◇ 閥體、閥板、閥軸同心結構設計,100%雙向氣泡級密封。
◇ 外型結構緊湊,重量輕,體積小。
◇ 多種標準體系設計制造,適用多種連接法蘭,互換性高。
◇ 采用無銷連接,使介質與金屬*隔離,維護簡便宜行。
◇ 軟靠背設計保證了閥門安裝完畢后不增加扭距。
VATTEN Pneumatic control butterfly valve
VATTENnew generation green butterfly valve has compact structure, unique properties and longer life. Completing with VATTEN pneumatic actuator, positioner. Make the product perfect. It enjoy a good reputation between our world wide customers.
Body, disc, stem concentric design, 100% bi-directional bubble grade seal.
Compact structure, light weight, small size
Different design standard, suitable for many flanges, could be exchanged easily
Adopt no-pin connection, the metal and medium separate totally, maintenance easy.
Soft seal design, ensure no add torque when finish installation
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