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閱讀:785          發布時間:2016-8-11


Four, the proper use of glue:

4.1、使用之前搖動容器,使膠水均勻,再實際安裝中,用小罐膠水,以防止其揮發得太快,如有必要,可將大罐 的倒入小罐中使用,不用時將罐口密封。

4.1, shake the container before using, make the glue evenly, then the actual installation, with a small can of glue, to prevent the volatile too quickly, if necessary, can be a big pot in a small tank is used, the jar sealed when not in use.


4.2, with a short, hard brush.


4.3, the material at the ends of the binding surface coated with a thin layer of special glue, uniform.

4.4、膠水的自然干化時間﹡為3—10分鐘,時間的長短取決于膠水的等級、大氣的溫度和濕度,裸露時間超 過20分鐘無效。

4.4, special glue left, natural drying time is 3-10 minutes, the length of time depends on the level of glue, atmospheric temperature and humidity, exposure time over 20 minutes is invalid.

4.5、使用時待膠水自然干化,正確測干方法為“手指觸摸法”,用手指接觸涂膠面,如果手指不會粘在材料表 面,且材料表面無粘手的感覺,就可進行粘接。

4.5, the glue dry naturally, when using the correct dry method for measuring "touching" finger, finger contact coating surface, if the finger will not stick in material table surface, and the material surface without feeling sticky, adhesive could be undertaken.


4.6, only when the adhesive will stick interface of two surface on hold for a while.


4.7, if placed too long, so that the two meet together do not have the sticky surface pressure, so please repeat steps 2-6.


4.8, usually, rubber and plastic special glue can apply two square meters per kilogram adhesive surface.

4.9、通常,膠水不能在5℃以下使用,當在5℃—10℃的環境下工作時,請將膠水放置在溫度為20℃的室內, 需使用時取出。

4.9, usually, special glue cannot be used under 5 ℃, when in 5 ℃, 10 ℃ under the environment of work, please place the glue on the indoor temperature is 20 ℃, need to use when removed.

4.10、當在有壓力的情況下連接兩材料時,不必等到膠水干化,采用濕粘接法,先將材料放置在安裝處,在材料的 接口處涂上膠水,正確調整兩材料的位置,很快就會按你設計的位置粘接牢固。

4.10, when the stress is connected under the condition of two materials, don't have to wait for the glue dry, wet glue method is used, the materials placed in the first place, in the material outlet coated with glue, properly adjust the position of the two materials will soon be firm bonding of position according to your design.


4.11, check the glue and the protection of antirust paint adhesion between solid iron pipe.


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