Y10169A | (6-K-PG)人6酮前列腺素Elisa試劑盒 | Human 6-keto-prostaglandin,6-K-PG ELISA Kit |
Y10170A | (apo-A1)人載脂蛋白A1Elisa試劑盒 | Human apoprotein A1,apo-A1 ELISA Kit |
Y10171A | (apo-B100)人載脂蛋白B100Elisa試劑盒 | Human apoprotein B100,apo-B100 ELISA Kit |
Y10172A | (PⅢNP)人Ⅲ型前膠原肽Elisa試劑盒 | Human N-terminal procollagen Ⅲ propeptide,PⅢNP ELISA Kit |
Y10173A | (Col Ⅱ)人Ⅱ型膠原Elisa試劑盒 | Human Collagen Type Ⅱ,Col Ⅱ ELISA Kit |
Y10174A | (Col Ⅰ)人Ⅰ型膠原Elisa試劑盒 | Human Collagen Type Ⅰ,Col Ⅰ ELISA Kit |
Y10175A | (PⅠCP)人Ⅰ型前膠原羧基端肽Elisa試劑盒 | Human Carboxyterminal propeptide of type Ⅰ procollagen,PⅠCP ELISA Kit |
Y10176A | (sP-selectin)人可溶性P選擇素Elisa試劑盒 | Human soluble P-selectin,sP-selectin ELISA Kit |
Y10177A | (S-100)人S100蛋白Elisa試劑盒 | Human Soluble protein-100,S-100 ELISA Kit |
Y10178A | (S-100B)人S100B蛋白Elisa試劑盒 | Human Soluble protein-100B,S-100B ELISA Kit |
Y10179A | (IL-1)人白介素1Elisa試劑盒 | Human Interleukin 1,IL-1 ELISA Kit |
Y10180A | (IL-17)人白介素17Elisa試劑盒 | Human Interleukin 17,IL-17 ELISA Kit |
- Y10178A(S-100B)人S100B蛋白Elisa試劑盒
- Y10177A(S-100)人S100蛋白Elisa試劑盒
- Y10176A(sP-selectin)人可溶性P選擇素Elisa試劑盒
- Y10175A(PⅠCP)人Ⅰ型前膠原羧基端肽Elisa試劑盒
- Y10173A(Col Ⅱ)人Ⅱ型膠原Elisa試劑盒
- Y10172A(PⅢNP)人Ⅲ型前膠原肽Elisa試劑盒
- Y10171A(apo-B100)人載脂蛋白B100Elisa試劑盒
- Y10169A(6-K-PG)人6酮前列腺素Elisa試劑盒
- Y10161A(CORT)人皮質酮/腎上腺酮Elisa試劑盒
- Y10142A(MPIF-1/CCL23)人骨髓抑制因子1Elisa試劑盒
- Y11530A人*3(VD3)Elisa試劑盒
- Y11433A人多形核白細胞彈性蛋白酶(PMN Elastase)Elisa試劑盒
- Y11395A人β氨基己糖苷酶A(β-hexosaminidase A)Elisa試劑盒
- Y11229A人波形蛋白(VIM)Elisa試劑盒
- Y12696A犬白細胞分化抗原6(CD6)Elisa試劑盒 Canine cluster of d
- Y11037A人類白細胞抗原A(HLA-A)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10924A人單純皰疹病毒Ⅰ型抗體(HSVⅠ-Ab)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10729A人6酮前列腺素F1a(6-keto-PGF1a)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10606A小鼠抗甲狀腺球蛋白抗體(ATGA/TGAB)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10537A人EB病毒IgA(EBv IgA)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10458A人*(GSH)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10448A人抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗體(HBsAb)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10435A人顆粒酶A(Gzms-A)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10429A人抗肝細胞膜抗體(LMA)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10427A人肝素輔因子Ⅱ(HCⅡ)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10334A人可溶性血管內皮細胞蛋白C受體(sEPCR)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10326A人皮膚T細胞虜獲趨化因子(CTACK/CCL27)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10309A人血管生成素4(ANG-4)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10218A人激動異構酶/細胞分裂素MB(CKMB)Elisa試劑盒
- Y10073A人巨噬細胞炎性蛋白3β(MIP-3β/ELC/CCL19)Elisa試劑盒