The telescopic spray booth is a practical advanced env ironmental protect ion coating equi pment specially developed to solvethe difficulty of moving large workpieces. It consists of a paint mist purification device, a closed (or semi-closed) telescopic .moving front chamber, and an activated carbon exhaust gas purifier..
The overall frame transmission structure. Each group of frames has a high-strength f I ame-retardant and stretch-resistant doub I elayer PVC cloth sealed connect ion. Quick installation and beautiful appearance.
The telescopic front room is driven on both sides. Operation in inter locking mode, front and rear safety limit control,the rails laid along the ground can be moved freely before and after, and the mechanical operation is safe and stable. Shr ink andclose them together, make room for other production, and use multiple spaces. The paint mist dust device can be used in wet, dryor s imu Itaneous use.
In short, the telescopic spray booth has an economical footprint. The low cost of manufacture, low operating cost, high pu-rification eff iciency, convenient use and maintenance, and beautiful appearance are the main products of our company and have beenwell received by customers.