Model202臭氧分析儀設計用來測量大氣中的臭氧濃度,范圍從1.5 v 到100 ppmv,該儀器使用了已標準的紫外吸收技術@254 nm。儀器具有高的精度,小巧的體積和低功耗。是許多遠程現場監測和城市網絡監測應用的理想工具;也是科學試驗、實驗研究和工藝監測的理想選擇。
MX6復合氣體檢測儀 現貨美國英思科M40四合一氣體檢測儀
TN3紅外測溫儀 fluke 59mini紅外測溫儀 照度計 CENTER337 tx2000 h2氫氣檢測儀 HI93734-01余氯、總氯(Cl2)配套試劑 HI93735-01總硬度配套試劑
3011食品中心溫度計 FD216測氡儀土壤取樣器 HGY2058在線電磁式酸堿濃度計
HGY2018在線PH計 RE5299 旋轉蒸發器 AR3130電子天平 SA1200(P)空氣消毒機
YSI85-10 手提式野外水質測量儀 DO200在線溶解氧測定儀 YSI556MPS型多參數水質檢測儀 3M6800防毒面罩 美國華瑞PGM-2400 四合一復合式氣體檢測儀 YSI3100 電導率儀 HT10S煙氣黑度照相測定儀 正壓式空氣呼吸器 COD-571-1型消解裝置
PPMhtv甲醛檢測儀 AD102檢測卡 DYM3型空盒氣壓表 PROVA5637鉤式接地電阻計
PRM-3040射線檢測儀 美國MSA 10108311歐特防護眼鏡 PGM-1700 硫化氫便攜式氣體檢測儀 MIC-800-CO2便攜式二氧化碳檢測儀 MIC-500-CH4O 甲醇探測器
YSI 550A型便攜式溶氧儀 TES-1360A溫濕度計 GM1357聲級計
PGM-7840復合氣體檢測儀 GDYS-102SJ尿素測定儀 GDYS-101ST鐵測定儀
GDYS-101SC2臭氧測定儀 GDYN-110SA殘毒快速檢測儀(10通道)
GDYS-101SC2臭氧測定儀 D3A激光測距儀
現貨美國英思科M40四合一氣體檢測儀 M40硫化氫傳感器 PGM-7840復合氣體檢測儀 PGM-6208 6合一氣體檢測儀 FGM-1100 IR 可燃氣在線監測儀
PRM-1200(DoseRAE 2)射線檢測儀 FGM-3300 環氧乙烷(ETO)氣體檢測儀
M40一氧化碳傳感器 M40氧氣傳感器 PGM-1600可燃氣體儀
Model202臭氧分析儀設計用來測量大氣中的臭氧濃度,范圍從1.5 v 到100 ppmv,該儀器使用了已標準的紫外吸收技術@254 nm。儀器具有高的精度,小巧的體積和低功耗。是許多遠程現場監測和城市網絡監測應用的理想工具;也是科學試驗、實驗研究和工藝監測的理想選擇。
&bull 遠程監控網絡
&bull 氣球和飛行器攜帶測量
&bull 城市網絡監控
&bull 個體暴露量測量和工作場所監測
&bull 工業工藝應用
測量原理:254 nm紫外吸收技術
量程:1.5 v到100 ppmv ;三擋量程自動換擋:0~999.9ppb;1000~9,999ppb和10,000~99,999ppbv,
測量間隙:10 秒(平均選項:10s,1 min,5 min,1 hr)
流量:約1 l/min
數據儲存:20480行(每10s 儲存一個數據平均可達2.4 天,每5 分鐘可達2.4 月;每小時則2.4年)
數據輸出:RS-232,0-2.5V DC 模擬,LCD顯示
數據輸入:3 通道,0-2.5 V DC
電源:12 V DC,4.0 W
尺寸:9 cm x 21 cm x 29 cm
重量:2.1kg- 僅0.7 kg
The 2B Technologies Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is designed to enable accurate and precise measurements of ozone ranging from low (precision of ~1 ) up to 100,000 (0-100 ppm) based on the well established technique of absorption of UV light at 254 nm. The Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is light weight (4.7 lb., 2.1 kg.) and has a low power consumption (12V DC, 0.33 amp, 4.0 Watt) relative to conventional instruments and is therefore well suited for applicatio uch as:Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, RPVs and light aircraft where space and weight are highly limitedLong-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limitedUrban arrays of ground-based detectorsPersonal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air pollutantsEnvironmental health and safety monitoringLaboratory studies of the effects of ozone exposure on materials and organisms
The Model 202 has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent MethodOptionsFlash Card Memory for virtually unlimited, portable data storageGPS for continuous logging of latitude, longitude and altitudeRechargeable metal hydride battery provides 12 hr of continuous operationExternal particle filterSerial-to-USB adapterRotary vane air pump for low temperature and quiet operationExternal air pump for long pump life
System IncludesModel 202 Ozone MonitorAC Power Adapter (100-240 VAC to 12 VDC) with Country-Specific PlugCigarette Lighter Adapter Battery Wire ConnectorZeroing CartridgeOperation Manual on CDCalibration Data and NIST-Traceable Calibration CertificateInstrument Birth CertificateOne Year Warranty
Measurement Principle | UV Absorption at 254 nm |
Linear Dynamic Range | 1.5 to 250 ppm |
Resolution | 0.1 |
Precision (1σ; rms noise) | Greater of 1.5 or 2% of reading |
Accuracy | Greater of 1.5 or 2% of reading |
Limit of Detection (2σ) | 3.0 |
NIST-Traceable Calibration | Yes |
Measurement Interval | 10 s (Data averaging options: 10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr) |
Flow Rate (nominal) | ~1 Liter/min |
Flow Rate Requirement | >0.6 L/min |
Baseline Drift |
<2 /day <5 /year |
Sensitivity Drift |
<1%/day <3%/year |
Measurement Time, Frequency | 10 s, 0.1 Hz |
Response Time, 98% of Step Change | 20 s, 2 points |
Averaging Times | 10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr |
Data Storage | 14,336 lines (10 s avg. = 1.4 days; 5 min avg = 1.4 mo.) |
Ozone Units | ppb, ppm, pphm, µg m-3, mg m-3 |
Pressure Units | mbar, torr |
Temperature Units | °C, K |
T and P Corrected | Yes |
Operating Temperature Range | 0 to 50 °C; -20 to 50 °C with low temperature modifications (rotary vane pump and lamp heater) |
Operating Altitude Range | ~0-30 km (~30-1000 mbar) |
Power Requirement; Supplied by battery or 110/220 VAC Power Pack | 12 V dc or 120/240 V ac, 335 mA, 4.0 watt (2.9 watt with cell heater unplugged) |
Size | 3.5 x 8.5 x 11 inches (9 x 21 x 29 cm) |
Weight | 4.7 lb (2.1 kg); 1.6 lb (0.7 kg) without instrument case |
Data Logger Capacity | 14,336 lines (10 s avg. = 1.4 days; 1 min avg = 10 days; 5 min avg = 1.4 mo; 1 hr avg = 1.6 yr |
Analog Inputs for Internal Logging of Other Instruments | 3 Analog Inputs, 0-2.5 V; For example could log external T, P and RH |
Data Outputs | RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, LCD Display; External USB Converter: (Optional 4-20 mA Current; request quote) |
Data Transfer Baud Rates | 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200 |
Output Ranges | User Defined Scaling Factor in Menu |
DewLine™ | Yes |
Backup Air Pump | Yes |
Flow Meter | Yes |
Options | GPS, Flash Card Memory, 4-20 mA Current Output; Lamp Heater; Rotary Vane Air Pump; Long-Life External Air Pump; Rack Mount Case |
Upgradable to Model 205 Dual Beam | Yes |