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1. 什么是磨耗實驗?
2. 主要的測試方法
目前比較普遍采用的三種測試方法是:國標XM一1型磨耗實驗機法(GB/T3903.2-1994)、阿克隆磨耗實驗機法(GB/T1689~1998)和DIN磨耗實驗機法(GB/T9867—1988、ISODIN ISO 4649)。*種方法用帶齒的金屬磨輪垂直壓在試樣上,以一定負荷、一定時間、一定速度,對試樣進行磨耗,測量其磨痕長度,來表示材料的耐磨性能;后兩種方法通過測定試樣在一定條件下,經機械摩擦所產生的磨耗減量,來表示材料的耐磨性能。下面主要介紹DIN磨耗實驗。
3. DIN磨耗實驗
圖1. 磨耗測試儀示意圖Figure 1 — Schematic illustration of apparatus 圖2. 試樣制備空心鉆頭示意圖Figure 2 — Example of a hollow drill for test piece preparation
1. Determination of abrasion resistance
Abrasion resistance is an important index of Rubber, vulcanized orthermoplastic, and closely related with the life span and safety of materials.
Terms and definitions
Abrasion resistance
The resistance to wear by mechanical action upon a surface
Relative volume loss
The volume loss, in cubic millimetres, of the test rubber after being subjected to abrasion by an abrasive sheet which will cause a reference compound to lose a defined mass under the same specified conditions of test
Abrasion resistance index
The ratio of the volume loss of a reference compound to the volume loss of the test rubber measured under the same specified conditions of test and expressed as a percentage
2. Main methods of determining abrasion resistance
The standards include GB/T1689~1998, GB/T3903.2-1994,
GB/T9867—1988,ISODIN ISO 4649. The methods involve determination of the volume loss due to the abrasive action of rubbing a test piece over a specified grade of abrasive sheet. The result can be reported as a relative volume loss or an abrasion resistance index.
3. Experiment
The test apparatus (see Figure 1) consists of a laterally movable test piece holder and a rotatable cylinder to which the abrasive sheet (5.2) is fixed. The cylinder shall have a diameter of and a length of about and shall be rotated at a speed of , the direction of rotation being as indicated in Figure 1. The test piece holder shall have a cylindrical opening, the diameter of which can be adjusted from to and a device for adjusting the length of the test piece protruding from the opening to. The holder shall be mounted on a swivel arm that, in turn, is attached to a sledge that can be moved laterally on a spindle. The lateral displacement of the holder shall be per revolution of the drum (see note 1). Suitable attachments may be provided to rotate the test piece during the test run by rotation of the test piece holder (method B), preferably at the rate of 1 revolution per 50 revolutions of the drum.
Abrasion takes place over one of the end surfaces of the cylindrical test piece (see Figure 1). The abrasive sheet is attached to the surface of a rotating cylindrical drum against which the test piece is held and across which it is traversed. The loss in mass of the test piece is determined and the volume loss is calculated from the density of the material used for the test piece. The volume loss of the test piece is compared to that of a reference compound tested under the same conditions.
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device
英語:Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic –Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drumdevice (ISO 4649:2002)English version of DIN ISO 4649:2006-11
德語:Elastomere oder thermoplastische Elastomere –Bestimmung des Abriebwiderstandes mit einem Ger?t mit rotierender Zylindertrommel(ISO 4649:2002)Englische Fassung DIN ISO 4649:2006-11
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