當前位置:深圳子科生物科技有限公司>>蛋白分子學試劑>>蛋白組學試劑>> 柱式白蛋白/免疫球蛋白清除試劑盒ZIKER
英文名:Spin Albumin and IgG Erasin Kit
由于血清中的血清白蛋白和抗體的含量占血清總蛋白的70%以上,這些蛋白質的存在會嚴重影響血清蛋白質組學的研究,因此去除血清中的白蛋白和抗體是血清蛋白質組學研究的重要前提,本試劑盒主要用于從血清,血漿,脊液中去除人血清白蛋白(HAS)和IgG 抗體,高效的混合樹脂可以去除90%以上的血清白蛋白和抗體,一次性的微型離心管過濾式操作使得整個操作過程更加簡單快捷,,整個操作過程可以在40分鐘內完成,處理過的樣品可以Western blotting, 2D electrophoresis,Mass spectrometry 等實驗. 該試劑盒可以使用25次,每次可以處理10ul 的血清樣品。
柱式白蛋白/免疫球蛋白清除試劑盒ZIKER產品應用:處理過的蛋白樣品可用于Western Blot、2D Electrophoresis、Mass Spectrometry等實驗。該試劑盒可以使用25次,每次可以處理10 ul的血清樣品。
產品組份:混合樹脂; 結合/洗滌液; 離心柱和收集管。
1. 本試劑盒適用于人,猴,豬,兔等的血清,血漿,脊液等樣品。
2. 每340μL樹脂可以結合10 μL血清中大約600 μg 的血清白蛋白和IgG,但是由于不同樣品中含有血清白蛋白和IgG抗體含量差別較大,可以根據需要調整樹脂與血清樣品的比例,以便得到更好的血清白蛋白和IgG抗體去除效果。
3. 血清白蛋白和IgG抗體與樹脂的結合的pH 范圍在6.0-9.0。同時樣品中應該不能夠含有較多的鹽份,如果樣品的NaCl≥500 mM,請事先對樣品進行透析或脫鹽,替換為含鹽量較低的緩沖液,如果樣品中含有其它干擾血清白蛋白和IgG抗體與樹脂的結合的物質,也必須事先對樣品進行透析或脫鹽。
4. 在結合/洗滌液中加入終濃度為~0.01%的Tween-20 或其它類似的去污試劑,可以減少非特異性結合,但是會減少血清白蛋白的結合,有時會影響下游的應用。
5. 本試劑盒只提供25只2mL的收集管,其它的需要自備。
6. 樣品太多,或溫育時間太短,或在溫育的過程中樣品與樹脂沒有充分混合,都會導致血清白蛋白和IgG抗體的去除效率降低。
相關產品如下:BE-202 Bacterial Gram Staining For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-203 Antibiotic Sensitivity & Bacteria Screening For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-204 Isolation & Characterization of Bacteria For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-301 Bacterial Conjugation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-303 Isolate your own Genomic DNA For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-304 Introduction to Agarose Electrophoresis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-305 Polymerase Chain Reaction For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. -20C 6 months
BE-306 Purification of a Gene For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-307 DNA Restriction Digestion Analysis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. -20C 6 months
BE-308 DNA Ligation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. -20C 6 months
BE-309 Bacterial Transformation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-310 Plasmid Isolation (Alkaline Lysis) For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-311 Plasmid Isolation (Solid Particle) For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-312 Expression of a Recombinant Protein For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-313 Genetic Defect Correction with Bacterial Transformation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 6 months
BE-314 Mutation Detection & Analysis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. -20C 6 months
BE-315 Southern Blot Analysis For class demonstration. 4℃ 12 months
BE-316 Onion Genomic DNA Isolation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-317 Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-318 Nucleic Acid Quantification For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. RT 12 months
BE-401 Physical Properties of Proteins For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-402 Assays for Protein Quantification For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-402B Biuret Protein Assay For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. RT 12 months
BE-402C Coomassie Blue Dye Protein Assay For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. RT 12 months
BE-402L Lowry Protein Assay For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. RT 12 months
BE-403 Biodiversity Study & Biomass Analysis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-404 Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Proteins For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-405 Enzyme Analysis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. -20C 12 months
BE-406 Protein Electrophoresis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-407 Protein Structure Analysis For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-408 Protein Fingerprinting For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-409 Conservation of Genetic Information For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-410 Subcellular Fractionation and Protein Distribution For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-411 Protein Folding Study For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-412 Protein Degradation Study For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months
BE-413 Protein Fractionation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. 4℃ 12 months