DL系列帶式過濾機是一種機構新穎、體積小、操作簡便靈活,節能、高效、密封公 作,適合性強的多用途過濾設備,它廣泛適應于化工、涂料、油漆、食品等行業。
D L series bag filter is a new structure,small size,easy,operation and flexible, energy efficient sealing work adaptable multipurpose filtration equipment ,it is widely used in chemical ,coatings,paints ,food and other industries。
產品特點: 改種過濾機是一種壓力式過濾裝置,待濾液在泵的作用下,濾液通過所需精度等級 的濾袋能夠獲得合適的濾液。該機更換濾袋十分方便,過濾基本無料消耗。該機有單機 過濾,雙機過濾,并可配套輸送泵組裝在移動式推車上。過濾機濾袋保護網均為不銹鋼 制作,材質有碳鋼、不銹鋼、塑料等,供過濾不同介質的用戶選擇。
To filter is a kind of pressure filter device, the filtrate under the action of a pump, the filtrate through the required accuracy level of the filter bag can obtain proper filtrate.The machine to replace the filter bag is very convenient, without the basic filter material consumption. This machine has a single filter, dual tiltration dual and supporting the pumpassembly in a mobile cart. Filter bag protecting net is made of stainless steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, plastic materials, filter medium for different user selection.
適用范圍: 油脂、石油化工、制藥、農業、油漆、涂料、食品、化纖、廢水中的固液精密過濾。
Oil, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, agriculture, paints, coatings, food, chemical, was tewater solid-liquid microfiltration.