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簡要描述:美國Axygen公司是一家位于硅谷地區的高科技企業,主要產品為實驗室耗材,包括:吸頭、PCR薄壁管、PCR板、PCR封口膜、離心管、離心管架和分離柱。Axygen公司的產品具有多項目科技智慧和力爭上游技術,如:模具金剛石拋光技術;MAXYMUM RECOVERY 技術保證產品*掛壁現象,同類產品各品牌中對蛋白質和核酸的吸附低至。


2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached White Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENTXLF-10-R-S4800個/箱0.1-10ul盒裝滅菌加長型透明吸頭 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips , Filtered, Clear, Sterile, Long Length, Rack Pack51473345.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0108-LP-RT-C1250個/0.1mlPCR八排管(帶熒光定量平蓋) 0.1mL Low Profile Polypropylene Thin Wall PCR Tube Strips and Real Time Strip Caps, 8 Tubes and Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile132408606
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0108-LP-RT-W1250個/0.1mlPCR八排管,白色(帶熒光定量平蓋) 0.1mL Low Profile Polypropylene Thin Wall PCR Tube Strips and Real Time Strip Caps, 8 Tubes and Caps/Strip, White, Nonsterile132408606
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0104-C2500排/箱0.1ML四連管,含蓋 0.1mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Caps, 4 Tubes/Strip, 4 Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile2270814760.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-FCP-C1250個/0.2ml 透明PCR八排管平蓋 PCR 1 x 8 Strip Flat Caps, Fit 0.2mL PCR Tube Strips, Clear, Nonsterile23141504.1
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LP-FLT-W100個/箱0.2ml96孔PCR板,白色無裙邊 96 Well Polypropylene Flat Top PCR Microplate, Low Profile, No Skirt, White, Nonsterile45392950.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-C1250排/0.2mlPCR八排管 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile97406331
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-CP-C1250排/0.2mlPCR八排管(鼓蓋) 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Domed Cap Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, 8 Domed Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile125958186.75
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02CP-C1250排/0.2mlPCR薄壁8排管管蓋(鼓) PCR 1 x 8 Strip Domed Caps, Fit 0.2mL PCR Tube Strips, Clear, Nonsterile16481071.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-2CP-RT-C1250排/0.2mlPCR薄壁8排管管蓋(平) PCR 1 x 8 Strip Flat Caps, Fit 0.2mL PCR Tube Strips, Ultra-Clear, Nonsterile37882462.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02D-C10000個/箱0.2mlPCR薄壁管(鼓蓋) 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Domed Cap, Clear, Nonsterile55653617.25
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-C10000個/箱0.2mlPCR薄壁管(平蓋) 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Clear, Nonsterile48703165.5
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-NC10000個/箱0.2mlPCR薄壁管(無蓋) 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes without Cap, Green, Nonsterile59793886.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0212-FCP-C800個/箱0.2mlPCR薄壁管+平蓋(12排) 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Flat Cap Strips 12 Tubes/Strip, 12 Flat Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile139289053.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-FCP-C1250排/0.2mlPCR薄壁管+平蓋(8排) 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Flat Cap Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, 8 Flat Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile130058453.25
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-L-C10000個/箱0.2mlPCR平蓋薄壁管(低吸附) 0.2mL Maxymum Recovery® Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Clear, Nonsterile58803822
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-FLT-C100個/箱0.2ml透明平頂無裙邊96孔PCR板 96 Well Flat Top Polypropylene PCR Microplate, No Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile37782455.7
愛思進AXYGENTXL-10-R-S4800個/箱0.5-10ul滅菌盒裝加長型吸頭 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Clear, Long Length, RackPack22491461.85
愛思進AXYGENTF-420-L-R-S4800個/箱0.5-20ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌低吸附吸頭,適用于Eppendorf Research 20uL Maxymum Recovery Filter Tips for Eppendorf-Style Ultra Micro, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack60913959.15
愛思進AXYGENPCR-05-L-C10000/箱0.5ml 無色低吸附PCR平蓋薄壁管 0.5mL Maxymum Recovery® Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Clear, Nonsterile56683684.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-05-C10000/箱0.5mlPCR薄壁管(平蓋) 0.5mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Clear, Nonsterile50233264.95
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-C10000/箱0.5ml離心管 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile,1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.29121892.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-L-C5000/箱0.5ml離心管(低掛壁) 0.6mL Maxymum Recovery Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile,500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.18601209
愛思進AXYGENST-050-SS4000/箱0.5ml螺口可立凍存管 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.20621340.3
愛思進AXYGENST-050-SS-X4000/箱0.5ml螺口可立凍存管(琥珀色) 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24751608.75
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-C-S4000/箱0.5ml螺口可立凍存管(無色),已滅菌 0.5mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.81185276.7
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-C-S5000/箱0.5ml無色滅菌離心管 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Sterile, 100 Tubes/Bag, 5 Bags/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.24841614.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-X10000/箱0.5ml棕色離心管,非滅菌 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Amber Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30631990.95
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-B10000/箱0.6ml Microtubes. Blue 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Blue, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30331971.45
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-R10000/箱0.6ml紅色離心管 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Red, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30932010.45
愛思進AXYGENMTS-06-C4800/箱0.6ml微量管 96 Well 0.65mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Tube Format, NS, w/o Rack, 960 Tubes/Pack, 4800 Tubes/Case1514984.1
愛思進AXYGENMTS-06-C-R4800/箱0.6ml微量管,盒裝未滅菌 96 Well 0.65mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Tube Format, NS, 96 Tubes/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37242420.6
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-12-C-R400/箱1.1ml 12排盒裝微量管 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 12-Tube Strip Format, Nonsterile, 8 Strips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case34872266.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-12-C400/箱1.1ml 12排微量管 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 12-Tube Strip Format, NS, w/o Rack, 80 Strips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1529993.85
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-8-C600/箱1.1ml 8排微量管 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 8-Tube Strip Format, NS, w/o Rack, 120 Strips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1529993.85
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-C-R4800/箱1.1ml盒裝微量管,未滅菌 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Format, NS, 96 Tubes/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case34872266.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-C-R-S4800/箱1.1ml盒裝微量管,已滅菌 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Format, S, 96 Tubes/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case41872721.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-C4800/箱1.1ml微量管 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Tube Format, NS, without Rack, 960 Tubes/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1529993.85
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-11-C-S50/箱1.1ml圓孔96孔透明滅菌深孔板 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 1.1mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile28991884.35
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-11-C50/箱1.1ml圓孔96孔透明深孔板 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 1.1mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile24251576.25
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C5000/箱1.5ml離心管 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1266822.9
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-L-C2500/箱1.5ml離心管(低掛壁) 1.5mL Maxymum Recovery Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.801520.65
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-R5000/箱1.5ml離心管(紅色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Red, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15721021.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-X5000/箱1.5ml離心管(琥珀色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15571012.05
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-Y5000/箱1.5ml離心管(黃色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15721021.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-B5000/箱1.5ml離心管(藍色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Blue, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15571012.05
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-A5000/箱1.5ml離心管(雜色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Assorted, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.16601079
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-V5000/箱1.5ml離心管(紫羅蘭色) 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Violet, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15721021.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-NC5000/箱1.5ml離心管,無蓋 1.5mL MaxyClear Capless Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1476959.4
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-C-S4000/箱1.5ml螺口尖底凍存管(無色),已滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.81175276.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-W4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(白色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, White Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-R4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(紅色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Red Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENST-150-SS-X4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(琥珀色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24261576.9
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-Y4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(黃色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Yellow Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-B4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(藍色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Blue Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-G4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(綠色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Green Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENST-150-SS4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(透明) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.21661407.9
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-C4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(無色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.65664267.9
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-C-S4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(無色),已滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.79595173.35
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-A-S4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(雜色),已滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86115597.15
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-BR4000/箱1.5ml螺口可立凍存管(棕色) 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Brown Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C-S2500/箱1.5ml無色滅菌離心管 1.5mL Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1470955.5
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-C5000/箱1.75ml離心管 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Clear,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-L-C2500/箱1.75ml離心管(低掛壁) 1.7mL Maxymum Recovery Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Clear, Non-Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1414919.1
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-C-S2500/箱1.75ml離心管,已滅菌 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube,Clear, Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1499974.35
愛思進AXYGENTF-10XT-C-R-S4800/箱10 μL 帶濾芯加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌 10ul Long Reach Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile,96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case56313660.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-1000XT-C-R-S3840/箱1000 μL 帶濾芯加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌 1000ul Long Reach Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile,96 Tips/Rack, 8 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case52893437.85
愛思進AXYGENT-1000XT-C7680/箱1000ul 加長吸頭,透明,袋裝,未滅菌 1000uL Long Reach Tips, 768/76801534997.1
愛思進AXYGENT-1000XT-C-R-S3840/箱1000ul 加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌 1000ul Long Reach Tips, Clear, Sterile25971688.05
愛思進AXYGENTF-1000-R-S5000/箱1000ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭 1000uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-1000-L-R-S5000/箱1000ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭(低吸附) 1000uL Maxymum Recovery UniversalFitFilterTips,Clear,Sterile,Rack Pack,100 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.59733882.45
愛思進AXYGENGEN3-1000-L-R-S5000/箱1000ul多重屏障自封閉濾芯吸頭 1000uL GEN3 Multi-Barrier Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.63554130.75
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-B-R5000/箱1000ul盒裝藍吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Blue, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.26501722.5
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-B-R-S5000/箱1000ul盒裝滅菌藍吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Blue, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.29181896.7
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C-R-S5000/箱1000ul盒裝滅菌無色吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.29481916.2
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C-L-R-S5000/箱1000ul盒裝滅菌無色吸頭(低吸附) 1000uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Clear, Sterile,Rack Pack,100 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.35592313.35
愛思進AXYGENTT-1000-CBK-HTR1536/箱1000ul機械手吸頭,黑色,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile24211573.65
愛思進AXYGENTT-1000-C-HTR1536/箱1000ul機械手吸頭,透明,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile20821353.3
愛思進AXYGENT-1005-WB-C-R-S5000/箱1000ul寬孔盒裝滅菌吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.34302229.5
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-B5000/箱1000ul藍吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Blue, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.873567.45
愛思進AXYGENTF-10005000/箱1000ul濾芯吸頭,袋裝 1000uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 5packs/Case.39602574
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C5000/箱1000ul無色吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.1003651.95
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C-L5000/箱1000ul無色吸頭(低吸附) 1000uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Cas1187771.55
愛思進AXYGENTF-100-R-S4800/箱100ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭 100uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-100-L-R-S4800/箱100ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭(低吸附) 100uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit FilterTips,Clear,Sterile,Rack Pack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.59733882.45
愛思進AXYGENTF-10010000/箱100ul帶濾芯吸頭 100uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.71374639.05
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-10ML-24-C-S25/箱10ml 方孔 24 孔透明深孔板 ;滅菌 24 Well Clear V-Bottom 10mL Polypropylene Rectangular Well Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile38092475.85
愛思進AXYGENSCT-10ML-S500/箱10ml滅菌運輸管(帶蓋) 10mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube with Blue Cap, Clear, Sterile, 25 Tubes/Pack, 20 Pack/Case.1095711.75
愛思進AXYGENT-10XT-C10000/箱10ul 加長吸頭,透明,袋裝,未滅菌 10uL Long Reach Tips, Clear 1000 Tips/bag, 10bags.cs18841224.6
愛思進AXYGENT-10XT-C-R-S4800/箱10ul 加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌 10uL Long Reach Tips, Clear, Sterile, 96 tips/rack, 10 racks/pack, 5 packs/cs25101631.5
愛思進AXYGENTXL-10-L-R-S4800/箱10ul 滅菌低吸附盒裝加長型吸頭 10uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Sterile,Long Length,Rack Pack,96 Tips/Pack, 10 Racks/Pack ,5 Packs/Case.29291903.85
愛思進AXYGENTF-400-L-R-S4800/箱10ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌低吸附吸頭 10uL Maxymum Recovery Filter Tips for Eppendorf-Style Ultra Micro, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack60913959.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-400-R-S4800/箱10ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌長吸頭 10uL Filter Tips for Eppendorf-Style Ultra Micro, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-300-R-S4800/箱10UL帶濾芯滅菌盒裝短吸頭 10uLMicrovolume,Gilson-Style P2/P10 FilterTips,Clear,Sterile,Rack Pack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-300-L-R-S4800/箱10UL帶濾芯滅菌盒裝短吸頭(低吸附) 10uLMaxymum Recovery Gilson-StyleP2/P10FilterTips,Clear,Sterile,RackPack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.59733882.45
愛思進AXYGENTF-40010000/箱10ul帶濾芯長吸頭 10uL Filter Tips for Eppendorf-Style Ultra Micro, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.72084685.2
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L20000/箱10ul短吸頭(低吸附) 10uL Maxymum Recovery Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.40362623.4
愛思進AXYGENT-30020000/箱10ul短吸頭(適用于Gilson) 10uL Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Nonsterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.32772130.05
愛思進AXYGENGEN3-10-L-R-S4800/箱10ul多重屏障自封閉濾芯吸頭 10uL GEN3 Multi-Barrier Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.63554130.75
愛思進AXYGENT-300-STK4800/箱10ul盒裝疊層吸頭 10uL Pipet Tips, Gilson-Style, Non-Filtered, Clear, Stack Packed19111242.15
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L-R-S4800/箱10ul盒裝滅菌低吸附短吸頭 10uL Maxymum Recovery Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack26371714.05
愛思進AXYGENT-300-R-S4800/箱10ul盒裝滅菌短吸頭 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack21621405.3
愛思進AXYGENT-400-R-S4800/箱10ul盒裝滅菌長吸頭 20uL Ultra Micro PipetTips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.22061433.9
愛思進AXYGENT-400-L-R-S4800/箱10ul盒裝滅菌長吸頭,低吸附 20uL Maxymum Recovery Ultra Micro PipetTips,Non-Filtered,Clear,Sterile,Rack Rack Pack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.26891747.85
愛思進AXYGENTF-30010000/箱10ul濾心短吸頭,袋裝 10uL Microvolume, Gilson-Style P2/P10 Filter Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.71374639.05
愛思進AXYGENT-400-L20000/箱10ul長吸頭(低吸附) 20uL Maxymum Recovery Ultra Micro Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.43452824.25
愛思進AXYGENT-40020000/箱10ul長吸頭(適用于Eppendorf) 20uL Ultra Micro Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.35292293.85
愛思進AXYGENMTS-12CP-C400/箱12排蓋,用于1.1ml微量管 96 Well Polyethylene Cluster Tube 12-Cap Strips, Nonsterile, 80 Strips/Pack,5 Packs/Case1107719.55
愛思進AXYGENMTXF-1250-C-R-S3456/箱15-1250ul盒裝滅菌帶濾芯吸頭 1250uL Filter Pipet Tips, Matrix-Style, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 12 Racks/Pack, 3 Packs/Case.62064033.9
15mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 25 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 20 Units/Case.
15mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 50 Tubes and Caps per Rack, 10 Racks Per Case.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-C5000/箱2.0ml離心管 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1329863.85
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-L-C2500個/2.0ml離心管(低掛壁) 2.0mL Maxymum Recovery Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.857557.05
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-X5000/箱2.0ml離心管(琥珀色) 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-B5000/箱2.0ml離心管(藍色) 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Blue, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-A5000/箱2.0ml離心管(雜色) 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Assorted, Non-Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.18341192.1
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-G4000/箱2.0ml螺口可立凍存管(綠色) 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Green Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-C4000/箱2.0ml螺口可立凍存管(無色) 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.65664267.9
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-C-S4000/箱2.0ml螺口可立凍存管(無色),已滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.79595173.35
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-C-S2500個/2.0ml無色滅菌離心管 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1499974.35
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-20-C-S50/箱2.0ml圓孔96孔透明滅菌深孔板 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 2mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile29281903.2
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-20-C50/箱2.0ml圓孔96孔透明深孔板 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 2mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile24021561.3
愛思進AXYGENTF-200XT-C-R-S4800/箱200 μL 帶濾芯加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌 200ul Long Reach Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile,96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case55223589.3
愛思進AXYGENT-200XT-C10000/箱200ul long reach tips, Non-Sterile, Bulk 200uL Long Reach Tips, Clear, 1000/1000018041172.6
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-Y20000/箱200ul帶刻度黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Yellow, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.33162155.4
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-Y-R-S4800/箱200ul帶刻度滅菌盒裝黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Hinged Racks, Yellow, Sterile, 96Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Pack/Case.22491461.85
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-L20000/箱200ul帶刻度無色吸頭(低吸附) 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Bulk Pack41242680.6
愛思進AXYGENTF-200-L-R-S4800/箱200ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭(低吸附) 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.59733882.45
愛思進AXYGENFXF-200-R-S4800/箱200ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭(機械手用) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 200µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile55113582.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-200-R-S4800/箱200ul帶濾芯滅菌盒裝無色吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-20010000/箱200ul帶濾芯無色吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.71374639.05
愛思進AXYGENGEN3-200-L-R-S4800/箱200ul多重屏障自封閉濾芯吸頭 200uL GEN3 Multi-Barrier Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.63554130.75
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-L-R-S4800/箱200ul盒裝帶刻度無色吸頭(低吸附),已滅菌 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack26891747.85
愛思進AXYGENT-200-Y-STK4800/箱200ul盒裝疊層黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Yellow, Non-Sterile, Stacked Rack,96 Tips/Rack,5 Racks/Stack,10 Stacks/Case.19301254.5
愛思進AXYGENT-200-Y-R4800/箱200ul盒裝黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Hinged Rack, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.19111242.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-205-WB-R-S4800/箱200ul盒裝滅菌廣嘴機械臂透明濾芯吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.50883307.2
愛思進AXYGENT-200-Y-R-S4800/箱200ul盒裝滅菌黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Hinged Racks, Yellow, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.21411391.65
愛思進AXYGENT-200-Y20000/箱200ul黃吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.31402041
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-R-S4800/箱200ul無色盒裝滅菌吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Hinged Racks, Clear, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.22491461.85
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-L-R-S4800/箱200ul無色盒裝滅菌吸頭(低吸附) 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack26371714.05
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-L-R4800/箱200ul無色盒裝吸頭(低吸附) 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack23541530.1
愛思進AXYGENT-205-WB-C-R-S4800/箱200ul無色寬孔盒裝滅菌吸頭 200uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Hinged Racks, Clear, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.23761544.4
愛思進AXYGENT-205-WB-C-R4800/箱200ul無色寬孔盒裝吸頭 200uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Hinged Racks, Clear, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.22641471.6
愛思進AXYGENT-205-WB-C20000/箱200ul無色寬孔吸頭 200uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.35862330.9
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C20000/箱200ul無色吸頭 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.34162220.4
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-L20000/箱200ul無色吸頭(低吸附) 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.40842654.6
愛思進AXYGENT-200XT-C-R-S4800/箱200μl加長吸頭,透明,盒裝,滅菌200ul long reach tips, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case24621600.3
愛思進AXYGENTF-20-R-S4800/箱20ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭 20uL Universal Fit Filter Tips Racked, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.49963247.4
愛思進AXYGENTF-20-L-R-S4800/箱20ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭(低吸附) 20uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Filter Tips Racked, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack60323920.8
愛思進AXYGENTF-2010000/箱20ul帶濾芯吸頭 20uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.72084685.2
愛思進AXYGENFX-20-R4000/箱20ul盒裝吸頭(機械手用) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41892722.85
愛思進AXYGENTT-20-CBK-HTR2304個/20ul機械手吸頭,黑色 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 20µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile39352557.75
愛思進AXYGENFX-250-R-S4000/箱250ul盒裝滅菌吸頭(機械手用) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile46092995.85
愛思進AXYGENFX-250-R4000/箱250UL盒裝吸頭(機械手用) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41892722.85
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-25100/箱25mL 儲液槽 25mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Nonsterile826536.9
愛思進AXYGENST-200-SS-X4000/箱2ml螺口可立凍存管(琥珀色) 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24751608.75
愛思進AXYGENST-200-SS4000/箱2ml螺口可立凍存管(透明) 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.21661407.9
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-RD50/箱2ml圓孔硅膠蓋 AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plate, Nonsterile28021821.3
愛思進AXYGENTF-350-R-S4800/箱300UL帶濾芯滅菌盒裝吸頭 300uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.50953311.75
愛思進AXYGENTF-35010000/箱300UL帶濾芯吸頭 300uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.73514778.15
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C-R4800/箱300ul盒裝白槍頭,未滅菌 300uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Non-Filtered, Clear, Rack Pack22271447.55
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C-R-S4800/箱300ul盒裝滅菌無色吸頭 300uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Hinged Racks, Clear, Sterile25241640.6
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C10000/箱300ul無色吸頭 300uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Non-Filtered, Clear, Bulk Pack20381324.7
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-31UL-R19200/箱30ul吸頭,適用于V-11,透明 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1943512632.75
愛思進AXYGENAM-384-DW-SQ50/箱384ml 深孔板方孔封 AxyMats™384 Square Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile28291838.85
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-C50/箱384孔PCR板 384 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Full Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile31792066.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384M2-C50/箱384孔PCR板,適用于AB1373 384 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Compatible with ABI,Full Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile31792066.35
愛思進AXYGENAM-384-PCR-RD50/箱384孔PCR板蓋 Sealing Mat for 384 Well PCR Microplates30301969.5
愛思進AXYGENP-384-120SQ-C50/箱384孔深孔板,120ul,透明 384 Well Clear V-Bottom 120µL Polypropylene Deep Well Not Treated Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile24731607.45
愛思進AXYGENP-384-120SQ-C-S50/箱384孔深孔板,120ul,透明,滅菌 384 Well Clear V-Bottom 120µL Polypropylene Deep Well Not Treated Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile31482046.2
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW4-HP25/箱4道儲液槽,高位 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 4-Channel Trough, High Profile, Nonsterile30151959.75
愛思進AXYGENMCT-500-C-S1250/箱5.0ml無色滅菌離心管 5.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Sterile,250 Tubes/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.42802782
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450R-C50/箱500ul圓孔U型底96孔透明分析板 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 550µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 10 per Pack, Nonsterile17321125.8
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450R-C-S50/箱500ul圓孔U型底96孔透明分析板,滅菌 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 550µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 10 per Pack, Sterile22041432.6
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450V-C50/箱500ul圓孔錐型底96孔透明分析板 96 Well Clear V-Bottom 550µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 10 per Pack, Nonsterile17321125.8
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450V-C-S50/箱500ul圓孔錐型底96孔透明分析板,滅菌 96 Well Clear V-Bottom 550µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 10 per Pack, Sterile22041432.6
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-50100/箱50mL 儲液槽 50mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Nonsterile953619.45
50mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 25 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 20 Units/Case.
50mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 25 Tubes and Caps per Rack, 10 Racks Per Unit, 2 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENTF-50-R-S4800/箱50ul帶濾芯盒裝滅菌吸頭 50uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.50953311.75
愛思進AXYGENFX-50-R4800/箱50ul盒裝吸頭(機械手用) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41892722.85
愛思進AXYGENTT-50-CBK-HTR2304/箱50ul機械手吸頭,黑色 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile38572507.05
愛思進AXYGENTT-50-C-HTR2304/箱50ul機械手吸頭,無色 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile30621990.3
愛思進AXYGENT-5000-C2500/箱5ml 吸頭,適用于Gilson 5mL Macrovolume Pipet Tips, Clear, Graduated, Bulk Packed, 250 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.29841939.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-500-C1250/箱5ml離心管 5.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile,250 Tubes/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.28531854.45
愛思進AXYGENSCT-5ML-S500/箱5ml滅菌運輸管(帶蓋) 5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube with Blue Cap, Clear, Sterile, 500 Tubes and Caps/Case.1050682.5
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-500-C-S50/箱600ul圓孔V型底96孔透明滅菌深孔板 96 Well Clear V-Bottom 600µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile29281903.2
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-70UL-R19200/箱70ul吸頭,適用于V-12,透明 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 70µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1943512632.75
80 Well Red Microtube Rack for 1.5/2.0mL Microtubes, 25 Racks Per Case.
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW8-HP25/箱8孔加樣槽,290ml Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENMTS-8CP-C600/箱8排蓋,用于微量管 96 Well Polyethylene Cluster Tube 8-Cap Strips, Nonsterile, 120 Strips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1107719.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-8CP-C-S600/箱8排蓋,用于微量管,已滅菌 96 Well Polyethylene Cluster Tube 8-Cap Strips, Sterile, 120 Strips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1369889.85
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-AB-C50/箱96孔PCR板(半裙邊) 96-Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with ABI, Semi-Skirted, Clear, Nonsterile23841549.6
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-FS-C50/箱96孔PCR板(全裙邊) 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Full Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile24761609.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-HS-AC-C50/箱96孔PCR板,半裙邊,透明,邊緣開口 96 Well Automation Compatible Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Half Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile33762194.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-C50/箱96孔PCR板,半裙邊,透明用于ABI-3100 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Half Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile21201378
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-C50/箱96孔PCR板,無裙邊,透明,孔邊緣突出 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, No Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile22961492.4
愛思進AXYGENAM-96-PCR-RD50/箱96孔PCR板蓋 AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for PCR Microplates, Nonsterile30001950
96 Well Spectrum Pack PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW96-HP25/箱96孔單孔儲液槽,高位 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 96-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW96-HP-SI25/箱96孔單孔儲液槽,高位滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 96-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile44672903.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LP-AB-C100/箱96孔低位PCR板 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with ABI, Low Profile, Half Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile77185016.7
愛思進AXYGENP-2ML-SQ-C25/箱96孔方形孔深孔板(2ML) 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 2mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile15741023.1
愛思進AXYGENP-2ML-SQ-C-S25/箱96孔方形孔深孔板(2ML),已滅菌 96 Well Clear Round Bottom 2mL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile23361518.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-AF-C1260個/PCR管 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips with Attached Flat Caps, 8 Tube Strips and Caps, Clear Nonsterile,1557510123.75
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-G5000/箱1.5ml離心管 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Green, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15721021.8
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-100-SI100/箱離心管 100mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Individually Wrapped, Sterile15641016.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-O5000/箱離心管 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Orange, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENST-5ML2000個/離心管 5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 4 Packs/Case.1122729.3
愛思進AXYGENMTS-06-C-R-S4800/箱滅菌迷你試管 96 Well 0.65mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, Individual Tube Format, S, 96 Tubes/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case44712906.15
愛思進AXYGENFX-10-R4800/箱吸頭 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 10µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile,960/pack, 4800/case41892722.85
愛思進AXYGENHTF-50-CBK-HTR-S2304個/菌黑色導電盒裝機械臂吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile49053188.25
愛思進AXYGENAM-384-SQ-IMP50/箱孔硅膠蓋 Impermamat, Chemical Resistant Silicone 384 Square Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile39802587
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW96-LP-SI25/箱儲液槽 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 96-Bottom Troughs, Low Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile44672903.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-AS-600500/箱PCR板封板鋁膜,50um PCR 50µm Aluminum Sealing Film For Thermal Sealing and General Sealing Purposes, Nonsterile85905583.5
愛思進AXYGENPCR-TS500/箱PCR板膜 60μm儲存和PCR應用 60µm CyclerSeal Sealing Film for Storage and PCR Application, Nonsterile41082670.2
愛思進AXYGENUC-500500/箱PCR封板膜,超透明,適用于熒光定量PCR 70µm Ultra Clear Pressure Sensitive Sealing Film for Real Time PCR, Nonsterile1746711353.55
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-SQ50/箱板蓋,適用于2ml96孔矩形孔深孔板 AxyMats™ 96 Square Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile28291838.85
愛思進AXYGENPCR-AS-200500/箱35μm鋁質封板膜,用于熱封和常規封板,未滅菌 PCR 35µm Aluminum Sealing Film For Thermal Sealing and General Sealing Purposes, Nonsterile83095400.85
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LP-BR4000/箱棕色帶環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Brown, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.46243005.6
愛思進AXYGENSCO-W4000/箱白色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, White, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-O4000/箱橘色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Orange, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-P4000/箱粉色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Pink, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.43682839.2
愛思進AXYGENSCO-R4000/箱紅色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Red, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.43682839.2
愛思進AXYGENSCO-Y4000/箱黃色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Yellow, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.43682839.2
愛思進AXYGENSCO-GR4000/箱灰色無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Grey, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-B4000/箱藍色無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Blue, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-G4000/箱綠色無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Green, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.43682839.2
愛思進AXYGENSCO-C4000/箱透明無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Clear, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.42462759.9
愛思進AXYGENSCO-A4000/箱綠色無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Assorted Color, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.46993054.35
愛思進AXYGENSCO-V4000/箱紫色無環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Violet, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44112867.15
愛思進AXYGENSCO-BR4000/箱綠色無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,未滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Brown, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.43682839.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-SP-ROLLER1/封膜用滾軸 Sealing Film Roller500325
愛思進AXYGENTGL-200RD-57-R400/箱盒裝200ul點樣吸頭 200uL Gel Loading Pipet Tip, Round, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 200 Tips/Rack, 2 Racks/Case.1028668.2
愛思進AXYGENBF-4001000/箱無菌透氣封板膜,25 張/包,2包/盒,10盒/箱 Breathable Sealing Film for Tissue Culture, Deep Well, 96 Well Plates, Nonsterile108107026.5
愛思進AXYGENPCR-SP500/箱80μm AxySeal封板膜,用于組織培養、短期儲存和運輸,未滅菌 80µm AxySeal Sealing Film for Tissue Culture, Short-Term Storage and Transportation, Nonsterile26761739.4
愛思進AXYGENBF-400-S500/箱已滅菌可呼吸封口膜,用于細胞培養 Breathable Sealing Film for Tissue Culture, Deep Well, 96 Well Plates, Sterile81935325.45
愛思進AXYGEN300C-WB10000/箱300C-WB300ul Clear Tips17941166.1
愛思進AXYGENAM-24-SQ50/箱24孔方孔深孔板硅膠蓋墊,10 塊 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 AxyMats™ 24 Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile44422887.3
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-RD-IMP50/箱2ml圓孔不透明硅膠蓋,抗化學性,配2ml深孔板,10片/包,5包/箱 Impermamat, Chemical Resistant Silicone 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile39802587
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-RD-S50/箱硅膠蓋,500ul,1.1ml,2ml,10/,5/ AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plate, Sterile33952206.75
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-SQ-IMP50/箱方孔深孔板蓋,10/,5/ Impermamat, Chemical Resistant Silicone 96 Square Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile42922789.8
愛思進AXYGENAM-2ML-SQ-IMP-S50/箱方孔深孔板蓋,10/,5/ Impermamat, Pre-Sterilized Chemical Resistant Silicone Sealing Mat For 2ml 96 Square Deep Well Plates45802977
愛思進AXYGENAM-48-IMP50/箱48孔硅膠蓋 10塊/包,5包/箱 Impermamat, Chemical Resistant Silicone Sealing Mat for 5mL 48 Rectangular Well Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile42132738.45
愛思進AXYGENAM-500UL-RD50/箱硅膠蓋,與P-DW-500-C匹配,10片/包,5包/箱 AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile26241705.6
愛思進AXYGENAM-750UL-RD50/箱750ul 深孔板封,10 塊/包,5 包/箱 AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Sealing Mat for Deep Well Plates, Nonsterile26241705.6
愛思進AXYGENAM-96-SEPTA-310050/箱96孔硅膠蓋,可穿刺,10 塊/包, 5包/ 箱 AxyMats™ 96 Well Silicone Septa Mat Compatible with ABI 310 Sequencer, Nonsterile72754728.75
愛思進AXYGENAM-SEPTA-3102500/箱ABI-310專用蓋墊,500/, 5/ AxyMats™ Single Septa Cap Compatible with ABI-310 Sequencer, Nonsterile89955846.75
愛思進AXYGENBT-20-O10000個/槍頭 20ul Pipet Tips for Beckman Biomek Robotics System,Bulk40642641.6
愛思進AXYGENBT-20-O-L10000個/槍頭20ul Pipet Tips for Beckman Biomek Robotics System,Maxymum46743038.1
愛思進AXYGENBT-250-O10000個/槍頭250ul Pipet Tips for Beckman Biomek Robotics System,Bulk40642641.6
愛思進AXYGENBT-250-O-L10000個/槍頭250ul Pipet Tips for Beckman B46743038.1
愛思進AXYGENCM-96-RD50/箱硅膠密封蓋,適用96孔板,10 Mats / 包, 5 包 / 箱 AxyMats™ 96 Round Well Compression Mat for PCR Microplates, Nonsterile28861875.9
愛思進AXYGENCM-FLAT50/箱硅膠密封蓋,平蓋,10 Mats / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Slicone 96 Round Well Compression Flat Mat for PCR Microplates, Nonsterile26761739.4
愛思進AXYGENEV-100-R4800/箱EV100ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝透明吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 100µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile46403016
愛思進AXYGENEV-200-NTR3840個/200ul EV 機械臂吸頭 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile50533284.45
愛思進AXYGENEV-200-NTR-S3840個/200ul EV 機械臂吸頭 滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile56043642.6
愛思進AXYGENEV-200-R4800/箱200u盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile50043252.6
愛思進AXYGENEV-200-R-S4800/箱FX200ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝濾芯滅菌吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile51053318.25
愛思進AXYGENEV-50-NTR3840個/50ul EV 機械臂吸頭 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile50533284.45
愛思進AXYGENEV-50-NTR-S3840個/50ul EV 機械臂吸頭 滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile56043642.6
愛思進AXYGENEV-50-R4800/箱50ul盒裝機械臂吸頭,96只/盒,10盒/包,5包/箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile46403016
愛思進AXYGENEV-50-R-S4800/箱EV50ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌透明吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile51053318.25
愛思進AXYGENEVF-100-R-S4800/箱50ul EV 機械臂吸頭 滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 80µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile58683814.2
愛思進AXYGENEVF-180-R-S4800/箱EV180ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌濾芯透明吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 180µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile58683814.2
愛思進AXYGENEVF-50-R-S4800/箱50ul機械臂吸頭, 盒裝滅菌透明濾芯吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Tecan® Freedom Evo®, TeMo and Aquarius, 50µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile58683814.2
愛思進AXYGENFPT-384-R19200/箱30μl機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,未滅菌 50ul 384 Well Pipet Tips for Finnpipette Pipettors2572616721.9
愛思進AXYGENFT-384-C-R19200/箱吸頭 Automation Tips for Molecular Devices FLIPR Tetra 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile4347228256.8
愛思進AXYGENFX-20-L-R4800/箱20ul盒裝低吸附機械臂吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®48193132.35
愛思進AXYGENFX-20-L-R-S4800/箱20ul盒裝滅菌低吸附透明濾芯吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENFX-20-R-S4800/箱20ul盒裝滅菌機械臂吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile46092995.85
愛思進AXYGENFX-250-L-R4800/箱250ul盒裝機械臂吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®48193132.35
愛思進AXYGENFX-250-L-R-S4800/箱250ul盒裝滅菌低吸附機械臂吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENFX-255-WB-R4800/箱250ul盒裝廣嘴機械臂透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 250µL, Clear, Wide Bore, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile46092995.85
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-30FP-R19200/箱FX30ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌吸頭(384板,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱) Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1912412430.6
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-30FP-R-S19200/箱FX30ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝吸頭(384板),10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2104013676
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-45FP-R19200/箱FX45ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝吸頭(384板),10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 45µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1984812901.2
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-L-R19200/箱0.5-30ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝低吸附機械臂透明吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2199114294.15
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-R19200/箱30μl機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1912412430.6
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-R-S19200/箱30μl機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,滅菌 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2104013676
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-XL-L-R19200/箱0.5-50ul盒裝低吸附機械臂透明吸頭,384支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2199114294.15
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-XL-R19200/箱0.5-50ul盒裝機械臂透明吸頭,384支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1912412430.6
愛思進AXYGENFX-384-XL-R-S19200/箱0.5-50ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,384/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2104013676
愛思進AXYGENFX-50-L-R4800/箱50ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌低吸附機械臂透明吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®48193132.35
愛思進AXYGENFX-50-L-R-S4800/箱50ul機械臂吸頭, 盒裝滅菌低吸附透明濾芯吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENFX-50-R-S4800/箱50ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile46092995.85
愛思進AXYGENFXF-165-WB-R-S4800/箱165ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌廣嘴透明濾芯吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 165µL, Clear, Wide Bore, Filtered, Sterile58333791.45
愛思進AXYGENFXF-180-L-R-S4800/箱EV180ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌濾芯透明吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 165µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®60953961.75
愛思進AXYGENFXF-180-R-S4800/箱EV180ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌濾芯透明吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 165µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENFXF-20-L-R-S4800/箱20ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 20µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®60953961.75
愛思進AXYGENFXF-20-R-S4800/箱20ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,96/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 20µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENFXF-384-30FP-R-S19200/箱FX30ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝濾芯滅菌吸頭(384板),10 / , 5 / Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile2199114294.15
愛思進AXYGENFXF-384-L-R-S19200/箱FX30ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝濾芯超低吸附滅菌吸頭(384板),10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 25µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®2782018083
愛思進AXYGENFXF-384-XL-L-R-S19200/箱0.5-50ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌低吸附機械臂透明濾芯吸頭,384/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®2782018083
愛思進AXYGENFXF-384-XL-R-S19200/箱0.5-50ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝滅菌機械臂透明濾芯吸頭,384/盒,50盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter®, 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile2419115724.15
愛思進AXYGENFXF-50-L-R-S4800/箱50ul機械臂吸頭,用于384孔吸頭,適配Finnpipet移液槍,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®60953961.75
愛思進AXYGENFXF-50-R-S4800/箱50ul盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Beckman Coulter® 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile53013445.65
愛思進AXYGENGEN3-20-L-R-S4800/箱20ul GEN3多刻度濾芯吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 20uL GEN3 Multi-Barrier Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.63554130.75
愛思進AXYGENHS-100-QPCR500/箱HS-100熱封膜,100 片 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 PlateMax Ultra Clear permanent heat sealing film for qPCR, 100/50094326130.8
愛思進AXYGENHS-150-QPCR500/箱PlateMax超透明可熱封膜,用于qPCR,100 片 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 PlateMax Ultra Clear peelable heat sealing film for qPCR. 100/50094326130.8
愛思進AXYGENHS-200500/箱HS-200熱封膜,100 / , 5 / PlateMax Peelable Heat Sealing Film for Low Temperature Compound Storage and PCR, Nonsterile89835838.95
愛思進AXYGENHS-300500/箱HS-300熱封膜,100 片 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 PlateMax Pierceable Aluminum Heat Sealing Film for Storage Applications, Nonsterile88075724.55
愛思進AXYGENHS-400500/箱HS-400熱封膜,100 片 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 PlateMax Peelable Heat Sealing Film for Compound Storage, Nonsterile88075724.55
愛思進AXYGENHSF-AS-300-L1個/L可穿刺鋁制密封膜(卷),1卷/盒 Sealing Film Roll, Aluminum (115mm x 500M), Pierceable, Compatible with Agilent/V11, Nonsterile2578516760.25
愛思進AXYGENHSF-TS-L1個/密封膜卷 Sealing Film Roll, CyclerSeal (115mm x 500M), Easy Peel, Compatible with Agilent/V11, Nonsterile2753817899.7
愛思進AXYGENHT-1000-CBK-HTR-53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case62514063.15
愛思進AXYGENHT-1000-CBK-HTR-S1536個/黑色導電滅菌吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile27851810.25
愛思進AXYGENHT-1000-CBK-HTRS53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case76894997.85
愛思進AXYGENHT-1000-C-HTR-53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case59393860.35
愛思進AXYGENHT-1000-C-HTR-S-53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case71014615.65
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-CBK-HTR2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 10µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile38202483
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-CBK-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case86975653.05
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 10µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile41652707.25
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-CBK-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case108527053.8
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-CBK-STK11520個/HT10ul機械臂吸頭,黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 10µL, Liquid Level Sensing,Non-Filtered,Nested Tip Rack Stack1934712575.55
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-C-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case82625370.3
愛思進AXYGENHT-10-C-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case103096700.85
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-CBK-HTR2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 300µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile38202483
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-CBK-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 300ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case88335741.45
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 300µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile41652707.25
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-CBK-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 300ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case108527053.8
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-CBK-STK11520個/黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STARLine, 300µL,Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered,Nonsterile,Nested Tip Rack Stack1934712575.55
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-C-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 300ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case83925454.8
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-C-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 300ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case103096700.85
愛思進AXYGENHT-300-C-STK11520個/黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 300µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Non-Sterile, Nested Tip Rack Stack1651610735.4
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-CBK-HTR2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile38202483
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-CBK-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 50ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case86975653.05
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile41652707.25
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-CBK-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 50ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Liquid Level Sensing Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case108527053.8
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-CBK-STK11520個/黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STARLine, 50µL,Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered,Nonsterile,Nested Tip Rack Stack1934712575.55
愛思進AXYGENHT-50-C-HTR-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 50ul Hamilton CO-RE Stlye Clear Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case82625370.3
愛思進AXYGENHTF-1000-CBK-HTR-S1536個/黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile32782130.7
愛思進AXYGENHTF-1000-CBKHTRS53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Liquid Level Sensing Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case99966497.4
愛思進AXYGENHTF-1000-C-HTR-S-53840/箱黑色導電吸頭 1000ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Clear Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 8 packs/case105866880.9
愛思進AXYGENHTF-10-CBK-HTR-S2304/黑色導電吸頭 Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet, STARplus and Nimbus®, 10µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile49053188.25
愛思進AXYGENHTF-10-CBK-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Liquid Level Sensing Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case149489716.2
愛思進AXYGENHTF-10-C-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電吸頭 10ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Clear Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case142019230.65
愛思進AXYGENHTF-300-CBK-HTR-S2304個/HT300ul機械臂吸頭,黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭,96/盒,24/ Automation Tips for STAR, STARlet,STARplus and Nimbus®, 300µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile49053188.25
愛思進AXYGENHTF-300-CBK-HTRS55760/箱黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭 300ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Liquid Level Sensing Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case152209893
愛思進AXYGENHTF-300-C-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭 300ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Clear Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case144599398.35
愛思進AXYGENHTF-50-CBK-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭 50ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Liquid Level Sensing Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case152209893
愛思進AXYGENHTF-50-C-HTR-S-55760/箱黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭 50ul Pre-Sterilized Hamilton CO-RE Style Clear Filter Tip. 96 Tips per Rack, 5 Racks/pack, 12 packs/case144599398.35
愛思進AXYGENIT-EP-R1個/箱密封器 EASY PRESS Manual Compression Sealer for AxyMats2550716579.55
愛思進AXYGENLT-384-R19200/透明吸頭 Automation Tips for Molecular Device Liberty 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile2294914916.85
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-A10000/箱黑色導電滅菌濾芯吸頭 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Assorted, Non-Sterile,1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.32172091.05
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-G10000/箱0.6ml無色離心管, 1000/,10/ 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Green, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30932010.45
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-L-A5000/箱0.6ml彩色離心管, 500/,10/
0.6mL Maxymum Recovery Microtubes in Assorted Colors. 500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-O10000/箱0.6ml桔色離心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Orange, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30331971.45
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-SP10000/箱0.6ml彩色離心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱
0.6mL Microtubes in Spectrum Pack. 1000 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.2 Units each of Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-V10000/箱0.6ml彩色離心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Violet, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30331971.45
愛思進AXYGENMCT-060-Y10000/箱0.6ml彩色離心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.6mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.30932010.45
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C-0415000/箱1.5ml BOIL-PROOF 離心管 透明, 500/盒,10盒/箱 1.5mL Boil-Proof Microtubes, Clear1279831.35
1.5mL Clear, Closed Cap, Boil-Proof Microtubes, 500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C-CC-S5000/箱MCT-150-C-CC-S 1.5mL Clear, Closed Cap, Sterile Boil-Proof Microtubes, 500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.63924154.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C-P5000/箱MCT-150-C-P 1.5mL Boil-Proof Microtubes, Clear1304847.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-C-PUXI5000/箱1.5ml離心管, 500/,10/ 1.5mL Microtubes, Clear1304847.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-L-C-224400/箱1.5ml 彩色離心管,440/,10/
1.5mL Maxymum Recovery Microtubes, 22 pCase. ber Bag, 200 Bags per Case. 4 x 6 2 MIL Bag
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-O5000/箱1.5ml 彩色離心管,500/,10/ 1.5mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Orange, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.15721021.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-SP5000/箱1.5ml 彩色離心管,500/,10/
1.5mL Boil-Proof Microtubes in Spectrum Pack. 500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.2 Units each of Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-150-SP-CC5000/箱1.5ml 彩色離心管,500/,10/
1.5mL Closed Cap, Boil-Proof Microtubes, 500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case., 2 units each of Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow colors.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-A5000/箱1.7ml 彩色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Assorted, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.18521203.8
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-B5000/箱1.7ml 藍色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Blue, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-G5000/箱1.7ml 綠色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Green,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-O5000/箱1.7ml 桔色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube,Orange,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-R5000/箱1.7ml 紅色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Red, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-SP5000/箱1.7ml 光譜色離心管,500 支 / 包, 10 包 / 箱
1.7mL Microtubes in Spectrum Pack.500 Tubes/Unit, 10 Units/Case.2 Units each of Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yelow.
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-V5000/箱1.7ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube,Violet,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-X5000/箱1.7ml 棕色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube,Amber,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-175-Y5000/箱1.7ml 黃色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 1.7mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Yellow,Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-C-T5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10
Product Code:
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-G5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Green, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-NC5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Capless Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Clear, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.16641081.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-O-T5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Orange, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-R5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Red, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-R-T5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Red, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17641146.6
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-SP5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Spectrum, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.18341192.1
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-V5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Violet, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-X-T5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10
愛思進AXYGENMCT-200-Y5000/箱2.0ml 紫色離心管,500/盒,10盒/箱 2.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.17471135.55
愛思進AXYGENMCT-500-X1250/箱5ML棕色離心管,250/盒,5/ 5.0mL MaxyClear Snaplock Microcentrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile,250 Tubes/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.32102086.5
愛思進AXYGENMF-300100/箱熱封板膜,100/ PlateMax Heat Sealing Film with Paper Backing for General Storage and PCR Applications, Nonsterile18851225.25
愛思進AXYGENMR-1000XT7680/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Pipet Tip, Bulk Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 768 Tips/Bag, 10 Bags/Case33322165.8
愛思進AXYGENMR-1000XT-L-R-S3840/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case45432952.95
愛思進AXYGENMR-1000XT-R3840/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37632445.95
愛思進AXYGENMR-1000XT-RL3072個/吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Pipet Tip, Reload System, Clear, Non-Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 4 Packs/Case21481396.2
愛思進AXYGENMR-1000XT-R-S3840/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37992469.35
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT10000/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Bulk Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tips/Bag, 10 Bags/Case33962207.4
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case45872981.55
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-R4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37992469.35
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-RL3840/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Reload System, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 4 Packs/Case20431327.95
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-R-S4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case42372754.05
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-TS4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, TipStation, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Stack, 5 Stacks/Case29221899.3
愛思進AXYGENMR-10XT-TS-S4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, TipStation, Clear, Sterile, 960 Tips/Stack, 5 Stacks/Case32152089.75
愛思進AXYGENMR-20010000/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Bulk Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tips/Bag, 10 Bags/Case35072279.55
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Racked, Clear, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case40582637.7
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-R4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Racked, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case33612184.65
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-RL3840/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Reload System, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 4 Packs/Case19121242.8
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Racked, Clear, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case40912659.15
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-TS4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, Tipstation, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Stack, 5 Stacks/Case28641861.6
愛思進AXYGENMR-200-TS-S4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Natural Pipet Tip, TipStation, Clear, Sterile, 960 Tips/Stack, 5 Stacks/Case31562051.4
愛思進AXYGENMR-300-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack NX Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case44112867.15
愛思進AXYGENMR-300-R4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack NX Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case36532374.45
愛思進AXYGENMR-300-RL3840/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack Pipet Tip, Reload System, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 4 Packs/Case20841354.6
愛思進AXYGENMR-300-R-S4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack NX Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case42792781.35
愛思進AXYGENMR-300XT-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack NX Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case45432952.95
愛思進AXYGENMR-300XT-R4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37632445.95
愛思進AXYGENMR-300XT-R-S3840/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack Extended Length Pipet Tip, Rack Pack, Clear, Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case37992469.35
愛思進AXYGENMRF-1000XT-L-R-S3840/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Clear, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case89085790.2
愛思進AXYGENMRF-1000XT-R-S3840/箱吸頭1000uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 768 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case80115207.15
愛思進AXYGENMRF-100-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭100uL MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case89595823.35
愛思進AXYGENMRF-100-R-S4800/箱吸頭100uL MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case75694919.85
愛思進AXYGENMRF-10XT-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case93196057.35
愛思進AXYGENMRF-10XT-R-S4800/箱吸頭10uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case85305544.5
愛思進AXYGENMRF-200NX-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL NX MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case89595823.35
愛思進AXYGENMRF-200NX-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL NX MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case75694919.85
愛思進AXYGENMRF-200XT-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Extended Filtered Tip, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case92446008.6
愛思進AXYGENMRF-200XT-R-S4800/箱吸頭200uL MultiRack Extended Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case83655437.25
愛思進AXYGENMRF-20-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭20uL MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Maxymum Recovery, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case90485881.2
愛思進AXYGENMRF-20-R-S4800/箱吸頭20uL MultiRack Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case75694919.85
愛思進AXYGENMRF-300XT-L-R-S4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Racked, Low Binding, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case92446008.6
愛思進AXYGENMRF-300XT-R-S4800/箱吸頭300uL MultiRack Extended Length Filtered Tip, Racked, Sterile, 960 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case83655437.25
愛思進AXYGENMR-R-A5個/凍存盒Empty Rack for MultiRack 10uL extended length, 200uL, 200 uL NX, 300 uL1461949.65
愛思進AXYGENMR-R-B5個/凍存盒Empty Rack for MultiRack 200uL extended length, 300uL extended length, and 1000 uL extended length1461949.65
愛思進AXYGENMT-50-L-R-S50/箱50ul透明超低吸附Multimek吸頭,滅菌 50ul Clear, Maxymum Recovery Sterilized Multimek Pipet Tips92796031.35
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-12-C-R-S400/箱集束管,1.1ml 12連管無菌小管、PP材質、盒裝,80 排s/包, 5 包/箱 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 12-Tube Strip Format, S, 8 Strips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case41872721.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-8-C-R600/箱1.1ml無色盒裝迷你試管,八排管,12排/盒,10盒/大盒,5盒/箱 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 8-Tube Strip Format, NS, 12 Strips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case34872266.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-11-8-C600/箱1.1ml無色盒裝滅菌迷你試管,八排管,12排/盒,10盒/大盒,5盒/箱 96 Well 1.1mL Polypropylene Cluster Tubes, 8-Tube Strip Format, S, 12 Strips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case41872721.55
愛思進AXYGENMTS-12CP-C-S400/箱集束管管蓋,十二聯排迷你試管管蓋,80 排s/包, 5 包/箱 96 Well Polyethylene Cluster Tube 12-Cap Strips, Sterile, 80 Strips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case1369889.85
愛思進AXYGENMTX-1250-C5000/箱吸頭,Matrix 1250ul 吸頭,500 / , 10 / 1250uL Pipet Tips, Matrix-Style, Clear, Bulk Pack, 500 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.44992924.35
愛思進AXYGENMTX-1250-C-R3456/箱Matrix 1250ul 吸頭,96/,12/大盒,3大盒/ 1250uL Pipet Tips, Matrix-Style, Clear, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 12 Racks/Pack, 3 Packs/Case.35442303.6
愛思進AXYGENP-384-240SQ-C50/箱240ul 384方形深孔板,透明 384 Well Clear V-Bottom 240µL Polypropylene Deep Well Not Treated Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile31482046.2
愛思進AXYGENP-384-240SQ-C-S50/箱240ul 無菌 384孔方形深孔板,透明,5塊/包, 10 包/箱 384 Well Clear V-Bottom 240µL Polypropylene Deep Well Not Treated Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile37152414.75
愛思進AXYGENP-384-240SQ-C-SI25/箱240ul 無菌 384孔方形深孔板,獨立包裝,透明,1塊/包, 50 包/箱 240ul 384 Deep Well "Diamond Plate" Microplate with Square Wells. Clear. Sterile. Individually wrapped40932660.45
愛思進AXYGENP-5ML-48-C25/箱5ml 48孔深孔板,5/, 5 / 48 Well Clear V-Bottom 5mL Polypropylene Rectangular Well Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile33842199.6
愛思進AXYGENP-5ML-48-C-S25/箱5ml,無菌 48孔矩形尖底深孔板,5塊/包, 5 包/箱 48 Well Clear V-Bottom 5mL Polypropylene Rectangular Well Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Sterile51893372.85
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450V-B50/箱500ul圓孔錐型底96孔藍色深孔板,10片/包,5包/箱 500ul, 96 Well Assay "V" Bottom Blue Plate (SBS FootPrint)18891227.85
愛思進AXYGENP-96-450V-Y50/箱500ul圓孔錐型底96孔黃色深孔板,10片/包,5包/箱 500ul, 96 Well Assay "V" Bottom Yellow Plate (SBS FootPrint)18891227.85
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0108-LP-C1250/箱0.1ml透明薄壁PCR8聯排管,125 / , 10 / 0.1mL Low Profile Polypropylene Thin Wall PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile112677323.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-A1250/箱0.2ml PCR8聯排管,彩色, 125 排/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Assorted Color, Nonsterile121637905.95
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-AD-C1250/箱0.2ml PCR8聯排管, 藍色,125 /,10 / 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips with Attached Dome Caps, 8 Tube Strips and Caps, Clear Nonsterile,150849804.6
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-B1250/箱0.2ml PCR8聯排管, 藍色,125 /,10 / 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Blue, Nonsterile120607839
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-C-O1250/箱0.2ml薄壁透明八聯排管,經典型0.2ml Thin Wall Tubes 8 Per Strip, Clear, Customized96436267.95
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-CP-RT-C-6600/箱PCR-0208-CP-RT-C-6 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Real time PCR Strips Cap71424642.3
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-G1250/箱0.2ml PCR8聯排管, 綠色,,125 排/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Green, Nonsterile120607839
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-O1250/箱0.2ml PCR8聯排管, 桔色,125 排/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Orange, Nonsterile120607839
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-O-CP-RT-C600/箱PCR-0208-O-CP-RT-C 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Real time PCR Strips Cap, 8 Tubes/Strip, 8 Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile, Customized71424642.3
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0208-Y1250/箱0.2mlPCR8聯排管, 黃色,125 排/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, Yellow, Nonsterile120607839
愛思進AXYGENPCR-0212-C800/箱0.2ml PCR12聯排管,80/包,10/ 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 12 Tubes/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile115737522.45
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-A10000/箱0.2ml PCR 薄壁管(平蓋)彩色混,1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Assorted Colors, Nonsterile63604134
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-B10000/箱0.2ml PCR 藍色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Blue, Nonsterile62014030.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-C-P10000/箱0.2mlPCR管 0.2ML THIN WALL PCR TUBES, FLAT CAP. CLEAR51633355.95
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02CP-A1250/箱0.2ml PCR 綠色薄壁管(平蓋),,10/ PCR 1 x 8 Strip Domed Caps, Fit 0.2mL PCR Tube Strips, Assorted Colors, Nonsterile29941946.1
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02D-A10000/箱0.2ml PCR 薄壁管(圓蓋)彩色混裝,1000支/盒;10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Domed Cap, Assorted Colors, Nonsterile65514258.15
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02D-L-C10000/箱0.2ml PCR 綠色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/,10/ 0.2mL Maxymum Recovery® Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Domed Cap, Clear, Nonsterile62174041.05
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-G10000/箱0.2ml PCR 綠色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Green, Nonsterile62014030.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-R10000/箱0.2ml PCR黃色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Red, Nonsterile62014030.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-V10000/箱0.2ml PCR黃色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Violet, Nonsterile62014030.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-02-Y10000/箱0.2ml PCR黃色薄壁管(平蓋),1000/盒,10盒/箱 0.2mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Yellow, Nonsterile62014030.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-05-A10000/箱0.5ml 彩色PCR平蓋薄壁 0.5mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Assorted Colors, Nonsterile54743558.1
愛思進AXYGENPCR-05-B10000/箱0.5ml 藍色PCR平蓋薄壁管,1000支/盒;10盒/箱 0.5mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Blue, Nonsterile54273527.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-05-V10000/箱0.5ml 紫色PCR平蓋薄壁管,1000支/盒;10盒/箱 0.5mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Violet, Nonsterile54273527.55
愛思進AXYGENPCR-32-b50/箱0.2ml透明無裙邊24孔PCR板,10塊/包,5包/箱 24 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Clear, Nonsterile1008655.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-32-C50/箱0.2ml透明無裙邊24孔PCR板,10塊/包,5包/箱 32 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Clear, Nonsterile1368889.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-BK50/箱40ul黑色384孔PCR板,10塊/包,5包/箱384 Well Black PCR Microplate36572377.05
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-LC480-W50/箱384孔PCR微孔板,適配羅氏480 Light Cycler, 白色(有薄膜),滅菌 384 Well PCR Microplate Compatible with Roche Light Cycler 480 with Sealing Films, White, Nonsterile70334571.45
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-LC480-W-NF50/箱384孔PCR微孔板,適配羅氏480 Light Cycler, 白色(無薄膜),滅菌 384 Well PCR Microplate Compatible with Roche Light Cycler 480 without Sealing Films, White, Nonsterile39752583.75
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-RGD-BK100/箱384孔黑色PCR板 384 Well Black Rigi Plate PCR Microplate101766614.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-384-RGD-C100/箱384孔透明全裙邊PCR板,未滅菌 384 Well RigiPlate™ PCR Microplate, Full Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile94466139.9
愛思進AXYGENPCR-48-C50/箱0.2ml透明無裙邊48孔PCR板,未滅菌 48 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Clear, Nonsterile1530994.5
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-C-S50/箱0.2ml透明96孔PCR板,滅菌 96 Well Clear PCR Microplate. Pre-sterilized32112087.15
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-FS-B50/箱0.2ml藍色全裙邊96孔PCR板 6 Well Blue PCR Full Skirt Amplification Plate.30211963.65
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-HS-C50/箱96孔透明半裙邊PCR板 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, Half Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile33082150.2
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LC480-C-NF50/箱96孔透明PCR板,適配羅氏480Light Cycler(不含封板膜) 96 Well PCR Microplate for Roche 480 Light Cycler, clear (No Sealing Film)38592508.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LC480-W50/箱96孔白色PCR板,適配羅氏480Light Cycler(含封板膜),未滅菌 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with Roche Light Cycler 480, Includes Sealing Film, White, Nonsterile61764014.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LC480-W-BC50/箱96孔白色PCR板,適配羅氏480Light Cycler(含封板膜),帶條形碼,未滅菌 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with Roche Light Cycler 480 with Bar Codes and Sealing Film, White, Non-Sterile77055008.25
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LC480-W-NF50/箱96孔白色PCR板,適配羅氏480Light Cycler(不含封板膜),未滅菌 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with Roche Light Cycler 480, without Sealing Film, White, Nonsterile38592508.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LP-AB-W100/箱0.1ml白色半裙邊96孔低架PCR板,適配ABI儀器,未滅菌 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate Compatible with ABI, Low Profile, Half Skirt, White, Nonsterile78725116.8
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-LP-FLT-C100/箱0.1ml透明無裙邊96孔低架平頂PCR板,未滅菌 96 Well Polypropylene Flat Top PCR Microplate, Low Profile, No Skirt, Clear, Nonsterile45392950.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-A50/箱0.2ml透明半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角,未滅菌 96 Well Assorted PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch39362558.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-B50/箱0.2ml透明半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角,未滅菌 96 Well Blue PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-BK50/箱0.2ml黑色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Black PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-G50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Green PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-O50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Orange PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch.34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-R50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Red PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-V50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Violet PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-W50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well White PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96M2-HS-Y50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Yellow PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch34182221.7
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-MB-C50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Polypropylene PCR Microplate, No Skirt, Elevated Wells, Compatible with MegaBACE Sequencer, Clear, Nonsterile22961492.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-96-SG-C50/箱0.2ml綠色半裙邊96孔PCR板,帶單切角 96 Well Polypropylene Segmented PCR Microplate, Clear, Nonsterile22961492.4
愛思進AXYGENPCR-SP-S500/箱80μm AxySeal封板膜,用于組織培養、短期儲存和運輸,滅菌 80µm AxySeal Sealing Film for Tissue Culture, Short-Term Storage and Transportation, Sterile36992404.35
愛思進AXYGENPCR-TS-900250/箱120μm CyclerSeal封板膜,用于儲存和PCR,未滅菌 117mm x 80mm Sealing Film, 6 mil.64544195.1
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-10ML-24-C25/箱10ml方孔24孔透明V底深孔板,未滅菌 24 Well Clear V-Bottom 10mL Polypropylene Rectangular Well Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile31802067
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-12-HC50/箱1.2ml圓孔96孔高透明度深孔板,未滅菌 1.2ml 96 Well Deep Well Plate,High Clarity,Nonsterile,5/5029761934.4
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-12-HC-S50/箱1.2ml圓孔96孔高透明度深孔板,滅菌 1.2ml 96 Well Deep Well Plate,High Clarity,Pre-Sterilized,5/5034262226.9
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-20-C-S-IND30/箱2.0ml圓孔96孔透明滅菌深孔板,滅菌獨立包裝 2.0ml, Individually Wrapped Pre Sterilized 96 Well Deep Well Plate.49113192.15
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-500-C50/箱600μl圓孔96孔V型底深孔板,未滅菌 96 Well Clear V-Bottom 600µL Polypropylene Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile24731607.45
愛思進AXYGENP-DW-500-C-SI25/箱600μl圓孔96孔V型底深孔板,滅菌獨立包裝 600ul, Pre-Sterlized 96 Well Deep Well Plate (SBS FootPrint)19681279.2
1.5 and 2.0mL Sterile Individually Wrapped Blue Pestle, 100 per unit, 4 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENPK-200-L-R4800/箱200μl盒裝低吸附機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®77385029.7
愛思進AXYGENPK-200-R4800/箱200μl盒裝低吸附機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile67284373.2
愛思進AXYGENPK-20-R4800/箱200ul盒裝機械臂透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile67284373.2
愛思進AXYGENPK-384-R19200/箱30μl機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1990012935
愛思進AXYGENPK-384-R-S19200/箱30μl機械臂透明吸頭,適配PerkinElmer?,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2189014228.5
愛思進AXYGENPK-50-R4800/箱50ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile67284373.2
愛思進AXYGENPKF-384-R-S19200/箱0.5-30ul盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,384支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer®, 30µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile2517316362.45
100 Well Assembled Blue Pipet Tip Rack with Hinged Box (New Style).50 sets per Case.
愛思進AXYGENPTR-96-R-450/箱200μl槍頭盒,非滅菌 Rack for 200uL Tips, non-Sterilized,1/50228148.2
愛思進AXYGENPTR-96-X-T30050/箱0.5-10μl槍頭盒,非滅菌 Rack for 0.5-10uL Tips for P2/P10, non-Sterilized,1/50186120.9
愛思進AXYGENQT-1100-CBK-R1536個/1100μl機械臂黑色導電吸頭,適配Qiagen? BioRobot?系列,液位敏感,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Qiagen® BioRobot® Series, 1100µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile30271967.55
愛思進AXYGENQT-300-CBK-R2304支/箱300μl機械臂黑色導電吸頭,適配Qiagen? BioRobot?系列,液位敏感,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Qiagen® BioRobot® Series, 300µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile45402951
愛思進AXYGENQTF-1100-CBK-R-S1536個/1000μl機械臂黑色導電濾芯吸頭,適配Qiagen? BioRobot?系列,液位敏感,滅菌 Automation Tips for Qiagen® BioRobot® Series, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile41032666.95
96 Well Fluorescent Blue PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
96 Well Fluorescent Green PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
96 Well Fluorescent Orange PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
96 Well Fluorescent Pink PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
96 Well Fluorescent Yellow PCR Storage Rack. 5 Racks Per Unit, 5 Units Case.
愛思進AXYGENRES-2CV-25100個/箱25ml 一次性2道試劑加樣槽,滅菌 25mL Disposable Divided Reagent Reservoir, Nonsterile888577.2
愛思進AXYGENRES-2CV-25-S200個/箱25ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 25mL Disposable Divided Reagent Reservoir, Sterile19021236.3
愛思進AXYGENRES-2CV-25-SI100個/箱25ml 一次性2道試劑加樣槽,獨立包裝,滅菌 25mL Disposable Divided Reagent Reservoir, Individually Wrapped and Sterile1396907.4
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW12-HP25/箱多孔12-通道試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,未滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Channel Trough, High Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW12-HP-SI25/箱多孔8-通道試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Channel Trough, High Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile44672903.55
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW12-LP25/箱多孔12-通道試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Channel Trough, Low Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW12-LP-SI25/箱多孔12-通道試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Channel Trough, Low Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile, 1 per pack, 25 per case36382364.7
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW8-HP25/箱多孔8-通道試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,未滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Channel Trough, High Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW8-HP-SI25/箱多孔8-通道試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Channel Trough, High Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile43022796.3
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW8-LP25/箱多孔'8-通道試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Channel Trough, Low Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-MW8-LP-SI25/箱多孔8-通道試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Multiple Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Channel Trough, Low Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile38012470.65
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW12-HP25/箱單孔12-底試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,未滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW12-HP-SI25/箱多孔12-通道試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 12-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile41992729.35
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW1-LP25/箱單孔1-底試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 1-Bottom Trough, Low Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW1-LP-SI25/箱單孔1-底試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌AxyVoir, Pre-Sterilized Low Profile Single Well Individually44672903.55
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW384-FX-SI25/箱單孔384-底試劑加樣槽,中輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 384-Bottom Troughs, Medium Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile41772715.05
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW384-LP25/箱單孔384-底試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 384-Bottom Troughs, Low Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW384-LP-SI25/箱單孔384-底試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,獨立包裝,滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 384-Bottom Troughs, Low Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile43862850.9
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW8-HP-SI25/箱單孔8-底試劑加樣槽,高輪廓,未滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 8-Bottom Troughs, High Profile, Individually Wrapped, Sterile44672903.55
愛思進AXYGENRES-SW96-LP25/箱單孔96-底試劑加樣槽,低輪廓,未滅菌 Single Well Reagent Reservoir with 96-Bottom Troughs, Low Profile, Nonsterile33102151.5
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-100100個/箱100ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 100mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Nonsterile888577.2
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-100-S200個/箱100ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 100mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Sterile22191442.35
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-25-S200個/箱25ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 25mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Sterile18401196
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-25-SI100個/箱25ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 25mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Individually Wrapped, Sterile1393905.45
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-50-S200個/箱50ml一次性試劑加樣槽,滅菌 50mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Sterile18151179.75
愛思進AXYGENRES-V-50-SI100個/箱50ml一次性試劑加樣槽,獨立包裝,滅菌 50mL Disposable Reagent Reservoir, Individually Wrapped, Sterile1377895.05
愛思進AXYGENRFL-1200-C4608/箱可填充空吸頭盒,適配1200ul吸頭,未滅菌 Tip Refill System, 1200uL, Graduated, Refill Rack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 8 Racks/Pack, 6 Packs/Case.23291513.85
愛思進AXYGENRFL-222-C4800個/箱200ul可填充盒裝通用吸頭,透明,有刻度,未滅菌 Tip Refill System, 200uL, Graduated, Refill Rack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.17201118
愛思進AXYGENRFL-300-C4800個/箱10ul可填充盒裝通用吸頭,透明,有刻度,未滅菌 Tip Refill System, 10uL, Refill Rack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.21321385.8
愛思進AXYGENRFL-R50個/箱可填充空吸頭盒,適配10ul/200ul吸頭,未滅菌 Tip Refill System, Empty Racks, Refill Rack for 10uL and 200uL Tips, Non-Sterile, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.1074698.1
愛思進AXYGENRFL-R-120030個/箱可填充空吸頭盒,適配1200ul吸頭,未滅菌 Tip Refill System, Empty Racks, Refill Rack for 1200uL Tips, Non-Sterile, 10 Racks/Pack, 3 Packs/Case.39482566.2
愛思進AXYGENRMT-200-C-R4800個/箱200ul透明機械臂吸頭,適配Molecular Devices Flexstation,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Molecular Devices Flexstation 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile42372754.05
愛思進AXYGENRRF-175-CBK-R-S4800個/箱175ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 175µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile1564710170.55
愛思進AXYGENRRF-175-C-R-S4800個/箱175ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 175µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile124858115.25
愛思進AXYGENRRF-25-CBK-R-S4800個/箱25ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 25µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile129918444.15
愛思進AXYGENRRF-25-C-R-S4800個/箱25ul透明適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 25µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile124858115.25
愛思進AXYGENRRP-200-CBK-R4800個/箱200ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,液位感應,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 200µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile129918444.15
愛思進AXYGENRRP-200-C-R4800個/箱FX200ul機械臂吸頭,盒裝濾芯滅菌吸頭,10 盒 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile111007215
愛思進AXYGENRRP-200-C-R-S4800個/箱200ul透明適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile134488741.2
愛思進AXYGENRRP-20-C-R4800個/箱20ul透明適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile111007215
愛思進AXYGENRRP-50-CBK-R4800個/箱50ul黑色適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile129918444.15
愛思進AXYGENRRP-50-C-R4800個/箱50ul透明適配PerkinElmer? Janus?/MultiProbe機械臂吸頭,未滅菌 Automation Tips for PerkinElmer® Janus®/MultiProbe, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile111007215

5/10mL Blue Screw-Caps, 250 Caps Per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
Sterile Brown Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Sterile Blue Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Sterile Clear Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCO-FY4000個/箱透明無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Fluorescent Yellow, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8
Sterile Grey Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes.100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Sterile Green Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCO-IV4000個/箱透明無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, ivory, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-K4000個/箱透明無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, khaki, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LB4000個/箱透明無環螺口蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子,滅菌 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, light blue, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LP-B4000個/箱藍色帶環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Blue, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.46243005.6
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LP-C4000個/箱透明帶環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Clear, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LP-O4000個/箱橘色帶環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Orange, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.46703035.5
愛思進AXYGENSCO-LP-Y4000個/箱黃色帶環螺旋離心管蓋,帶O型環,聚丙烯 Microcentrifuge Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, Yellow, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.46703035.5
Sterile Orange Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Sterile Pink Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.

Sterile Red Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCO-TG4000個/箱無菌粉色螺口蓋,帶O型環,適配0.5ml,1.5ml和2.0ml管子 Microcentrifuge Non-Looped Screw Caps, with O-rings, transparent green, Polypropylene, 500 Caps/Unit, 8 Units/Case.44542895.1
Sterile Violet Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes.100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Sterile White Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
Yellow Sterile Screw Caps with O-rings. Fits 0.5mL, 1.5mL and 2.0mL Tubes. 100 Caps Per Bag. 5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-A-S4000個/箱0.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,藍色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,滅菌 0.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86975653.05
0.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Blue Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-C-S4000個/箱0.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,藍色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,滅菌 0.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.81175276.05
0.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Green Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.

0.5mL Conical Bottom Maxymum Recovery Screw Cap Tubes and Clear Caps with O-rings, 500 Tubes and Caps Per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Orange Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Red Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-A-S4000個/箱0.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 0.5mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86985653.7
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Blue Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-C4000個/箱0.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,透明蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.67634395.95
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-C-NA4000個/箱0.5ml透明螺口帶蓋離心管,可立,帶O型環,DNA儲存 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Caps with O-rings, Clear, self standing, DNA storage81155274.75
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-G4000個/箱.5ml螺口超低吸附帶蓋離心管,紅色蓋,可立,帶O型環,滅菌 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Green Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Green Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Orange Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-050-SS-R4000個/箱.5ml螺口超低吸附帶蓋離心管,紅色蓋,可立,帶O型環,滅菌 0.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Red Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Red Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached White Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Yellow Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Yellow Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
0.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Orange Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps per Bag, 5 Bags per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-10ML1000個/箱10ml螺口透明運輸管,可立,未滅菌 10mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube with Blue Cap, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes and Caps/Case.1190773.5
10mL SCT w O-R C, C, S,29241900.6
10mL Sterile Self Standing Screw-Cap Tube with Green Cap, 25 Tubes and Caps Per Unit, 20 Units/Case.
10mL Sterile Self Standing Screw-Cap Tube with Orange Cap, 25 Tubes and Caps Per Unit, 20 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-A4000個/箱1.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Non-Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.77475035.55
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-A-S4000個/箱0.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86975653.05
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Blue Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-C4000個/箱1.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,透明蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.66964352.4
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-G4000個/箱1.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,綠色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Green Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Green Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Clear Looped Caps with O-rings. 500 Tubes and Caps Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Orange Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Red Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-A4000個/箱1.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Color Cap, Non-Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.76714986.15
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Blue Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-C-NA4000個/箱1.5ml透明螺口帶蓋離心管,可立,帶O型環,DNA儲存 1.5mL Screw Cap Tubes and Caps with O-rings, Clear, self standing, DNA storage81155274.75
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-GR4000個/箱1.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,灰色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Grey Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Green Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-O4000個/箱1.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,橘色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Orange Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-P4000個/箱1.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,粉色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Pink Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Pink Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Red Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-SS-V4000個/箱1.5ml螺口帶蓋離心管,紫色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Violet Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached White Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Self Standing Amber Screw Cap Tubes and Brown Caps with O-rings, 500 Tubes and Caps Per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile, Self Standing Amber Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Brown Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Violet Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-150-Y4000個/箱1.5ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,黃色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Yellow Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
1.5mL Sterile, Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Yellow Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
15mL Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 50 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-A-S4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Color Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86115597.15
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-B4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,藍色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Blue Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-BR4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,棕色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Brown Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-C4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,透明蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.66964352.4
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-C-S4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,透明蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.81975328.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-A4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Color Cap, Non-Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.76714986.15
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-A-S4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,彩色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Assorted Cap, Sterile, 50 Tubes/Bag, 10 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.86115597.15
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-B4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,藍色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Blue Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-BR4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,紫色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Brown Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Blue Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-C-NA4000個/箱2.0ml透明螺口離心管,不帶蓋,可立,DNA儲存 2.0mL Screw Cap Tubes and Caps with O-rings, Clear, Self Standing, DNA Storage81155274.75
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-GR4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,灰色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Grey Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Green Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-O4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,橘色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Orange Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Orange Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-P4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,粉色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Pink Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-R4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,紅色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Red Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Red Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-V4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,紫色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Violet Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05

2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Violet Caps with O-rings, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-W4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,白色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, White Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74244825.6
2.0mL Self Standing Amber Screw Cap Tubes and Brown Caps with O-rings, 500 Tubes and Caps Per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-SS-Y4000個/箱2.0ml螺口帶蓋離心管,黃色蓋,可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Self Standing Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Yellow Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
2.0mL Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Yellow Caps with O-rings.100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENSCT-200-W4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,白色蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, White Cap, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Unit, 8 Units/Case.74974873.05
愛思進AXYGENSCT-45-C-S4000個/箱0.5ml加長錐底螺口帶蓋離心管,透明蓋,不可立,帶O型環,聚丙烯,滅菌 0.5mL Elongated Conical Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tube and Cap, with O-rings, Polypropylene, Clear Cap, Sterile, 100 Tubes and Caps/Bag, 5 Bags/Unit, 8 Units/Case.84385484.7
0.6mL Clear Sterile, Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes and Attached Clear Caps with O-rings. 100 per Bag, 5 Bags per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
50mL Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 50 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 10 Units/Case. .
愛思進AXYGENSCT-5ML1000個/箱5ml螺口帶蓋運輸管,藍色蓋,可立,未滅菌 5mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube with Blue Cap, Clear, Non-Sterile, 1000 Tubes and Caps/Case.974633.1
愛思進AXYGENSCT-5ML-B-S500個/箱5ml螺口帶蓋運輸管,藍色蓋,可立,未滅菌 5mL SCT w/O-R C, C, S,30081955.2
愛思進AXYGENSEPTA-ST-V4000個/箱Slitted Single Septa Cap for Screw Cap Tubes
Slitted Single Septa Cap for Screw Cap Tubes, 500 pCase. per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-0504000個/箱0.5ml螺口無蓋透明離心管 0.5mL Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.21031366.95
愛思進AXYGENST-050-SS-NA4000個/箱0.5ml透明螺口離心管,不帶蓋,可立,DNA儲存 0.5mL Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes w/o caps, Clear, self standing, DNA25491656.85
0.5mL Sterile Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes without Caps.100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-050-X4000個/箱0.5ml錐底螺口無蓋棕色離心管,聚丙烯,未滅菌 0.5mL Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24991624.35
愛思進AXYGENST-10ML4000個/箱10ml螺口透明運輸管,可立,未滅菌 10mL Self Standing Screw Cap Transport Tube, Clear, Non-Sterile, 250 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.1475958.75
愛思進AXYGENST-1504000個/箱1.5ml錐底螺口無蓋透明離心管,聚丙烯,未滅菌 1.5mL Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.21661407.9
1.5mL Sterile Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes without Caps.100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes without Caps.100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-150-SS-NA4000個/箱1.5ml透明螺口離心管,不帶蓋,可立,DNA儲存 1.5mL Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes without Caps, Clear, Self-Standing, DNA storage28861875.9
1.5mL Amber Sterile Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes without Caps. 100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
1.5mL Sterile Amber Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes without Caps. 100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-2004000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口無蓋透明離心管,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.22081435.2
2.0mL Sterile Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes without Caps.100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-200-SS-NA4000個/箱2.0ml透明螺口離心管,不帶蓋,可立,DNA儲存 2.0Ml Conical Bottom Screw Cap Tubes Without Caps, Clear, Self-Standing, Dna Storage26761739.4
2.0mL Sterile Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes without Caps. 100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENST-200-X4000個/箱2.0ml錐底螺口無蓋棕色離心管,聚丙烯,未滅菌 2.0mL Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Amber, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24991624.35
愛思進AXYGENST-454000個/箱0.5ml螺口無蓋透明凍存管,500/,8/ 0.5mL Elongated Conical Screw Cap Tubes Only, Polypropylene, Clear, Non-Sterile, 500 Tubes/Pack, 8 Packs/Case.24701605.5
0.5 mL Sterile Clear Screw Cap Tube, 100 Tubes Per Bag.5 Bags Per Unit. 8 Units/Case.
0.6mL Clear Self Standing Screw Cap Tubes without Caps. 500 Per Unit, 8 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C-L-R5000個/箱1000ul無菌盒裝藍吸頭 1000uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips Bevelled,Clear,Non-Sterile,Rack Pack,100 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.30952011.75
愛思進AXYGENT-1000-C-R5000個/箱1000ul無菌盒裝藍吸頭 1000uL Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.26511723.15
愛思進AXYGENT-1005-WB-C5000個/箱1000ul寬嘴透明吸頭,未滅菌,袋裝 1000uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.1224795.6
愛思進AXYGENT-1005-WB-C-L-R5000個/箱1000ul寬嘴透明超低吸附吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 1000uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips,Wide-Bore,Clear,Non-Sterile,Rack Pack,100 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.35902333.5
愛思進AXYGENT-1005-WB-C-R5000個/箱1000ul盒裝滅菌寬嘴透明吸頭,100支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 1000uL Pipet Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.28491851.85
愛思進AXYGENT-10ML-C2000個/箱10ml透明吸頭,未滅菌,袋裝 10mL Macrovolume Pipet Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 200 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.53933505.45
愛思進AXYGENT-1275-PP1000個/箱12x75mm一次性透明聚丙烯試管,袋裝,未滅菌 Disposable Plastic Test Tube / Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Clear Polypropylene, Bulk Packed, Non-Sterile458297.7
愛思進AXYGENT-1275-PS1000個/箱12x75mm一次性聚苯乙烯培養試管,袋裝,未滅菌 Disposable Plastic Test Tube / Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, Bulk Packed, Non-Sterile458297.7
愛思進AXYGENT-1536-L-R-S19200/箱30ul透明超低吸附吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 30uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 384 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.5199233794.8
愛思進AXYGENT-1536-R19200/箱30ul透明吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 30uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 384 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.3898925342.85
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-L-STK4800個/箱200ul透明超低吸附吸頭,斜嘴,未滅菌,疊裝 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear, Non-Sterile, Stacked Rack25471655.55
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-R4800個/箱200ul黃色吸頭,斜嘴,未滅菌,疊裝 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Hinged Rack, Clear, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.19501267.5
愛思進AXYGENT-200-C-STK4800個/箱200ul黃色吸頭,斜嘴,未滅菌,疊裝 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tip, Bevelled, Clear,Non-Sterile,Stacked Rack,96 Tips/Rack,5 Racks/Stack,10 Stacks/Case.19501267.5
200uL Clear Universal Fit Sterilized Pipet Tips, 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
200uL Yellow Sterile Universal Fit Pipet Tips, 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
200uL Yellow Non-Beveled Universal Fit Pipet Tips, 1000 Tips Per Unit. 20 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L-R4800個/箱0.5-10ul 盒裝滅菌低吸附透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 10uL Maxymum Recovery Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Rack Pack23311515.15
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L-R-P4800個/箱10ul低吸附盒裝吸頭 0.5-10uL Maxymum Recovery Tips for P2/P10, Racked23541530.1
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L-R-S-P4800個/箱10ul低吸附盒裝滅菌吸頭 0.5-10uL Maxymum Recovery Tips for P2/P10, Racked and Sterile27161765.4
愛思進AXYGENT-300-L-STK4800個/箱0.5-10ul透明吸頭,適配Gilson移液器,疊裝 10uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Gilson-Style, Non-Filtered, Clear, Stack Packed24231574.95
0.5-10uL Maxymum Recovery PreSterilized Ultra Micro Pipet Tips for Pipetman®. 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
愛思進AXYGENT-300-R4800個/箱0.5-10ul盒裝透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Rack Pack19111242.15
愛思進AXYGENT-300-R-P4800個/箱10ul盒裝吸頭 0.5-10uL Clear Tips for P2/P10, Racked19301254.5
愛思進AXYGENT-300-R-S-P4800個/箱0.5-10ul盒裝透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 0.5-10uL Clear Tips for P2/P10, Racked and Sterile22271447.55
0.5-10uL PreSterilized Ultra Micro Pipet Tips for Pipetman®. 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C-L10000個/箱300ul細嘴透明超低吸附吸頭,袋裝 300uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Non-Filtered, Clear, Bulk Pack24401586
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C-L-R4800個/箱300ul 盒裝滅菌低吸附透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 300uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Non-Filtered, Clear, Rack Pack26891747.85
愛思進AXYGENT-350-C-L-R-S4800個/箱300ul 盒裝滅菌低吸附透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 300uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Fine-Point, Non-Filtered, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack30481981.2
愛思進AXYGENT-400-L-R4800個/箱10ul帶濾芯無菌盒裝長吸頭 20uLMaxymum Recovery Ultra Micro PipetTips,Non-Filtered,Clear,RackPack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.23311515.15
愛思進AXYGENT-400-R4800個/箱10ul無菌盒裝長吸頭 20uL Ultra Micro PipetTips, Non-Filtered, Clear, RackPack,96 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.19501267.5
愛思進AXYGENTE-1004-B5000個/箱1000ul藍色吸頭,適配Eppendorf移液器,滅菌,盒裝 1000uL Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Blue, Non-Filtered, Bulk Pack, 500 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.1271826.15
愛思進AXYGENTE-1004-B-L-R3456/箱1000ul超低吸附藍色吸頭,適配Eppendorf和Socorex移液器,未滅菌,盒裝 1000uLMaxymum Recovery Eppendorf-StylePipetTips,Blue,Non-Filtered,RackPack,96 Tips/Rack,12 Racks/Pack,3 Packs/Case.36482371.2
愛思進AXYGENTE-1004-B-L-R-S3456/箱1000ul超低吸附藍色吸頭,適配Eppendorf和Socorex移液器,滅菌,盒裝 1000uLMaxymum Recovery Eppendorf-StylePipetTips,Blue,Sterile,Non-Filtered,RackPack,96 Tips/Rack,12 Racks/Pack,3 Packs/Case.39882592.2
愛思進AXYGENTE-1004-B-R3456/箱1000ul藍色吸頭,適配Eppendorf移液器,滅菌,盒裝 1000uLEppendorf-StylePipetTips,Blue,Sterile,Non-Filtered,Rack Pack,96 Tips/Rack,12 Racks/Pack,3 Packs/Case.27491786.85
愛思進AXYGENTE-204-Y10000/箱200ul黃色吸頭,Eppendorf 移液器用,1000支/包,10包/箱 200uL Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Graduated, Yellow, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/ Pack, 10 Packs/Case.23021496.3
愛思進AXYGENTE-204-Y-L-R4800個/箱200ul黃色超低吸附吸頭,適配Eppendorf移液器,帶刻度,盒裝 200uL Maxymum Recovery Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Yellow, Graduated, Non-Filtered, Rack Pack27381779.7
愛思進AXYGENTE-204-Y-L-R-S4800個/箱200ul黃色超低吸附吸頭,適配Eppendorf移液器,滅菌,盒裝 200uL Maxymum Recovery Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Yellow, Sterile, Graduated, Non-Filtered, Rack Pack35782325.7
愛思進AXYGENTE-204-Y-R4800個/箱200ul黃色吸頭,Eppendorf 移液器用,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 200uL Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Graduated, Hinged Rack, Yellow, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.21021366.3
愛思進AXYGENTE-204-Y-R-S4800個/箱200ul黃色吸頭,適配Eppendorf移液器,滅菌,盒裝 200uL Eppendorf-Style Pipet Tips, Graduated, Hinged Racks, Yellow, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Pack/Case.28801872
愛思進AXYGENTF-1005-WB-R-S5000個/箱1000ul盒裝滅菌寬嘴透明吸頭,100支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 1000uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Wide-Bore, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 100 Tips/Rack,10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.66774340.05
100ul Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Filtered Pipet Tips, 1000 Tips Per Unit. 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENTF-1200-C-R-S3456/箱1100ul透明濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 1100uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 12 Racks/Pack, 3 Packs/Case.41922724.8
愛思進AXYGENTF-150-R-S4800個/箱150ul透明濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 150uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.50953311.75
愛思進AXYGENTF-20-L-R-S-P4800個/箱20ul低吸附盒裝滅菌吸頭 20uL Maxymum Recovery Filter Tips for P-20, Racked, Sterile62134038.45
愛思進AXYGENTF-20-R-S-P4800個/箱20ul盒裝滅菌吸頭 20uL Filter Tips for P-20, Racked and Sterile51463344.9
愛思進AXYGENTF-300-L10000/箱0.5-10ul透明超低吸附濾芯吸頭,適配Pipetman P2/P10移液器,袋裝

0.5-10uL Maxymum Recovery Filtered Pipet Tips for Pipetman P2/P10. 1000 Tips Per Unit. 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENTF-350-L-R-S4800個/箱350ul盒裝滅菌低吸附透明濾芯吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 300uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Packed60913959.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-420-R-S4800個/箱0.5-20ul透明超低吸附濾芯吸頭,適配Eppendorf超微量移液器,滅菌,盒裝 20uL Filter Tips for Eppendorf-Style Ultra Micro, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack50953311.75
愛思進AXYGENTF-5010000/箱50ul透明濾芯吸頭,未滅菌,袋裝 50uL Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.73514778.15
愛思進AXYGENTF-50-L-R-S4800個/箱50ul盒裝滅菌透明濾芯吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 50uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack,5 Packs/Case.60913959.15
愛思進AXYGENTGL-10FT-17-R400個/箱10ul平嘴透明上樣吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 10uL Microvolume Gel Loading Pipet Tips, Flat, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 200 Tips/Rack, 2 Racks/Case.26721736.8
愛思進AXYGENTGL-11402500個/箱1.1*4mm透明切膠吸頭,未滅菌,袋裝 11 mm x 4 mm Gel Cutting Pipet Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 250 Tips/Rack, 10 Packs/Case.64964222.4
愛思進AXYGENTGL-1140-R2400個/箱1.1*4mm透明切膠吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 11 mm x 4 mm Gel Cutting Pipet Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 250 Tips/Rack, 10 Packs/Case.114227424.3
愛思進AXYGENTGL-11652500個/箱1.1*6.5mm透明切膠吸頭,未滅菌,袋裝 11 mm x 65 mm Gel Cutting Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Packed, 250 Tips/Pack, 10 Packs/Case.64964222.4
愛思進AXYGENTGL-1165-R2400個/箱1.1*6.5mm透明切膠吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 11 mm x 65 mm Gel Cutting Pipet Tips, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 48 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.114227424.3
愛思進AXYGENTGL-200FT-37-R400個/箱200ul平嘴透明上樣吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 200uL Gel Loading Tips, Flat, Clear, Non-Sterile, Rack Pack, 200 Tips/Rack, 2 Racks/Case.20561336.4
愛思進AXYGENTGL-200FT-37-R-S400個/箱200ul平嘴透明上樣吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 200uL Gel Loading Tips, Flat, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 200 Tips/Rack, 2 Racks/Case.24881617.2
愛思進AXYGENTGL-200RD-57-R-S400個/箱200ul圓嘴透明上樣吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 200uL Gel Loading Pipet Tip, Round, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack, 200 Tips/Rack, 2 Racks/Case.1142742.3
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C20000個/箱200ul透明吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,未滅菌,袋裝 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.34162220.4
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-L-R4800個/箱200ul盒裝帶刻度低吸附透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Rack Pack23311515.15
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-L-STK4800個/箱200ul透明超低吸附吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,未滅菌,疊裝 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Non-Sterile, Stacked Pack27471785.55
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-L-STK-S4800個/箱200ul透明超低吸附吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,滅菌,疊裝 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Sterile, Stacked Pack26501722.5
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-R4800個/箱200ul盒裝透明帶刻度吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Hinged Racks, Clear, Non-Sterile19501267.5
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-C-R-S4800個/箱200ul盒裝滅菌透明帶刻度吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 200uL Maxymum Recovery Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Hinged Racks, Clear, Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.22491461.85
200uL Clear Universal Fit Pipet Tips with Reference Lines. 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
200uL Clear, Maxymum Recovery Sterile Universal Fit Pipet Tips with Reference Lines. 96 Tips/Rack, 5 Racks Per Stack. 10 Stacks Per Case.
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-Y-R4800個/箱200ul盒裝帶刻度黃色吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Hinged Racks, Yellow, 96 Tips/Rack, 10 Racks/Pack, 5 Packs/Case.19501267.5
愛思進AXYGENTR-222-Y-STK4800個/箱200ul黃色吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,未滅菌,疊裝 200uL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Yellow, Non-Sterile, 96 Tips/Rack,5 Racks/Stack,10 Stacks/Case.21231379.95
愛思進AXYGENTR-333-C20000個/箱250ul透明吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,未滅菌,袋裝 ® 250µL Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Non-Sterile, Bulk Pack, 1000 Tips/Pack, 20 Packs/Case.34152219.75
愛思進AXYGENTR-333-C-L-R-S4800個/箱250ul透明超低吸附吸頭,斜嘴,帶刻度,滅菌,盒裝 ® 250µL Maxymum Recovery® Universal Fit Pipet Tips, Bevelled, Graduated, Clear, Sterile, Rack Pack26891747.85
Microtube Support Rack 20x1.5m Red PP (210x75x35mm)625406.25
100 place Microtube Box549356.85
100 place Microtube Box Multi Color Pack591384.15
100 place Microtube Box Blue591384.15
100 place Microtube Box Opaque Black290188.5
愛思進AXYGENTT-1000-CBK-HTR-241536/箱1000ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,未滅菌,Cardboard包裝 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Cardboard Pack, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile65074229.55
愛思進AXYGENTT-1000-CBK-HTR-S1536/箱HT1000 ul機械臂吸頭,黑色導電滅菌吸頭,16盒/箱 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile27241770.6
愛思進AXYGENTT-1000-C-HTR-S1536/箱1000ul透明適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile22701475.5
愛思進AXYGENTT-200-CBK-HTR2304/箱200ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,未滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 200µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile37832458.95
愛思進AXYGENTT-200-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱200ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 200µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile42072734.55
愛思進AXYGENTT-200-C-HTR2304/箱200ul透明適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile31232029.95
愛思進AXYGENTT-200-C-HTR-S2304/箱200ul透明適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile34052213.25
愛思進AXYGENTT-50-CBK-HTR-366912/箱50ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,未滅菌,Cardboard包裝 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Cardboard Pack, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile99406461
愛思進AXYGENTT-50-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱50ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 50µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Non-Filtered, Sterile43922854.8
愛思進AXYGENTT-50-C-HTR-366912/箱50ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,未滅菌,Cardboard包裝 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile94436137.95
愛思進AXYGENTTF-1000-CBK-HTR-S1536/箱1000ul黑色適配Tecan、PerkinElmer機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, PerkinElmer®, 1000µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile31162025.4
愛思進AXYGENTTF-1000-C-HTR-S1536/箱1000ul透明適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 1000µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile27591793.35
愛思進AXYGENTTF-200-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱200ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 175µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile50443278.6
愛思進AXYGENTTF-200-C-HTR-S2304/箱175ul透明適配Tecan機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 175µL, Clear, Sterile41422692.3
愛思進AXYGENTTF-20-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱20ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 20µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile51933375.45
愛思進AXYGENTTF-20-C-HTR-S2304/箱20ul透明適配Tecan機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 20µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile41422692.3
愛思進AXYGENTTF-50-CBK-HTR-S2304/箱50ul黑色適配Tecan機械臂濾芯吸頭,液位感應,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 25µL, Liquid Level Sensing, Filtered, Sterile51933375.45
愛思進AXYGENTTF-50-C-HTR-S2304/箱50ul透明適配Tecan機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌 Automation Tips for Tecan®, 25µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile41422692.3
愛思進AXYGENTXL-1020000/箱0.1-10ul透明加長型吸頭,袋裝 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Long Length, Bulk Pack34492241.85
1000uL Clear Extra Long Aloka Pipet Tips, 500 Tips Per Unit. 10 Units/Case.
愛思進AXYGENTXL-10-L20000/箱10ul透明加長型超低吸附吸頭,袋裝 10uL Maxymum Recovery Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Long Length, Bulk Pack44912919.15
愛思進AXYGENTXL-10-L-R4800個/箱10ul透明加長型超低吸附吸頭,盒裝 10uL Maxymum Recovery Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Clear, Long Length, Rack Pack23311515.15
愛思進AXYGENTXL-10-R4800個/箱0.1-10ul 盒裝加長型吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 10uL Microvolume Pipet Tips, Non-Filtered, Non-Sterile, Clear, Long Length, RackPack19501267.5
愛思進AXYGENTXLF-1010000/箱0.1-10ul加長型濾芯透明吸頭,1000/包,10包/箱 10uL Microvolume, Filter Pipet Tips, Maxymum Recovery®, Clear, Sterile, Long Length, Bulk Pack73514778.15
愛思進AXYGENTXLF-10-L-R-S4800個/箱0.1-10ul盒裝滅菌低吸附加長型透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 10uL Maxymum Recovery Pipet Tips, Filtered, Clear, Sterile, Long Length, Rack Pack62754078.75
愛思進AXYGENVT-20-R4800個/箱20ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 20µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile47663097.9
愛思進AXYGENVT-250-L-R4800個/箱250ul機械臂吸頭(Velocity),96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®59133843.45
愛思進AXYGENVT-250-R4800個/箱250ul機械臂吸頭(Velocity),96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile47663097.9
愛思進AXYGENVT-250-R-LAB4800個/箱250ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝,底部標簽 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Bottom Label52423407.3
愛思進AXYGENVT-250-R-LAB-S4800個/箱250ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝,底部標簽 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Bottom Label54133518.45
愛思進AXYGENVT-250-R-S4800個/箱250ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile52423407.3
愛思進AXYGENVT-255-L-R4800個/箱250ul機械臂吸頭(Velocity),96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250μL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®59133843.45
愛思進AXYGENVT-255-L-R-S4800個/箱250ul機械臂吸頭(Velocity),96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250μL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®84325480.8
愛思進AXYGENVT-255-R4800個/箱250ul機械臂吸頭(Velocity),96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 250μL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile51913374.15
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-10-L-R19200/箱10ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 10µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2235114528.15
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-10UL-R19200/箱10ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 10µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1943512632.75
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-10UL-R-S19200/箱10ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 10µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2137913896.35
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-31-L-R19200/箱30ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2235114528.15
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-31-L-R-S19200/箱30ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®2458615980.9
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-31UL-R-S19200/箱30ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 30µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2137913896.35
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-5-L-R19200/箱5ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 5µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2235114528.15
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-5-L-R-S19200/箱5ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 5µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®2458615980.9
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-5UL-R19200/箱5ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 5µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile1943512632.75
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-70-L-R19200/箱70ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 70µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile, Maxymum Recovery®2235114528.15
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-70-L-R-S19200/箱70ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 70µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®2458615980.9
愛思進AXYGENVT-384-70UL-R-S19200/箱70ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 70µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile2137913896.35
愛思進AXYGENVT-50-R4800個/箱VT-50-R Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile47663097.9
愛思進AXYGENVTF-165-R-LAB-S4800個/箱165ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝,底部標簽 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 165µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Bottom Label66304309.5
愛思進AXYGENVTF-165-R-S4800個/箱165ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 165µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile60283918.2
愛思進AXYGENVTF-205-L-R-S4800個/箱20ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 200μL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®93706090.5
愛思進AXYGENVTF-205-R-S4800個/箱20ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝200ul Clear Pre-Sterilized Filtered Tips for V-Prep. 96 Tips per Rack, 10 Racks per Unit, 5 Units per Case82255346.25
愛思進AXYGENVTF-20-R-S4800個/箱20ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 20µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile60283918.2
愛思進AXYGENVTF-384-15-L-R-S19200/箱15ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 15µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile, Maxymum Recovery®9760763444.55
愛思進AXYGENVTF-384-15UL-R-S19200/箱15ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 15µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile2458615980.9
愛思進AXYGENVTF-384-50UL-R-S19200/箱50ul透明適配Agilent?/Velocity11 VPrep?和Bravo機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for Agilent®/Velocity11 VPrep® and Bravo, 50µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile2458615980.9
愛思進AXYGENZT-100-L-R4800個/箱100ul透明超低吸附適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 100µL, Clear, Maxymum Recovery®, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile47453084.25
愛思進AXYGENZT-100-R4800個/箱100ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂吸頭,未滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 100µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41262681.9
愛思進AXYGENZT-100-R-S4800個/箱100ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 100µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile45392950.35
愛思進AXYGENZT-200-L-R-S4800個/箱200ul透明超低吸附適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 200µL, Clear, Maxymum Recovery®, Non-Filtered, Sterile52213393.65
愛思進AXYGENZT-200-R4800個/箱200ul盒裝機械臂透明吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41262681.9
愛思進AXYGENZT-200-R-S4800個/箱200u盒裝滅菌機械臂透明吸頭,96 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 200µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile45392950.35
愛思進AXYGENZT-50-R4800個/箱盒裝機械臂吸頭,96支/盒,10盒/大盒,5大盒/箱 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Nonsterile41262681.9
愛思進AXYGENZT-50-R-S4800個/箱50ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 50µL, Clear, Non-Filtered, Sterile45392950.35
愛思進AXYGENZTF-100-L-R-S4800個/箱100ul透明超低吸附適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 100µL, Clear, Maxymum Recovery®, Filtered, Sterile60043902.6
愛思進AXYGENZTF-100-R-S4800個/箱100ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 100µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile52213393.65
愛思進AXYGENZTF-200-L-R-S4800個/箱200ul透明超低吸附適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 200µL, Clear, Maxymum Recovery®, Filtered, Sterile60043902.6
愛思進AXYGENZTF-200-R-S4800個/箱200ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 200µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile52213393.65
愛思進AXYGENZTF-50-R-S4800個/箱50ul透明適配RapidPlate?和SciClone?機械臂濾芯吸頭,滅菌,盒裝 Automation Tips for RapidPlate® and SciClone®, 50µL, Clear, Filtered, Sterile52213393.65


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