大鼠淋巴細胞因子elisa*The E-Z 96? Mag-Bind? Tissue RNA Kit provides a novel technology for total RNA isolation from plant and animal tissues. This kit allows the rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality total cellular RNA from a wide variety of tissues. Samples are first lysed in a specially formulated buffer and then proteins and DNA are precipitated. The Supertanent is combined with magentic beads and after a couple of quick wash steps pure RNA is eluted. Unlike column-based systems, the binding of nucleic acids to magnetic partciles occurs in solution, resulting in increased binding kinetics and binding efficiency. Particles are also completly re-suspended during the wash steps of the purification protocol, which enhances contact with the wash buffer and removal of contaminants and increasing nucleic acid purity. E.Z.N.A.? Mag-Bind? Tissue RNA procedure can be automated with most robotic workstations。