工作電源: AC220V
Pressure Gauges
YEJ系列矩形膜盒壓力表簡 介
Brief Introduction:
YEJ-101 model rectangular membrane case pressure meter is applicable to measure micro-pressure and negative pressure of neutral gases without danger of explosion, which cause no erosive attack on copper alloy.
It is also applicable to measure micro-pressure and negative pressure of neutral gases without danger of explosion in boiler draft equipments, which cause no erosive attack on copper alloy. In addition, it has a function of dual two-position adjustment (message sent by dual line), so as to realize position
- 精確度等級:2.5級
- 使用環境條件:-20~60℃(YEJ-121為0~50℃),相對濕度不大于85%,且震動和被測介質的急劇脈動應對儀表正常工作無明顯影響
- 電氣指標:(YEJ-121型)
位式輸出接點容量:交流無感負載3A 220V
工作電源: AC220V
消耗電源:小于5W - 壓力接口:Φ8(配用內徑Φ6軟管)
Principal technical parameters
- Accuracy: 2.5 grades
- Environmental condition in use: -20~+60oC, with relative
- humidity not greater than 85% and no vibration and pulse
- of tested medium greater enough to make obvious be
- impacted on the instrument from normal working.
- Electric indicator: (YEJ-121 model)
- Specification error: less than 2.5% of whole scale
Contact rating of digital output: 3A 220V (AC non
inductive load)
Operational power supply: AC220V
power supply: less than 5W - Compression interface: Φ8 (with flexible pipe of Φ6 in
- minor diameter matched)

標記示例:YEJ-101B 產品電腦編碼0070093400
Mark example: the product computer code for YEJ-101B is 0070093400.
For more information of stainless steel rectangular theca box pressure meter without setting, The product computer codeplease see the “Guide for type selection of rectangular theca box series instruments and meters”
測量范圍 Meaduring range (Pa)
壓力Pressure | 真空Vacuum | 壓力真空(聯程) Pressure vacuum (linkage) |
0~160 | -160~0 | -80~+80 |
0~250 | -250~0 | -120~+120 |
0~400 | -400~0 | -200~+200 |
0~600 | -600~0 | -300~+300 |
0~1000 | -1000~0 | -500~+500 |
0~1600 | -1600~0 | -800~+800 |
0~2500 | -2500~0 | -1200~+1200 |
0~4000 | -4000~0 | -2000~+2000 |
0~6000 | -6000~0 | -3000~+3000 |
0~10000 | -10000~0 | -5000~+5000 |
0~16000 | -16000~0 | -8000~+8000 |
0~25000 | -25000~0 | -12000~+12000 |
0~40000 | -40000~0 | -20000~+20000 |
0~60000 | -60000~0 | -30000~+30000 |

產品電腦編碼 | 型號 | 產品名稱 |
50093400 | YEJ-101 | 矩型膜盒壓力表 Rectangular theca box pressure meter |
70093400 | YEJ-101B | 不銹鋼矩形膜盒壓力表 Stainless steel rectangular theca box pressure meter |
60093400 | YEJ-121 | 矩型膜盒壓力表 Rectangular theca box pressure meter |
訂貨須知Orering Information
Ordering instructions: The product computer code ,types, names, accuracy grades, and measuring ranges .must be clearly noted. In case of special requirements, technical requirements shall be clearly noted specifications on the back of the order on ordering goods.