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更新時間:2018-07-24 09:59:24瀏覽次數:412次

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聯系人:李蘇浙 (銷售)


天之尚廢氣處理設備公司,擁有15年以上經驗的專業設計團隊,可根據您實際情況量身定制.天之尚環保制造的廢氣處理設備,質保1年,1年內免費;廢氣處理設備公司 就選天之尚建湖縣噴漆房丨東臺印刷車間廢氣治理



    如果待處理有機廢氣的溫度在大約300℃以上時,是不適合采用蓄熱式系統(RTO)的,這是因為高溫的待處理有機廢氣會大大降低換向閥的可靠性和壽 命;另外,在這樣高的溫度時,建造RTO的高成本也不足以抵消在節省燃料和電力消耗所帶來好處。如果待處理有機廢氣的溫度超過500℃,采用熱回收式焚燒 系統不如采用直燃式焚燒系統,因為在燃料消耗的差距太小,不足以抵消增加的熱回收器帶來的投資成本。建湖縣噴漆房丨東臺印刷車間廢氣治理




    可以基于上述的原則選擇適合您的有機廢氣處理系統,如果兩種或更多型式的氧化器都適合您使用,讓我們為您做一個基于一次型投資成本和設備的運行成本 (催化劑、燃料和電力費用)的詳細經濟分析,以幫助你做出一個好的的選擇。有機廢氣的排放流量,如果待處理有機廢氣的流量是在5000Nm3/h以下,蓄熱式系統(RTO)大體來說是不適用的。這是因為與熱回收式焚燒系統來比較,蓄熱式氧化器(RTO)的高成本大體上是不足以抵消它在節省燃料和電力消耗所帶來好處。


    洗滌塔由塔體、塔板、再沸器和冷凝器組成。在使用過程中再沸器一般用蒸汽加熱,冷凝器用循環水導熱。在使用前應建立平衡,即通入較純的產物組分用蒸汽和冷凝水調節其蒸發量和回流量,使其能在塔板上積累一定厚度液體,當混合氣體組分通入時就能迅速起到洗滌作用。在使用過程中要控制好一個液位,兩個溫度和 兩個壓差等幾個要點。即洗滌塔液位,氣體進口溫度,塔頂溫度,塔間壓差(洗滌塔進口壓力與塔頂壓力之差),冷凝器壓差(塔頂與冷凝器出口壓力之差)。建湖縣噴漆房丨東臺印刷車間廢氣治理








??? (1)復合光催化泡沫鎳網+森林之源干式異味控制技術,*地降低有機氣體成分濃度和消除有機氣體臭味;

??? (2)*被鎳金屬牢牢鑲嵌,不易脫落,保證使用效果;

??? (3)金屬鎳網三維網狀結構,比表面積大,通透性能好,有一定強度,易于加工安裝,確保通風量正常;

??? (4)中和脫臭,*的干式脫臭技術;

??? (5)脫臭產品天然無腐蝕性、不易燃易爆;

??? (6)設備阻力小,系統動力消耗低;

??? (7)設備結構極其簡單,維護方便,復合光催化泡沫鎳網清洗后循環使用。







??? 復合光催化泡沫金屬*納米復合技術,整合納米光觸媒材料與泡沫鎳的優良特性,在泡沫鎳基體上均勻負載一定量的納米TiO2而獲得的一種負載型光催化功能材料。TiO2光催化氧化是活性羥基(?OH)和其他活性氧化類物質(?O2-,?OOH ,H2O2)共同作用的結果。在TiO2表面生成的?OH基團反應活性很高,具有高于有機物中各類化學鍵能的反應能,加上?O2-,?OOH ,H2O2活性氧化類物質的協同作用,能迅速有效地分解有機物。


??? 森林之源Vaportek臭味去除技術采用由三十多種天然植物提取液制成的臭味去除劑,該植物提取液包裹在單向透析膜(世界)中使用,由于透析膜具有單向滲透作用,在將Vaportek植物提取液除臭味粒子均勻分布于膜片表面,并利用空氣對流動力帶出而迅速消除臭味的同時,不會吸入外在的其它物質,永葆植物提取液的天然性。

??? 進入空氣中的除臭微粒子可迅速主動捕捉空氣中的臭味氣體分子,并將臭味粒子包裹住。而常見的臭氣分子大多為小分子有機物(酯類、醇類、芳烴類等),同時也包括部分無機小分子如臭氧、氨、硫化氫、碳氫類等,它們通常在嗅覺細胞表面活性較高,刺激性較強,即使在各臭氣成分濃度均達標排放的前提下,仍然具有*的嗅覺污染能力,也就是具有通常所說的低污染濃度、高臭氣強度的特性。VAPORTEK粒子為天然油性脫臭分子,該粒子通過分子間非極性相互作用與臭氣分子發生非共價結合,從而大大穩定該類分子,降低其活性與刺激性。進而,由于結合后比重的增加,通過沉降作用解決。此過程既不同于化學反應過程而生成第三種物質,也不同于掩蓋作用,不會造成二次污染,可*去除臭味。














If the flow to be processed is below 5000Nm3/h, the regenerative system (RTO) is generally not applicable. This is because the high cost of the regenerative oxidizer (RTO) is generally inadequate to counteract the benefits of saving fuel and power consumption compared with the thermal incineration system. When the flow rate is greater than 50000Nm3/h, the thermal and thermal incineration system has serious economic drawbacks, because they will generate very high fuel costs. However, if a large amount of heat energy is needed in the process, a two level heat boiler can be used to offset high fuel costs, and the other is an emergency system for dealing with large flow of waste gas with little operation every year.


If the temperature of the waste gas is treated above 300 degrees centigrade, it is not suitable for the use of the regenerative system (RTO), which is because the high temperature treatment of the organic waste gas will greatly reduce the reliability and life of the reversing valve; in addition, at such a high temperature, the height of the construction of the RTO is not enough to offset the fuel and power consumption. The benefits are brought. If the temperature of the waste gas is over 500, the heat recovery incineration system is not better than the direct combustion system, because the gap between fuel consumption is too small and it is not enough to offset the investment cost of the increased heat recovery.


Direct fired oxidizer can handle hydrocarbons with the maximum concentration range from 1/1000000000 to pure hydrocarbon vapor. If organic waste gas concentration exceeds 25%, special measures should be taken to prevent tempering from oxidizer to exhaust gas source. The cost of this ability to deal with large range of elastic capacity is the high fuel cost of this type of oxidizer.


Special care must be taken when organic waste gas contains high concentration of organic acids (such as chlorine, fluorine, sulfur and halogen). They will cause serious corrosion to equipment or catalyst poisoning.


When organic waste gas contains tiny particles, special care must also be taken. For example, when the exhaust gas contains oil mist particles, they will gather in the cooler part of the pipeline and oxidizer, so the equipment needs cleaning regularly.

If two or more types of oxiders are suitable for you on the basis of the above principles, let's make a detailed economic analysis based on the cost of the primary investment and the operating cost of the equipment (catalyst, fuel, and electricity) to help you make the best choice. Choose. The discharge volume of organic waste gas, if the volume of organic waste gas to be treated is below 5000Nm3/h, the regenerative system (RTO) is generally not applicable. This is because the high cost of the regenerative oxidizer (RTO) is generally insufficient to counteract the benefits of saving fuel and power consumption compared with the heat recovery incineration system.


Organic waste gas treatment scrubber is a new type of gas purification equipment. It is produced on the basis of a floating packer gas purifier, which is widely used in the pretreatment of industrial waste gas purification, dust removal and so on. The purification effect is very good. Because its working principle is similar to the washing process, it is called scrubbing tower.


The washing tower consists of a tower body, a tray, a reboiler and a condenser. During the operation, the reboiler is usually heated by steam, and the condenser is heated by circulating water. The balance should be established before use, that is, to adjust the amount of evaporation and reflux by using steam and condensate, so that it can accumulate a certain thickness of liquid on the tray. In the course of using, we must control a liquid level, two temperature and two pressure difference and so on several main points. That is, the liquid level of the washing tower, the inlet temperature of the gas, the top temperature of the tower, the differential pressure between the towers (the difference between the inlet pressure of the washing tower and the pressure of the top of the tower), the difference of the pressure of the condenser (the difference between the top and the outlet pressure of the condenser).


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