• Durable
?• DC to 50 GHz
?• Any pitch from 25 to 1250 microns
?• Insertion loss less than 1.0 db
?• Return loss greater than 18 db
?• Measurement repeatability -80db
?• Individually spring loaded contacts
?• BeCu or Tungsten tips available
?• Variety of Footprints
?• Patented coaxial design
?• Available in thirteen styles
?• Custom configurations available
The GGB Industries, Inc., MODEL 50A probe sets new standards in microwave probing performance. Using low loss coaxial techniques, the Model 50A achieves an insertion loss of less than 1.0 db and a return loss of greater than 18 db through 50 GHz.
With its individually spring loaded, Beryllium-Copper or optional tungsten tips, the Model 50A provides reliable contacts, even when probing non-planar structures. This reliable low resistance contact is one of the keys to providing highly repeatable measurements. The Model 50A also provides direct viewing of the probe tips for accurate positioning.
The Model 50A can be mounted in various adaptors (see below) for use with standard microwave probe stations. Custom mounts are available as well.
Any pitch (tip spacing) from 25 to 1250 microns may be specified. The probe can be configured with Ground-Signal-Ground (G,S,G), Ground-Signal (G,S), or Signal-Ground (S,G) tip footprints.
Connection to the Model 50A is through a female 2.4mm connector which is also compatible with the V connector.
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