Gas Supply Network”, “Tier One Supplier of State Electric Power Corporation Commodities & Materials Bureau Supply Network and SINOPEC Group Spare Equipments & Parts Supply Network”, ”Construction Ministry Accredited Recommendable Supplier for Construction Project” and “Plumbing Facilities Branch Committee of China Construction Metal Structure Association Authorized company of “CBW” Identification User and Designated Manufacturing Enterprise”. Our company was founded in 1980’s and reorganized as a Share-holding Company in 1996.With 40,000 SQM of surface area, more than 20,000 SQM of building area, 435 staffs and “Jingjia” brand name, now our company has integrated Technology Development, Design & Manufacturing, Quality Control, Sales Service into one complete concept, showing a outstanding performance in the business world. Our product line includes: Water Control Valve Series, Series of Multi-function Control Valve for Pump, Soft Sealed Gate Valve Series, Nationally Unprecedented Slot-type Valve Series, Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Check Valves, Globe Valves, Balancing Valves, Exhaust Valves, Mud Valves, Motorized Cock Valves, Three Ways Regulating Valves, Temperature Control Valve, Sluice Gates and etc. Our products are widely used in Tall Buildings, Water Factory, Drainage & Water Treatment, Municipal Administration Facilities, Power Station, Steel Fineries, Petroleum, Chemical Industry and other industries as well. Our products are manufactured and inspected in conformity with National & Industry Standards, API, ANSI, JIS, JPI, BS and other advanced international standards as well, all of which can completely replace the import products and earn much more foreign exchange. 本公司已獲取由*頒發的《中華人民共和國特種設備制造許可證(閥門)》和《上海市衛生安全產品衛生許可證.本公司產品已通過上海市技術*標準化驗收及備案,產品質量經上海市機電產品檢測中心、上海市通用機械產品質量監督檢驗站檢測檢驗合格.消防信號蝶閥經國家固定滅火系統和耐火構件質量監督檢驗中心檢驗合格。本公司委托機械部合肥通用機械研究所(國家閥門研究檢驗中心)對本公司產品監制.為了使產品性能更上臺階,達到*水平,本公司在原有設備的基礎上引進了*的數控、數顯加工設備及閥門性能管路微機模擬測試中心,保證了產品在制造中及出廠后在管路運用中的各項性能.引進的日產30噸的閥門拋砂裝置和環氧樹脂粉末靜電噴涂生產流水線,使產品真正達到綠色環保和安全可靠。 Our company has acquired “AZ (valves) certificate” (Awarded by National Bureau of Inspection & Quarantine for Quality Supervision) and “Products Sanitation & Safety License of Shanghai City”. Our products has been checked and accepted by Shanghai Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision for standardization.The products quality has been tested and proven to be eligible by Shanghai Machinery and Electric Products Testing Center and Shanghai General Machinery Product Quality Supervision Station. The Fire-fighting Signal Butterfly Valves has been accredited by National Center for Quality Supervision and Test of Fixed Fire-Extinguishing Systems and Fire-Resisting Building Components. And we also consign the products overseeing to Machinery Ministry Hefei General Machinery Research Institute (National Valve Research & Inspection Center).In order to enhance the product performance and come up to advanced international level, we’ve fetched in CNC, Numerical Display Processing Equipments and Valve Performance & Pipe Micro-computer Simulation Test Center, which enables the product performance to be excellent in manufacturing procedure and pipe application. Furthermore, our company is also equipped with Japan-originated Valve Blasting Device with a daily output of 30 Tons and Epoxy Resin Power Static Painting Production Line, which makes our products to be ecological, safety and reliable. 本公司建有CAD閥門設計中心,保證了新產品研發的質量與速度.本公司曾先后榮獲以下榮譽:硬密封、軟密封碟閥系列1996年被國家科委審定并獲得第八屆中國新技術新產品金獎;高中壓蝶閥/高溫高壓球閥1999年被電力部華東電力設計院列為高科技*產品;水力控制閥系列2001年通過上海市建委與科委聯和組織的專家組鑒定,被評為國內*產品.本公司受相關部門委托制定了許多行業標準和規范,主要包括:上海市《水力控制閥系列安裝圖集》(上海市標準化辦公室委托) 、《水力控制閥系列產品技術標準規程》(中國工程標準化協會委托) 、《水力控制閥系列產品》行業標準(建設部標準化辦公室的委托),此外還參與建設部關于《軟密封閘閥》、《給水排水行業標準規范手冊》、《*止回閥》、《分體式先導減壓閥》、《鋁合金不銹鋼閘門》等行業標準的編輯。本公司是中國建筑金屬結構給排水設備協會、中國通用機械閥門行業協會、中國環境保護產業協會等在冊成員,并在行業中發揮了積極作用。經相關*專家考核,*,于2000年1月26日中國工商報發表文章“精嘉閥門,打出品牌,走出市場”;2000年4月10日*又發表文章“精嘉閥門顯生機”, 在業界取得了良好的反響,所生產的產品也得到了眾多客戶的信任和青睞。 Our company owns a Valve CAD Design Center, which ensures the renovation speed and quality of the creative development. We’ve obtained plenty of honors from related associations and institutes. Hard-sealed and Soft-sealed Butterfly Valve Series had been accredited by Ministry of Science and Technology and won the gold medal of the 8th National New Technologies & New Products Fair in 1996. The Medium and High Pressure Valves, High Temperature & Pressure Valves are awarded as the Recommendable High-tech Products by Electric Power Ministry East China Electric Power Design Institute. The Water Control Valve Series are appraised as domestic most-advanced products by the expertise group from Shanghai Construction Commission and Science & Technology Commission of Shanghai. Our company is registered member of Plumbing Facilities Branch Committee of China Construction Metal Structure Association, China General Machinery Industry Association, China Association of Environmental Protection Industry and etc, and plays an active role in valve industry. We’ve framed “Installation Drawing Collections for Water Control Valve Series” (Assigned by Shanghai Standardization Office), “Standard Technology Practices for Water Control Valve Series Products” (Assigned by China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization), “Industry Standards for Water Control Valve Series Products” (Assigned by Construction Ministry Standardization Office).And we’ve also participated in editing Valve Industry Standards of Construction Ministry such as: “Industry Standards for Gate Valves”, ”Standards & Specifications Handbook for Water Supply and Drainage Industry”, “Industry Standards for Silent Check Valves”, “Industry Standards for Split Body Piloted Type Pressure Reducing Valves”, “Industry Standards for Aluminum Alloy & Stainless Steel Valves” and etc. Recommended by the senior experts, publication passages about our company---Jingjia Valve:” Jingjia Valve, Speak out in the market with its big brand name” dated Jan. 26th,2000 and “Jingjia Valve, always tending to vigorous” dated April 10th,2000 are respectively released by China Industry and Commerce News and People Daily, which ensured a good reflection from the industry world that all of our products are well-received among plenty of customers. 本公司以“精嘉”牌產品為,以科技為先導,以質量為根本,以誠信服務為宗旨,以合理價位為取向,贏得了國內外用戶的信任。為使“精嘉”牌產品更好的適應市場,滿足市場與顧客的需求,更好的為顧客服務,我們將以“不求較好,只求更好”的精嘉精神向廣大客戶提供更多滿意的產品和服務。 With “Jingjia”brand products as highly recommended, taking technology as guide, our Company has established excellent reputation among customers home and abroad with its trustworthy quality, customer-oriented sales service and reasonable & competitive prices. In order to introduce more excellent “Jingjia”brand products to the potential market, meet the market and customers’ demands, and serve the customers much better, we’ll do our utmost efforts to provide the customers with more satisfactory products and services under the “Jingjia” Motto of “Always to be better”.







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