污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 8.9 mL
Bottle Assembly, Polycarbonate, 500 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 32 mL
Bottle, with Cap Assembly, Polycarbonate, 10.4 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 1.0 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 4 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 3.5 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 10 mL
Bottle, Assembly, Polycarbonate, 70 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 10 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 3 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 3 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 10.5 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 81 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 3.5 mL
Bottle Assembly, Polycarbonate, 70 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 3.5 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 10.5 mL
Bottle, with Cap Assembly, Polycarbonate, 26.3 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 5.9 mL
Bottle Assembly, Polycarbonate, 26.3 mL
Tube, Thinwall, Polyallomer, 2.2 mL
Tube, Thinwall, Ultra-Clear™, 800 L
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Ultra-Clear™, 6.0 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 500 L
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Ultra-Clear™, 27 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 8 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 10 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Ultra-Clear™, 5.1 mL
Tube, with Snap-On Cap, Polyethylene, 250 L
Bio-Vial™, Tube, Polypropylene, 4 mL
Stack, Four-Shelf Side Loader試管架
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 50 mL
Tube, with Snap-On Cap, Polycarbonate, 50 mL
Tube, Thinwall, Ultra-Clear™, 15.0 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 1.2 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 6.0 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 3.5 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 5.1 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 4.7 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 36.2 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 3.2 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 5.1 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 4.9 mL
Tube, Thinwall, Polyallomer, 15.0 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 3.3 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 32.4 mL
Tube, OptiSeal™, Polyallomer, 11.2 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 27 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™konical™Polyallomer8mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 28 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 1.5 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 3.9 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 8.5 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 4 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 1.3 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 23 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 3 mL
Tube, Thinwall,konical™, Polyallomer, 1.5 mL
Tube, Thinwall,konical™, Polyallomer, 10 mL
Tube, Thinwall,konical™, Polyallomer, 14.5 mL
Tube, Thinwall,konical™, Polyallomer, 25 mL
Tube, Thinwall,konical™, Polyallomer, 30 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™,konical™, Polyallomer, 3.2 mL
Tube, with Snap-On Cap, Polypropylene, 50 mL
Tube, with Snap-On Cap, Polypropylene, 1.5 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 4.2 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 2.0 mL
g-Max Kit, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 15 mL
Bottle, Polycarbonate, 10.4 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 81 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 32 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polycarbonate, 4 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 4.2 mL
Tube, Thickwall, Polyallomer, 6.5 mL
Tube, Quick-Seal™, Polyallomer, 17 mL
暫無信息 |
簡要描述:康寧Corning Stripettor Plus 電動移液器,舒適、輕巧,可適配大多數品牌的移液管。速度可通過儀器背部的控制輪來調節,抽吸可通過壓敏按鈕準確操控。
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 容量 | 100ml |
通道數 | 單道 | 自動程度 | 電動移液器 |
價格區間 | 面議 | 儀器種類 | 單道移液器 |
產地類別 | 進口 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,生物產業,制藥 |
康寧Corning Stripettor Plus 電動移液器
新的康寧Corning Stripettor Plus電動移液器舒適、輕巧,可適配大多數品牌的移液管。速度可通過儀器背部的控制輪來調節,抽吸可通過壓敏按鈕準確操控。Stripettor Plus電動移液器附帶墻壁掛鉤、充電底座和備用濾芯。充滿電后,大容量鋰離子電池可連續移液長達4.5小時。電池指示燈會顯示何時需要充電,Stripettor Plus在充電時也可使用。移液器可臥放于充電底座上(移液管插入時也可)。
1. 充分考慮使用者的舒適度,人性化設計
2. 包括墻壁掛鉤、充電底座、充電電源和備用濾芯
3. 可變速度范圍和壓敏控制按鈕
4. 進行放液或緩慢“重力”放液的設定
5. 與1mL到100mL的吸管適配
6. 包括疏水性PTFE0.2um濾芯
7. 在*高設定下快速抽吸:2.5秒內*快能抽吸25mL
8. 鋰離子電池確保4.5小時的連續使用
康寧Corning Stripettor Plus 電動移液器
貨號 | 描述 | 電壓 | 個/盒 |
4090 | StripettorTM Plus附帶三個0.2um濾芯、墻壁掛鉤和充電底座 | 120V,50/60Hz | 1 |
4091 | StripettorTM Plus附帶三個0.2um濾芯、墻壁掛鉤和充電底座 | 230V,50/60Hz,歐標插頭 | 1 |
4092 | StripettorTM Plus附帶三個0.2um濾芯、墻壁掛鉤和充電底座 | 230V,50/60Hz,英標插頭 | 1 |
貨號 | 描述 | 個/盒 |
4094 | PTFE可高壓蒸汽滅菌濾芯,0.2um | 5 |
4091 | PTFE可高壓蒸汽滅菌濾芯,0.45um | 5 |
4092 | 硅樹脂移液器支架 | 1
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