外部空氣由管道經過等離子裝置時和中性粒子組成。等離子分為平衡等離子和非平衡等離子,低溫等離子體主要由氣體放電產生氣體經過等離子氣體凈化裝置的反應器區域時,等離子體中的活性自由基要可以有效的破壞各種病毒、組菌中的核酸,蛋白質,使其不能進行正常的代謝和生物合成,從面導致其死亡。在高能電子和自由基強氧化等多重作用下,氣體中的有機物分子鏈被斷開,發生一系列復雜的氧化還原反應,生產C02、H20等無害物質,正負離子可以清新空氣。另外,借助等離子體中的離子物體的凝并作用,可以對小至亞微米級的細微顆粒物(0. 1-0. 3微米)進行有效的收集。在經過光氧催化段,進行氧化還原反應,利用特制的高能高臭UV紫外線光束照射廢氣,裂解工業廢氣,臭氧是一種強氧化劑,也是的光譜高效殺菌消毒劑。臭氧比氧分子多了一個活躍的氧原子,化學性質特別活躍。其強大氧化性,既可以氧化分解有機物,也可以分解無機物,對主要臭氧氨、三甲胺,甲苯、二甲苯、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二硫化碳、苯乙烯都可以裂解。在臭氧的作用下,這些有機污染物由大分子物質被分解為小分子物質,沒有任何有毒殘留,不會形成二次污染,被譽為“最清潔的氧化劑和消毒劑”,在特定被長的高能UV紫外線的照射下產生催化作用,使周圍的水分子及空氣激發生成活性的自由基、臭氧等。這些基團氧化能力很強,能裂解氧化噴漆廢氣中揮發性有機物質分子鏈,改變物質結構,將高分子污染物質裂解、氧化為低分子無害物質,其去除效率可達99%。
The external air consists of a pipe| ine passing through a plasma device and neutral particles. The plasma is divided into balanced plasmaand non-equilibrium plasma. When the low-temperature plasma is mainly generated by gas discharge through the reactor region of the plasma gaspurification device, the active radicals in the plasma can effectively destroy various viruses and bacteria. Nucleic acids, proteins, make themunable to undergo normal metabolism and biosynthesis, leading to their death. Under the multiple actions of high-energy electrons and strongradical oxidation, the molecular chain of organic molecules in the gas is broken, and a series of complex redox reactions occur, produc ingnon-hazardous substances such as C02 and H20,and positive and negative ions can clean the air. In addition, by the coagulation of ionic ob
jects in the plasma, it is possible to efficiently collect fine particles (0.1-0.3 μm) as small as submicron. In the photoox idation catalyticsection,the redox reaction is carried out,and the exhaust gas is irradiated by a special high-energy and high-odor UV ultraviolet light beamto crack the industrial waste gas. The ozone is a strong oxidant, and is also recognized as a spectrum efficient disinfectant in the world.
0zone than oxygenThe molecule has an active oxygen atom and is particularly chemically active. Its strong oxidizing property can not only oxi-dize and decompose organic matter, but also decompose inorganic substances. It can crack mainly ozone ozone, tr imethyIamine, toluene, xy lene,methyI mercaptan, methyI sulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene. Under the action of ozone, these organic pollutants are decomposed into smallmo I ecular substances by macr omolecular substances, without any toxic residues, and will not form secondary pol lution. It is known as "the
cleanest oxidant and disinfectant” and is long in specific The high-energy UV light catalyzes the excitation of surrounding water molecules andair to generate highly active free radicals, ozone, and the like. These groups have strong oxidizing ability, can crack the molecular chain ofvolatile organic substances in the oxidized paint exhaust gas, change the structure of the material, crack and oxidize the pol ymer pollutantsinto low molecular harmless substances, and the removal efficiency can reach 99%.