Brand普蘭德 12道電動移液器 半支滅菌 0.5-10ul (705449)
優化的設計,合理的控制機構布局與可調節的指托使得空氣活塞式多道電子移液器Transferpette® -8 electronic 能像手套一樣帖服手掌。 右手與左手使用同樣出色。 Transferpette®-8/-12 electronic 八 /十 二 通 道 電 子 移液 器有5種 量 程 規 格 :0.5-10 μl, 1-20 μl, 5-100 μl,10-200 μl 以及 15-300 μl。 |
在附送工具的幫助下,每個吸頭倉與密封圈都可單 獨拆卸。吸頭倉與密封圈可輕松清潔與更換。這一 項設計能幫助減少維護的時間,延長移液器的 使用壽命,降低操作成本。 | 活塞倉與密封圈均由彈性FKM材質制成,*的設計 減少平行穩固地安裝吸頭所需的力。階梯式退吸頭設 計使用力在不到一秒內連續地分配到吸頭上,因此大 大地減少脫卸吸頭的耗力。 |
移液 (PIP 模式) “標準" 程序。移液器吸取設定體積的液體,然后排出液體。樣品混合 (PIPmix模式) 該程序可完成樣品混合操作。樣品反復被移液器吸取及排出,數據窗口可顯示混合次數反相吸液 (revPIP模式) 專為移取高黏度、高蒸汽壓或易發泡液體所設計的程序。凝膠電泳上樣 (GEL模式)* 該程序模式可用于凝膠電泳上樣**。可用合適的可調的速度吸取所需樣品,并緩慢注入凝膠。屏幕可精確顯示真實上樣量連續分液 (DISP模式) 連續等分移液的程序。可將所吸取的液體分 次排出。 |
*1000 μl 及 5000 μl 量程規格的移液 器不含GEL模式 ,因為凝膠電泳上 樣中幾乎不會涉及該量程范圍的移液。
Easy Calibration
Every laboratory that is certified according to ISO 9001 or accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 or works according to the GLP/GMP guidelines must regularly calibrate its testing equipment, and adjust as necessary. The pipette Transferpette® electronic allows you to make simple and quick adjustments without any additional tools. The symbol 'CAL' in the display shows that an adjustment was made.
Battery refresh function and working with the charging cable

In order to extend the service life and to increase performance of the
battery, the Transferpette® electronic is the first microliter pipette with a
regeneration (refresh) function. When required, the battery is fully
discharged and recharged by the program-controlled function.
No Downtime
The pipette Transferpette® electronic draws its energy from a NiMH battery.
One battery charge allows you to perform over 4000 pipetting cycles. During
the charging process, you can continue to pipette without any interface from
the attached, one-meter charging cable.
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BRAND® 移液器吸頭 建議搭配BRAND特級移液器吸頭與濾芯吸頭,達到≌佳表現。 | 移液器掛架 |