the method of determination of the accumulation Angle of particle material is stipulated in the standard.It is suitable for the determination of natural accumulative Angle and dynamic accumulation Angle of the particle material of 0 ~ 50mm for continuous conveying equipment.
under certain experimental conditions, test the natural accumulation Angle and dynamic accumulation Angle, to determine the The flow level and calculate the internal friction factor of the material.
四.參數要求: Parameters
粒度小于6mm 的物料采用堆積角、逆止角測定儀進行測定
Particle size less than 6mm of the material using the accumulation angle, reverse angle instruments for measuring.
Vibration platform: the use of magnetic vibration mode; half wave mode maximum amplitude of 0.5mm, frequency of 0-250Hz- can be adjusted arbitrarily.
堆積平板Stacked plate:直徑iameter1M
The distance between the feed opening and the plate is 250mm which is adjustable, the feed opening diameter is 50mm, barrel inner diameter: 300mm